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National Elf Service Institutional Subscribers André Tomlin Sarah Carr Barry Holloway.

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Presentation on theme: "National Elf Service Institutional Subscribers André Tomlin Sarah Carr Barry Holloway."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Elf Service Institutional Subscribers André Tomlin Sarah Carr Barry Holloway

2 What is the National Elf Service?

3 Elf topics 1.Mental Health 2.Learning Disabilities 3.Social Care 4.Dental 5.Musculoskeletal 6.Commissioning 7.Child Health 8.Lifestyle 9.Diabetes 10.Stroke April 2015 June 2015 August 2015 October 2015 December 2015

4 Chief Bloggers Mental Health: André Tomlin, Director, Minervation Learning Disabilities: John Northfield, Associate, Minervation Social Care: Sarah Carr, Visiting Fellow, University of York Dental: Derek Richards, Director, Centre for Evidence-Based Dentistry Musculoskeletal: Tracey Howe, Professor, Glasgow University Commissioning: Caroline De Brun, Knowledge Manager, Public Health England Child Health: Jennifer Hanratty, Research Fellow, Queen’s University Stroke: Madeleine Grealy, Professor, Strathclyde University Diabetes: Douglas Badenoch, Director, Minervation

5 MENTAL HEALTH Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, Child & adolescent, Eating disorders, Early intervention, Smoking cessation, Forensic, Medication, Psychotherapy etc. LEARNING DISABILITIES Autism, Challenging Behaviour, Downs syndrome, Profound & multiple learning disabilities, Personalisation, Health inequalities etc. SOCIAL CARE Adult and Child Social care, Mental health, Dementia, Safeguarding, Family carers, Personal budgets, Later life etc. COMMISSIONING Primary care, public health, Mental health, Quality improvement, Integrated care, Long-term conditions, QIPP, CCGs etc. Relevant elves

6 40,000 visitors per month Over 39,000 followers on social media Our audience

7 June 2014 survey of 340 people Mental Elf audience

8 45% have been using the site for more than 1 year On average, users rate their overall experience as 8/10 (‘very good’) Feedback from users: Helps me keep up to date Relevant Critically appraised Expert commentaries Mental Elf feedback

9 47% of press releases & 40% of abstracts contain spin 31% of press releases misinterpret trial results 58-87% of clinical questions go unanswered In 2013, over 90,000 SRs, MAs & RCTs relevant to mental health were published Yavchitz A, Boutron I, Bafeta A, Marroun I, Charles P, et al. (2012) Misrepresentation of Randomized Controlled Trials in Press Releases and News Coverage: A Cohort Study. PLoS Med 9(9) Douglas Badenoch & Caroline de Brún (2011) Where’s the Evidence for Evidence? Douglas Badenoch & André Tomlin (in press) National Elf Service white paper Why build a National Elf Service?

10 Keep up to date with research Connect with experts and colleagues Make use of evidence in practice To help health & social care professionals

11 Found that people wanted: Ways to discuss & debate the latest evidence Automated CPD tracking 20% would pay subscription for these features 2013 research with users

12 20 in-depth interviews plus survey of 340 users. Favourite features were: Email alerts Notes Discussion forum Online journal club Themed pages Gamification & CPD certificates 2014 research







19 We’ve had a good response from users to these proposed prices for the premium features: Pricing

20 Full access to premium features Keep up to date with tailored alerts Relevant, critically appraised, expert commentaries Online journal clubs and discussions Sharpen EBM skills Automatically track CPD Benefits for your staff

21 Bulk discount pricing Usage reports Benefits for your institution

22 Further reductions on discount pricing Opportunity to steer future development Benefits for early adopters

23 MENTAL HEALTH Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, Child & adolescent, Eating disorders, Early intervention, Smoking cessation, Forensic, Medication, Psychotherapy etc. LEARNING DISABILITIES Autism, Challenging Behaviour, Downs syndrome, Profound & multiple learning disabilities, Personalisation, Health inequalities etc. SOCIAL CARE Adult and Child Social care, Mental health, Dementia, Safeguarding, Family carers, Personal budgets, Later life etc. COMMISSIONING Primary care, public health, Mental health, Quality improvement, Integrated care, Long-term conditions, QIPP, CCGs etc. Relevant elves

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