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The Educational Gaming Commons Chris Stubbs The Forum on Media+Gaming 2.25.11.

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Presentation on theme: "The Educational Gaming Commons Chris Stubbs The Forum on Media+Gaming 2.25.11."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Educational Gaming Commons Chris Stubbs The Forum on Media+Gaming 2.25.11

2 Why Bother With Games in Edu?

3 Why Bother? $20 billion industry "The 5th Network" 81 million + playing Farmville World of Warcraft > Ohio


5 Exploring the Impossible

6 Reaching New Audiences 7 million since 1957*4 million since 2007 *http://www.aynrand.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=22647

7 Why Bother?


9 "So what exactly would you say they EGC does here?"

10 Game Design hydrogen H + iron(III) Fe 3+ lithium Li + iron(II) Fe 2+ sodium Na + copper(II) Cu 2+ potassium K + copper(I) Cu + cesium Cs + cobalt(III) Co 3+ beryllium Be 2+ cobalt(II) Co 2+ magnesium Mg 2+ tin(IV) Sn 4+ calcium Ca 2+ tin(II) Sn 2+ barium Ba 2+ lead(IV) Pb 4+ aluminum Al 3+ lead(II) Pb 2+ silver Ag + mercury(II) Hg 2+ zinc Zn 2+ mercury(I) Hg 2 2+ ammonium NH 4 + carbonate CO 3 2- nitrite NO 2 - hydrogen carbonate (or bicarbonate) HCO 3 - nirate NO 3 - hypochlorite ClO - sulfite SO 3 2- chlorite ClO 2 - sulfate SO 4 2- Chlorate ClO 3 - hydrogen sulfate (bisulfate) HSO 4 - perchlorate ClO 4 - hydroxide OH - acetate C 2 H 3 O 2 - cyanide CN -

11 Game Design

12 Design Development Research Outreach Support

13 "Gamification" aka Gamelike Elements

14 What can I do to make games compelling?

15 What can I do to make games more compelling?

16 What can I do to make games learning anything more compelling?

17 Examples Campusfood.com

18 This is great but...... how can I use these ideas in education?

19 Un-Attendance A carrot, and stick in carrot clothing

20 Experience and Meters Lee Sheldon Experience for a grade Dirk Mateer Buying your grade

21 EduExamples: Role Play

22 EduExamples: Choice & Leaderboards

23 What can I do to make games learning anything more compelling?

24 Thanks for playing! Questions? Stubbs@psu.edu cstubbs on Twitter gaming.psu.edu

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