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 Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.  Can be traced back to.

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2  Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.  Can be traced back to the very beginnings of recorded history:  Signs announcing various events have been dug up in countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea;  Romans painted walls to announce gladiator fights;  Wall paintings in Pompeii praised a politician;  In Greece, town criers announced the sale of cattle and crafted items.

3  U.S. advertisers now run up an annual advertising bill of more than $180 billion, while worldwide ad spending exceeds $545 billion!

4  Advertising begins with the advertiser, the person or organization that uses advertising to send out a message about its products.  The advertiser initiates the advertising effort by identifying a marketing problem that advertising can solve!

5 1. Automotive 2. Retail 3. Movies & media 4. Food & beverage 5. Medicines 6. Financial services 7. Telecommunications 8. Cosmetics 9. Airline travel & hotels 10. Restaurants 11. Direct-response companies 12. Home furnishings 13. Insurance & real estate 14. Computers & Internet 15. Politics 16. Apparel 17. Beer & liquor 18. Audio & video equipment 19. Sporting goods 20. Entertainment & events

6  The American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA) defines an advertising agency as an organization of creative people who specialize in preparing advertising campaigns, advertisements, and other promotional tools.  Currently...there are 615 advertising agencies throughout the U.S.  2014 Agency A-List 2014 Agency A-List

7 1. An in-house agency is an advertising department in a company whose main business is NOT advertising. 2. Full-service agencies provide a wide range of services, such as account management, marketing planning, creative design, production, media- planning, and media-buying services. 3. A creative boutique specializes in developing creative concepts, writing creative text, and providing artistic services; usually hired by another agency.

8 4. A media-buying service specializes in buying media time and space, particularly on radio and television; resells to advertising agencies. 5. Interactive agencies specialize in helping clients prepare advertising for new interactive media, such as the Internet, CD-ROMs, and interactive television.

9  The media is composed of the channels of communication that carry the message from the advertiser to the audience.

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