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Key Concepts Review DNA is the genetic material
Many proteins work together in DNA replication & repair Chromosomes consist of a DNA molecule packed together with protein The molecular basis of inheritance is contingent on DNA’s ability to be Replicated Repaired Passed on/ inheritted (mitosis & meiosis)
People to Remember Thomas Morgan Hunt : Griffith: Avery Hershy & Chase
Rosalind Franklin Chargaff Watson & Crick Meselson & Stahl Fruit flies genes are on chromsomes Discovered transformation using R & S strain streptococci Used enzymes to break down cellular components and showed that when DN A was digested transformation did not occur Used isotope labeled bacteriophages to prove once and for all that DNA is the heritable material Used Xray crystallography to capture the image that Watson & Crick would later use to deduce DNA’s structure Discovered that adenine was always present in the same quantity as thymine, and cytosine as guanine Determined the 3-Dimensional structure of DNA is a double helix, with complementary base pairing Determined DNA replication was semiconservative
DNA Replication & Repair
3rd A gene must be easily copied
To be The hereditary Material, all of the following criteria must be met 1st A gene must be able to carry information from one generation to the next 2nd A gene has to be able to use that information to determine a heritable characteristic 3rd A gene must be easily copied
Franklin’s X-ray crystallographic images of DNA enabled Watson to deduce that DNA was helical
The X-ray images also enabled Watson to deduce the width of the helix and the spacing of the nitrogenous bases The pattern in the photo suggested that the DNA molecule was made up of two strands, forming a double helix © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Key features of DNA structure (b) Partial chemical structure
Figure 16.7a 5 end ( )) C G Hydrogen bond C G 3 end G C G C T A 3.4 nm T A G C G C C G A T 1 nm C G T A C G G C C Figure 16.7 The double helix. G A T A T 3 end A T 0.34 nm T A 5 end (a) Key features of DNA structure (b) Partial chemical structure
Purine purine: too wide
Figure 16.UN01 Purine purine: too wide Pyrimidine pyrimidine: too narrow Purine pyrimidine: width consistent with X-ray data Figure 16.UN01 In-text figure, p. 310
Basic Principles of DNA Replication Postulated by Watson & Crick
“Now our model for deoxyribonucleic acid is, in effect, a pair of templates, each of which is complementary to each other. We imagine that prior to duplication the hydrogen bonds are broken, and the two chains unwind and separate. Each chain then acts as a template for the formation onto itself of a new companion chain, so that eventually we shall have two pairs of chains, where we only had one before. Moreover, the sequence of the pairs of bases will have been duplicated exactly.”
Watson and Crick reasoned that the pairing was more specific, dictated by the base structures
They determined that adenine (A) paired only with thymine (T), and guanine (G) paired only with cytosine (C) The Watson-Crick model explains Chargaff’s rules: in any organism the amount of A = T, and the amount of G = C © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Concept 16.2: Many proteins work together in DNA replication and repair
The relationship between structure and function is manifest in the double helix Watson and Crick noted that the specific base pairing suggested a possible copying mechanism for genetic material © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
(a) Parent molecule (b) Separation of strands (c)
Figure A T A T A T A T C G C G C G C G T A T A T A T A A T A T A T A T G C G C G C G C (a) Parent molecule (b) Separation of strands (c) “Daughter” DNA molecules, each consisting of one parental strand and one new strand Figure 16.9 A model for DNA replication: the basic concept.
Watson and Crick’s semiconservative model of replication predicts that when a double helix replicates, each daughter molecule will have one old strand (derived or “conserved” from the parent molecule) and one newly made strand Competing models were the conservative model (the two parent strands rejoin) and the dispersive model (each strand is a mix of old and new) © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
DNA Replication: A Closer Look
The copying of DNA is remarkable in its speed and accuracy More than a dozen enzymes and other proteins participate in DNA replication © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Getting Started Replication begins at particular sites called origins of replication (ORI), where the two DNA strands are separated, opening up a replication “bubble” A eukaryotic chromosome may have hundreds or even thousands of origins of replication Prokaryotes have only 1 Replication proceeds in both directions from each origin, until the entire molecule is copied (28) © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
(a) Origin of replication in an E. coli cell
Figure 16.12 (a) Origin of replication in an E. coli cell (b) Origins of replication in a eukaryotic cell Origin of replication Double-stranded DNA molecule Parental (template) strand Origin of replication Daughter (new) strand Parental (template) strand Daughter (new) strand Replication fork Double- stranded DNA molecule Replication bubble Bubble Replication fork Two daughter DNA molecules Two daughter DNA molecules Figure Origins of replication in E. coli and eukaryotes. 0.5 m 0.25 m
DNA Replication: A Closer Look
E. coli Human 1 chromosome 4.6 million nucleotide pairs 1 hour to undergo a complete round of DNA replication and binary fission 46 chromosomes 6 billion nucleotide pairs Few hours to undergo mitosis Only about 1 error in 10 billion nucleotides
