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ICT in Indonesia By : Group 8 Agnes Fitria Utami Erni Hanna Septiani Novie Ratna Sari Lianto.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT in Indonesia By : Group 8 Agnes Fitria Utami Erni Hanna Septiani Novie Ratna Sari Lianto."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT in Indonesia By : Group 8 Agnes Fitria Utami Erni Hanna Septiani Novie Ratna Sari Lianto

2 ICT(Information and Communication Technology) 0 is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning.

3 IT Career in Indonesia 0 There are several jobs title in IT Career that trends and needed in Industries in Indonesia: 0 Programmer 0 System Analyst 0 Database Administrator 0 Information Security Specialist 0 IT Manager

4 IT Professional in Indonesia competitive enough with IT professional in Asia region? 0 Because Indonesia’s education for Information Technology major are in the same level with other countries in Asia.

5 How people in Indonesia can quickly absorb new technology and what can be the obstacle to absorb new technology? 0 For people in middle and above level, they are very consumptive for what is currently in trends, so they will buy and use the new technology. 0 People who live in major cities like Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, they have high level of lifestyle, so having the newest technology is a must. It can be see if you go to mall, and newest technology is on their hand. 0 The other things, people really need prestige. Some of Indonesian people think that if they have newest technology, they are cool and up to date. 0 Some of people force themselves to buy new technology to be accepted in certain community. 0 In major cities, it easy to get new technology. There’s a lot of technology shop in mall that provide so many offer and easy way to pay the bill from cash to credit. Reason to Quick Absorb

6 Obstacle 0 Not all Indonesian people educated and can use technology, because if they cannot operate the technology most of them didn’t want to learn to use it. 0 Most of Indonesian people didn’t optimize their own technologies, so it will become lazy to buy and learn new technology. 0 Indonesia has a lot of culture and ethnic group, and some of them have guidance to not use technology and some of them didn’t get distribute of technology because the location is too far away. 0 For the low level people, they even didn’t enough money to fulfill their daily life so they didn’t have money to buy technology.

7 IT in Banking 0 Information technology is really booming for now, especially for computer and internet. They have given banks a potential to bloom and given bank customers high expectations. Information technology are giving many impacts for officers, employees, and customers of banks.

8 Directional of IT in Banking 0 For customer – used to fulfill the customer’s needs. 0 Example: 0 Self-inquiry facility 0 Remote banking 0 Anytime banking – anywhere banking 0 Telebanking 0 Electronic banking 0 For bank – the advantages of applying IT in bank for the front and back office tasks in addition to a great number of new products: 0 Availability of a wide range of inquiry facilities, assisting the bank in business development and follow-up. 0 Immediate replies to customer queries without reference to ledger-keeper as terminals are provided to Managers and Chief Managers. 0 Automatic and prompt carrying out of standing instructions on due date and generation of reports. 0 Generation of various MIS reports and periodical returns on due dates. 0 Fast and up-to-date information transfer enabling speedier decisions, by interconnecting computerized branches and controlling offices. 0 For employees – increase their productivity, because IT helps them to 0 Minimize the human error 0 Many automatic functions, such as covering schedules, deposit receipts, pass book/pass sheet 0 Enabling employees to give more attention to the customer needs

9 Example of IT in Banking

10 Q&A

11 Thank You

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