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Forming Partnerships With Business, Industry, Agency and Non-Profit Jill Hubbard Tualatin High School Engineering and Computer Science Teacher STEM Network.

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Presentation on theme: "Forming Partnerships With Business, Industry, Agency and Non-Profit Jill Hubbard Tualatin High School Engineering and Computer Science Teacher STEM Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forming Partnerships With Business, Industry, Agency and Non-Profit Jill Hubbard Tualatin High School Engineering and Computer Science Teacher STEM Network Director, South Metro-Salem STEM Partnership

2 STEM ATTRIBUTES ●Integrate S-T-E-M standards ●Literacy and communication skills ●Authentic and real-world experiences ●Form partnerships ●Career and post-secondary awareness ●Problem-solving and critical thinking ●Collaboration and teamwork ●Equity ●Performance/proficiency assessments

3 Why Partnerships? ●Connect concepts to application ●Bring community into the school ●Connect students to their community ●Career and post-secondary awareness ●Role Models ●Additional help in the classroom ●Expose students to careers outside of their community ●Share perspectives

4 Types of Partnerships Applied Learning Development Guest Speakers Activity Resources Field Trips Internship opportunities Advisory Panel Others?

5 How Do We Connect With Industry Today? ●Parents of students ●Friends and family ●Career-related coordinators ●Chamber of commerce ●Cold-calls ●Non-profit organizations ●Online search

6 powered by

7 What is Oregon Connections? Facilitators Requestors Responders

8 Creating Your Profile ●All training materials on ●Step by Step Videos and pamphletsStep by Step Videos and pamphlets

9 The Dashboard

10 Creating a Session Request

11 Creating A Session Request


13 What Makes A Good Session Request?





18 Virtual vs In-Person Considerations ●Frequency of engagement ●Time investment requirements ●Activity type: speaker, project review, classroom activity ●Accessibility(location and skills requested) ●Group size

19 Search & Browse Session Requests


21 Search Members & Organizations



24 Invite Your Colleagues

25 EXPECTATIONS ●As part of your STEM lesson or unit of study, use Oregon Connections to connect with partners ●Think about how you may want to connect with industry or agencies ●If you already have industry or agency connections, invite them to join Oregon Connections ●Share Oregon Connections with other teachers who are working to form partnerships

26 Training Resources LinkDescription STEMOregon.orgSTEM throughout the state. Information for educators, volunteers, parents, & students. Connections Training Materials for Educators including videos and pamphlets Connections marketing materials for educators and industry professionals including promotional videos, presentations, marketing flyers, and logo guidelines Oregonconnections.nepris.comDirect log-in to Oregon Connections

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