Replication Fork At the end of each replication bubble is a replication fork, the Y-shaped region where the parental DNA is being unwound Several Kinds of proteins participate in the unwinding Helicase: enzymes that break the hydrogen bonds holding the 2 strands together Single strand binding proteins (SSBP’s): bind the now single stranded DNA to keep the 2 strands from reassociating Topoisomerases: relieves the strain caused by the untwisting of the DNA molecule by breaking the covalent bonds within the DNA backbone, swiveling, and rejoining the strands
The initial nucleotide strand is a short RNA primer
DNA polymerases cannot initiate synthesis of a polynucleotide; they can only add nucleotides to the 3 end The initial nucleotide strand is a short RNA primer An enzyme called primase can start an RNA chain from scratch and adds RNA nucleotides one at a time using the parental DNA as a template The primer is short (5–10 nucleotides long), and the 3 end serves as the starting point for the new DNA strand © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Synthesizing a New DNA Strand
Enzymes called DNA polymerases catalyze the elongation of new DNA at a replication fork Most DNA polymerases require a primer and a DNA template strand The rate of elongation is about 500 nucleotides per second in bacteria and 50 per second in human cells © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Synthesizing a new Strand of DNA
DNA Polymerases polymerize the synthesis of a new strand of DNA by adding nucleotides to a preexisting strand
SSBP’s Topoisomerase DNA Replication Animation
Each nucleotide that is added to a growing DNA strand is a nucleoside triphosphate
dATP supplies adenine to DNA and is similar to the ATP of energy metabolism The difference is in their sugars: dATP has deoxyribose while ATP has ribose As each monomer of dATP joins the DNA strand, it loses two phosphate groups as a molecule of pyrophosphate © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Nucleoside triphosphate
Figure 16.14 New strand Template strand 5 3 5 3 Sugar A T A T Base Phosphate C G C G G C G C DNA polymerase OH 3 A T A Figure Incorporation of a nucleotide into a DNA strand. T P OH P P i P P C 3 Pyrophosphate C OH Nucleoside triphosphate 2 P i 5 5
DNA is Antiparallel There are 2 strand in a DNA molecule
Those 2 strands run in opposite directions An easy way to remember DNA is composed of a sugar, phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base The sugar is a 5 carbon sugar shaped like a pentagon The point of the pentagon points in the 5’ direction
The antiparallel structure of the double helix affects replication
DNA polymerases add nucleotides only to the free 3end of a growing strand; therefore, a new DNA strand can elongate only in the 5to3direction Along one template strand of DNA, the DNA polymerase synthesizes a leading strand continuously, moving toward the replication fork © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
To elongate the other new strand, called the lagging strand, DNA polymerase must work in the direction away from the replication fork The lagging strand is synthesized as a series of segments called Okazaki fragments, which are joined together by DNA ligase
Single-strand binding proteins
Figure 16.13 (33 part) Primase 3 Topoisomerase RNA primer 5 3 5 3 Helicase Figure Some of the proteins involved in the initiation of DNA replication. 5 Single-strand binding proteins
Overall directions of replication
Figure 16.17 Overview Leading strand Origin of replication Lagging strand Leading strand Lagging strand Overall directions of replication Leading strand 5 DNA pol III 3 Primer Primase 3 5 3 Parental DNA DNA pol III Lagging strand Figure A summary of bacterial DNA replication. 5 DNA pol I DNA ligase 4 3 5 3 2 1 3 5
The DNA Replication Complex
We tend to think of DNA replication looking something akin to a train moving along a rain track This is INCORRECT in 2 important ways First: all of the before mentioned proteins involved in replication do not act individually, but rather together as one large “DNA replication Machine” Second: this DNA replication complex does not move along the DNA strands, rather the DNA moves through the complex
The DNA Replication Complex
The proteins that participate in DNA replication form a large complex, a “DNA replication machine” The DNA replication machine may be stationary during the replication process Recent studies support a model in which DNA polymerase molecules “reel in” parental DNA and “extrude” newly made daughter DNA molecules © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Lagging strand template 3 5 DNA pol III Lagging strand 3 5
Figure 16.18 DNA pol III Parental DNA Leading strand 5 5 3 3 3 5 3 5 Connecting protein Helicase Lagging strand template 3 5 Figure A current model of the DNA replication complex. DNA pol III Lagging strand 3 5
DNA Polymerase E. coli Eukarytes There are several different DNA Polymerases involved in replication Rate of elongation is about 500 nucleotides per second 2 major DNA Polymerases DNA Polymerase I DNA Polymerase III At least 11 DNA polymerases involved in replication of eukaryotic genomes Rate of elongation is about 50 nucleotides per second
Proofreading & Repairing DNA
We said earlier the error rate was 1 in 10 billion nucleotides Initially, the error rate is 1 in 100,000 nucleotides This means errors in growing DNA strands are 100,000 times more common than they are in the final product This implies some type of repairing mechanism that must go through and correct the majority of the errors DNA Polymerase not only adds nucleotides to a growing DNA strand, but also has proofreading capabilities
Proofreading and Repairing DNA
