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Building Accountable and Democratic Governance Institutions: How is ICT changing information flows in Developing Countries ? Vikas Nath Founding President:

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Presentation on theme: "Building Accountable and Democratic Governance Institutions: How is ICT changing information flows in Developing Countries ? Vikas Nath Founding President:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Accountable and Democratic Governance Institutions: How is ICT changing information flows in Developing Countries ? Vikas Nath Founding President: Initiative Initiative THE ROLE OF NEW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT: BECOMING AN INFORMATION SOCIETY 18 October 2005, Wilton Park Conference, UK

2 Information Access and Information Flows Information ACCESS The different sources available to individuals to seek information. Eg: from other individuals, from institutions, from libraries, public domains and databases. Information FLOWS The supply of information within a society. Eg: Information flows may be ‘restricted’ in some societies and ‘open’ in others.

3 ICT Enhances Information Access ACCESS DIMENSIONS OBSERVATIONSIMPACT SOURCES OF INFORMATION Internet access can be replicated and made available at all places: Villages, Schools, Markets, Post Offices. Sources of information increase. VALIDITY OF INFORMATION Information available across all Internet points and to all Internet users is the same: Opposition parties, Media, Minority Groups, NGOs. Triangulation of information is possible. TIMELINESS OF INFORMATION Information can be accessed at all times and from all places: Rural & Urban Areas. Access to information is instantaneous.

4 ICT Enhances Information Flows FLOWS DIMENSION OBSERVATIONSIMPACT INFORMATION PRODUCTION Internet provides a low-cost avenue to produce information. Individuals can upload their views any time, in their own language and format: Pictures, Sound, Petitions… Increase in supply of information. INFORMATION BROADCAST Internet makes it possible to broadcast information cheaply and at all times through: Newgroups, Websites, Emails, Peer Networks, List Servs Increase in supply of information.

5 Case A: The pre- ICT situation USERS (5)SERVICES (A, B, C, D) A D B C U1U1 U2U2 U3U3 U5U5 U4U4 V 4D V 1B V 2C V 1A V 5D V 3D V= Value of Service being derived by the user U Total Public Value of Services derived = U 1 V 1 + U 2 V 2 + U 3 V 3 + U 4 V 4 + U 5 V 5

6 Case B: Desired post- ICT situation RURAL USERS (5) SERVICES (A, B, C, D) A E D B C G F U1U1 U2U2 U3U3 U5U5 U4U4 New Public Value = U 1 V 1 + U 2 V 2 + U 3 V 3 + U 4 V 4 + U 5 V 5 +….. + U i V j U6U6 U7U7 U8U8

7 Some Learnings! ICTs enhances Information Access and Flows… almost automatically in project designs But if ICT has to create Politically Relevant and Inclusive Community Networks, then there is a need to RESHAPE the “Geometry of Information Flows” within the Society.

8 Guidelines for weaving Politically Relevant Networks Who are our Target groups that we want to reach out to, through Internet? What are the key information needs of the disadvantaged community? What are the existing channels by which information reaches to the disadvantaged community? What is the weakest link in the chain of information flows: from source to the disadvantaged communities?

9 E-Governance Models for building Accountable and Democratic Governance Institutions Wider Dissemination Model Critical Flow Model Comparative Analysis Model E-advocacy/ Lobbying and Pressure group model Interactive-Service Model

10 Wider Disseminating ModelInformation: Public Domain Wider Public Domain Public Domain Information Wider Domain Laws and Legislations Local Govt. Offices and Officials Information Government Budget, Plans and Expenditures Key Judicial Decisions: state vs. citizen decisions

11 Examples Brazil: Official Government Website South Africa: Idasa’s Political Information and Monitoring Service (PIMS) India: Directory of Government Ministries Armenia: Online forum for Democratic Participation

12 Critical Flow Model Critical Flow Model Critical Information: Private Domain Wider Public Domain Private Domain Information Wider Domain Corruption Information Enquiry reports, scientific research, impact studies commissioned Company’s Green Ratings Human Rights Violations Records Whistle Blowing

13 Examples Bangladesh: Human Rights Portal Mexico: Declarenet El Salvador: Probidad India: Central Vigilance Committee Bl o gg er s

14 Comparative Analysis ModelInformation: Private / Public Domain + Public / Private Domain Wider Public Domain Public/Private Domain Wider Domain Public Domain Information Public/Private Domain

15 Comparative Analysis Model Based on Precedence Information (time line) With and Without Information Court Rulings / Historical Archive Court Rulings / Historical Archive Tracking Performance Records / Financial Assets Growth of Ministers Tracking Performance Records / Financial Assets Growth of Ministers Electoral Candidates Information Bringing out Best / Worst Practices Bringing out Best / Worst Practices Disaster Response Comparative policies- Bt Cotton & Trademark Potatoes Campaign

16 Examples Argentina: Cristal (Budget comparisons and use of public funds) Sri Lanka: Kothmale Project (Comparison of Education Indicators) India: Green Ratings of Chief Ministers India: Comparative Learning from Disasters

17 Mobilisation and Lobbying Model Building Allies / Networking Networks for Concerted Action Communities Virtual Community Networks Individuals Interest Groups CommonGoal Real Community

18 Examples Planned, Directed, Strategic flow of Information to build strong issue-based Allies / solidarity to complement action in Real World. (often through combination of other models) e-Signature Campaigns e-Signature Campaigns e-Groups on Agriculture e-Groups on Agriculture Zimbabwe (using emails for lobbying) Zimbabwe (using emails for lobbying) SMS and Mobile Campaigns- Philippines and Ukraine SMS and Mobile Campaigns- Philippines and Ukraine

19 Service Delivery Model Service Delivery Model USER SERVICE PROVIDER E-Government E- debates E-ballots E-procurement of services E-administration: taxes, parking tickets, licenses

20 Examples Brazil: Citizen Services Centre Mongolia: Citizens Information Centre Nepal: Municipal Services Online India: Bhoomi Project (Karnataka) Namibia: Parliamentary website for bill discussions

21 For more information: Vikas Nath Founding President Initiative Geneva, Switzerland A network of over 2800 e-governance professionals from developing countries or

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