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VITAMIN & MINERAL NOTES. Vitamins are found in nearly all the foods listed on MyPlate. They do not supply energy (calories) as carbohydrates fats, proteins.

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Presentation on theme: "VITAMIN & MINERAL NOTES. Vitamins are found in nearly all the foods listed on MyPlate. They do not supply energy (calories) as carbohydrates fats, proteins."— Presentation transcript:


2 Vitamins are found in nearly all the foods listed on MyPlate. They do not supply energy (calories) as carbohydrates fats, proteins do but are essential because they regulate body chemistry and body functions.

3 Can vitamins be produced by our bodies?  Mostly NO!  They must be eaten in our food.

4 Vitamins assist the body in using foods by bringing about biochemical reactions so life can be maintained

5 Vitamins can be divided into two groups  Fat-soluble  K  A  D  E  Water-soluble  Vitamin C  All B vitamins

6 What does it mean when a vitamin is fat soluble?  Vitamins are absorbed through the intestinal tract with the help of lipids (fats)  Build up and remain for a longer time in the body  Stored in the liver and fatty tissues of the body

7 What does it mean when a vitamin is water soluble?  Easily dissolved in body  Excreted in the urine  Must be replaced each day  Includes Vitamin C and all B Vitamins

8 Too few vitamins can keep the body from operating at full capacity. Too many may be toxic to your health.

9 Excess vitamins will be  1) Excreted through the urine  2) Stored in fatty tissue which can lead to toxicity.

10 MINERALS  Minerals are found in nearly all of the foods listed in MyPlate. They do not provide energy as carbohydrates, fats and proteins do, but they are essential because they regulate body chemistry and body functions.

11 Minerals cannot be made by our bodies. They must be ingested.

12 Minerals are found in  Milks  Meats  Fruits & Vegetables  Breads

13 Minerals are divided into two groups Macro  Calcium  Phosphorus  Sodium  Potassium Trace or micro  Iron  Zinc  Copper  Fluorine  Iodine

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