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Marketing communications and media Interactive communications platforms Business strategy New forms of cross-platform brand and marketing communications.

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2 Marketing communications and media Interactive communications platforms Business strategy New forms of cross-platform brand and marketing communications A New Route to Market?

3  Multi-platform: Today’s world is multi-platform and multi- channel and communications must be designed and executed around this fact.  Coherent: Unity must be achieved via an overarching theme or idea. ‘Integrated’ is not really the right word, because ‘integration’ assumes we are starting with separate bits which we need to bring together. Coherence means we are starting from one single perspective and then allowing for many different manifestations of the central theme  Technology savvy: New technologies offer huge opportunities in areas such as interactivity, immediacy, accessibility and addressability. Communications programmes need to use these opportunities to the full.

4  Economically efficient: Yesterday’s saturation-bombing ‘just-in-case’ messaging strategies were inherently inefficient. By combining the previous features creatively, new levels of cost efficiency can be reached.  Strategically ‘on-target’: This goes without saying: the communications exercise must still address the organisation’s needs either narrowly in terms of product or service awareness/relevance and/or broadly in terms of corporate reputation, positive brand associations etc.

5 There is a bigger opportunity to engage with customers by harnessing combinations of the all channels now available, giving customers more compelling reasons to engage. ………..Engagement Marketing?

6  To create ‘matching and connecting’ processes that revolve around the rich use of personal information and new information technologies and that put the consumer/buyer in control.  To achieve pervasive penetration, so that the brand and its manifestations become an accepted part of every day life.  To engage people via marketing, by making the marketing a part of the cultural fabric of people’s lives.

7 Some research shows that this new model of marketing is much more effective than the present model at being able to increase sales cycles, build customer loyalty and increase customer advocacy

8 ……..changes behaviour through involvement By:-  Riding the waves of convergence: of multi-media, popular culture and commerce; of media, culture and technology.  Encouraging audiences’ active involvement and participation  Engaging its audiences on a multi-media and multi-platform basis

9  Done the right way, this sort of marketing becomes a source of consumer value in its own right – and a means by which the company can innovate its core value propositions. In this way, the chasm between ‘what we make’ and ‘how we sell it’ is bridged and marketing becomes a part of what people buy. Marketing becomes less of a cost and more of a source of value for both sides. If the idea and engagement is strong enough, for example, people will be prepared to pay for it either directly (e.g. a ticket to an event) or indirectly (e.g. broadcasters paying for programming rights)

10 Engagement Marketing will involve the customer way beyond the short term cycles of current marketing campaigns Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action Interaction, Engagement Point of Purchase

11 Product or Service Engagement Marketing Tools Brand as Relationship 4Ps Product Price Place Promotion 4Es Engage Experience Enhance Emotion 4Cs Content Connectivity Community Commerce

12 4E’s expanded…….. An opportunity to: Engage your customers Experience the product or service Enhance your company/customer relationship more Emotionally than traditional advertising.

13  Align marketing strategy with business strategy  Solution-driven  Increased marketing productivity and cost efficiency  Experience in developing media and communication concepts that deliver on companies’ financial goals  Delivery of compelling concepts that engage audiences and deliver bottom line value for business.

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