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Presentation on theme: "GENERAL METHOD OF EXAMINATION OF PROJECTS Cleanup scheme settlements. DRAINAGE."— Presentation transcript:


2 The student should know: - Check the completeness of submissions; - The selection and introduction of official working normative documents; - Familiarization with the passport data of the project; - Familiarization with the characteristics of the village; - Justification of cleaning and removing from the settlement of solid and liquid waste;: Evaluation of the order of implementation planning and regular cleaning systems; - Verification of the calculation of the amount of solid waste generated in the territories which are included in the planning and regular cleaning system; - Verification of the calculations required number of garbage bins and special transport for disposal of solid waste; - Verification of the calculation of the amount of liquid waste; - The methods of selecting methods of neutralization, elimination and recycling solid waste; - Hygienic assessment of the individual devices and equipment facilities for the disposal and solid waste management.

3 The student should be able to: to carry out the current sanitary supervision on controlled municipal facilities. perform visual, laboratory and instrumental methods for determining the hygienic assessment of environmental factors; conduct sanitary surveys of objects and make the appropriate accounting and reporting documentation;

4 The list of tasks for students: General purification scheme of the village Stages of project appraisal clearing settlement explanatory note Graphic material Composition applications Types of waste The average rate of waste The differentiated rate of waste Checking of calculations required number of garbage bins

5 Motivation.

6 The overall scheme of work must adhere to sanitary doctor expertise draft General Scheme cleaning the living poo consists of several stages. 1. Check of completeness of the presented materials. The draft of the scheme of cleaning consists of the explanatory note, a graphic material of appendices. The explanatory note should contain the exhaustive characteristic of an environment, systems of planning and build up economic development, sanitary and its epidemic settlement. All calculations are given in it on a stake of the being formed in settlement firm and liquid waste, to necessary number of musorosbornik, transport, the ground areas and justification of the decisions accepted by proyektant is given.

7 The graphic material is usually presented general and situational by settlement plans, drawings of standard pavilions, domestic and public toilets, constructions on neutralization and recycling, transport driving schedules. The appendix includes materials on the basis of which development of the project and its coordination with interested the organizations and departments are made. Usually general scheme to sanitary cleaning is developed on the basis of the decision хокима the cities.

8 Selection and acquaintance with official existing normative documents on the basis of which sanitary examination is made. Acquaintance with passport data of the project: name, organization, developer, authors, year of development, 4.Acquaintance with the settlement characteristic: Number the population, a condition of housing stock and its accomplishment, to capacity of public institutions, enterprises of public and public service, total area of sidewalks and passable roads. Natural and climatic factors of environment. This preliminary stage of work is necessary for acquaintance with a sanitary situation in the settlement and accepted effective and sanitarily reasonable decisions on introduction of actions sanitary очисть:

9 5. Justification of system of cleaning and removal from the settlement firm and liquid waste. 6. Assessment of an order of introduction of planned and regular system of cleaning. The general scheme of cleaning of the settlement should include an order introductions of planned and regular cleaning, sequence and calendar terms; territory coverage. First of all introduction should be provided cleanings near the city with multystoried building and high density the population, and also in districts of the city with raised incidence enteric infections and гельминтозами. 7. Check of calculation of quantity of a firm waste being formed on territories which join in planned and regular system of cleaning.

10 At check of calculations of quantity of a being formed firm waste use averages and the differentiated norms of accumulation. It is necessary to understand average quantity as average norm household a withdrawal which collect in this settlement counting on one inhabitant in a year irrespective of an education condition. The differentiated norm considers conditions of accumulation of a firm waste and represent quantity accumulated within a year in this object on one its settlement unit: 1 person for residential buildings, 1 bed in hospital etc. Average norms of accumulation are used at calculation potrebno special motor transport, the territory for places of utilization and elimination of a waste, determination of the size of means for implementation of actions for sanitary cleaning etc.

11 The differentiated norms of accumulation consider at the organization. sanitary cleaning on concrete objects. In the large cities the average norm of accumulation of a firm waste makes now from 0,9 to 1 m a year on one inhabitant. The general scheme of cleaning should provide existence of public toilets, their sufficient capacity and placement places in the settlement. The total of public toilets is projected from a ratio: The I toilet on 10000-15000 people of urban population. Capacity of public toilets is established according to follow the areas and streets 1 place on 5000 people; in parks a sack stadiums 1 place on 500 people; on beaches 1 place on 75 people.

12 Technique of a choice of ways of neutralization, elimination firm waste at a choice of ways of neutralization of a waste the sanitary the doctor should adhere to the following hygienic principles: the elimination, unorganized dumps, the device of the organized ways of cleaning, utilization and neutralization of a waste by industrial methods. At an assessment of a method of neutralization the health officer a dale of wives to be guided by the following basic provisions.

13 New pedagogical technologies "Round table" To break group into small groups on 2-3 persons, everyone MG to offer a leaf with questions and to ask within 1-2 minutes, to write down the answer to a question, and then to transfer a leaf other MG and to take from other MG the following question etc. Thus, if to organize 5 MG (2 students at 1 table), the teacher distributes 5 questions and finally on each leaf should be 5 answers. In 12 minutes the teacher collects all leaves, analyzes aloud quality of the presented answers and puts down marks of everyone of MG. That at which 5 right answers, «отл» 5 ", chorus" 4 answers, "boa" of 3 answers and "неудов" less than 2 right answers.

14 Control questions: General scheme of cleaning of the settlement. Stages of examination of projects of cleaning of the settlement. Explanatory note. Graphic material. Structure of appendices. Types of a waste. Average norm of a waste.

15 Recommended literature: main: Ш Т. Отабоев, Т. И. Искандаров "Коммунал гигиена ", Т., 1994 г. Акулов К.И., Буштуевой К.А. "Коммунальная гигиена"М., 1986г. "Руководство к лабораторным занятиям по коммунальной гигиене". Е.И. Гончарук, М. 1990г "Гигиена" Под редакцией проф. Демиденко Н.М., 2002 г. "Коммунал гигиена фанидан амалий машгулотлар учун кулланма" под редакцией Т.И. Искандарова.,Т. 2006 г.

16 Additional Законы РУз, ГОСТы РУз, СанПиНы, КМК, СП, приказы. Методические разработки по ЕМС. Лекционные материалы.

17 internet resurs: O‘z.Res.SSV veb-sayt TTA sayti – htt://web.tma TMA Wi-Fizone ZiyONet

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