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produce energy we need in our body Can increase blood levels of insulin 2 types -complex (starches) -Simple (sugar) Food that contain carbs -Apples, oranges,

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Presentation on theme: "produce energy we need in our body Can increase blood levels of insulin 2 types -complex (starches) -Simple (sugar) Food that contain carbs -Apples, oranges,"— Presentation transcript:


2 produce energy we need in our body Can increase blood levels of insulin 2 types -complex (starches) -Simple (sugar) Food that contain carbs -Apples, oranges, potatoes, grains, candy, bread break down into glucose molecules

3 energy should come from fats fats decrease risk of heart disease Types of fat -Trans-fats, Saturated fats, Monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, Omega-3 fatty acids Food that contain fat -vegetable oils, avocadoes, ground flax seeds, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish need 1 teaspoon / day

4 Help build and repair body tissues makes up about 45% of human body food that contain proteins -milk, Soy Milk, Eggs, Cheese, Yogurt etc.… Type of proteins -Whey protein, Casein protein, Egg protein keeps the body healthy by resisting diseases

5 Reduces the risk of colon cancer refers to carbohydrates that cannot be digestedcarbohydrates Where is fiber found -whole-grain breads, cereals, fruits like apples, oranges, bananas, berries, prunes, and pears etc.. Type of fibre -dietary fibre, Insoluble fibre, Soluble fibre

6 Types of vitamins -fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K The water-soluble vitamins C and the B make bodies work properly D in milk helps your bones A in carrots helps see at night C in oranges heal from a cut B in vegetables make proteins and energyproteins

7 Minerals Type of minerals -, Zinc, Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Trace, Calcium and iron Zinc helps your immune system -beef, pork and lamb Potassium keeps muscles/nervous system working properly - bananas, citrus fruits, like oranges etc… iron to transport oxygen -beans, tuna and salmon etc… mineral helps build strong bones -milk, cheese, and yogurt etc… Your body larger amounts of macro minerals than trace minerals

8 Remove the dangerous toxins 20%daliy fluid need form food makes up 60% of your body Eight glasses of water a day vital to people's health and livelihoods

9 Makes-Bowel-Movement-Easier&id=2230545 Makes-Bowel-Movement-Easier&id=2230545

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