DNA polymerases proofread newly made DNA, replacing any incorrect nucleotides In mismatch repair of DNA, repair enzymes correct errors in base pairing DNA can be damaged by exposure to harmful chemical or physical agents such as cigarette smoke and X-rays; UV radiation can lead to T-T dimers (two adjacent Ts on same strand bond) In nucleotide excision repair, a nuclease cuts out and replaces damaged stretches of DNA © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Proofreading DNA Remember how adenine can only form hydrogen bonds with thymine, and cytosine can only form hydrogen bonds with guanine If a mismatch occurs, it puts a “kink” in DNA strand This distortion of shape causes the DNA strand to not move through the DNA molecule as quickly as it does when the shape is not distorted By slowing the DNA progression through the DNA polymerase, it give DNA polymerase the time necessary to remove the mismatched nucleotide and replace it with the correct nucleotide DNA Proofreading by Polymerases
Evolutionary Significance of Altered DNA Nucleotides
Error rate after proofreading repair is low but not zero (from 1 in 100,000 to 1 in 1,000,000,000) Sequence changes may become permanent and can be passed on to the next generation These changes (mutations) are the source of the genetic variation upon which natural selection operates © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Maintenance of Genetic Information
Incorrectly paired or altered nucleotides can arise after replication Maintenance of our genetic information requires frequent repair of various kinds of damage to existing DNA Mutagens: anything that causes changes in the DNA base pairing Reactive chemicals UV radiation Cigarette smoke & other carcinogens
Types of DNA Mutations Thymine Dimers: if there are two dTTP’s next to each other in a strand of DNA, the thymine nitrogenous bases can become fused through covalent linkage UV radiation causes this type of mutation This fusion of 2 thymine bases causes a distortion in the shape of the double helix Nucleotide Excision Repair There are other types of mutations that can occur including: Mismatched pairs pyrimidine dimers Double stranded breaks Damaged bases Direct Repair Animation
Xeroderma Pigmentosum
Individuals with this disorder are hypersensitive to sunlight They lack the ability to repair thymine dimers due to a mutation in one or more enzymes involved in their skins nucleotide excision repair system As a result, mutations build up in their skin cells often leading to various skin cancers
Replicating the Ends of DNA Molecules
Limitations of DNA polymerase create problems for the linear DNA of eukaryotic chromosomes With repeated rounds of replication the usual replication machinery provides no way to complete the 5 ends, so repeated rounds of replication produce shorter DNA molecules with uneven ends This is not a problem for prokaryotes, most of which have circular chromosomes © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Ends of parental DNA strands Leading strand Lagging strand 3
Figure 16.20 5 Ends of parental DNA strands Leading strand Lagging strand 3 Last fragment Next-to-last fragment Lagging strand RNA primer 5 3 Parental strand Removal of primers and replacement with DNA where a 3 end is available 5 3 Second round of replication Figure Shortening of the ends of linear DNA molecules. 5 New leading strand 3 New lagging strand 5 3 Further rounds of replication Shorter and shorter daughter molecules
Replicating the Ends of Eukaryotic DNA Molecules
Eukaryotes must have a way to protect their genes from being gradually eroded away Telomeres: special nucleotide sequences found at the ends of eukaryotic DNA molecules No genes in telomeres Telomeres consist of multiple repeated sequences In humans the sequence is TTAGGG, and is repeated between 100-1,000 times Telomeric DNA protects the organisms genes!
Telomeres In general, if DNA is found to have a staggered end it means it is damaged and would usually trigger signal transduction pathways that would ultimately lead to cell cycle arrest or even programmed cell death Telomeres are associated with proteins that inhibit the cell from activating these signal transduction pathways
Telomeres Telomeres do not prevent the shortening of DNA molecules, rather, they postpone the erosion of genes near the ends of the molecules Telomeres become shorter during every round of replication The shortening of telomeres has been implicated in the aging process What does this mean for gametes
Gametes & Telomeres If the cells that give rise to gametes became shorter during each round of replication, eventually essential genes would be impacted This does not happen, though Telomerase: an enzyme that catalyzes the lengthening of telomeres in eukaryotic germ cells, thus restoring their original length and compensating for the shortening that occurs during DNA replication Not active in adult somatic cells Telomerase activity increased in many cancer cells Telomerase Function Animation
How DNA is Packaged in a Prokaryote
Remember, prokaryotes have a single circular chromosomes This chromosome is associated with proteins causing it to be supercoiled, densely packing it so it fills only a small portion of the bacterial cell This part of the bacterium is called the nucleiod, and is not membrane bound
How DNA is Packaged in a Eukaryote
ONE human cell (each of whichis less then a millimeter long) contains TWO METERS of DNA If all the DNA in a human was stretched end to end it would travel from earth to the moon and back 6,000 times How do we fit all of this DNA into our cells?
How DNA is Packaged in a Eukaryote
Eukaryotic DNA is combined with a large amount of protein forming what we call chromatin Chromatin, a complex of DNA and protein, is found in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells There are different levels of chromatin packing in a eukaryotic chromosome DNA the double helix Histone proteins Nucleosomes (or beads on a string) 30-nm fiber Looped domains Metaphase chromosomes
How DNA is Packaged in a Eukaryote
Double Helix Histones The double helix alone is 2nm across Remember, the phosphate groups in the backbone…what kind of charge do they have? This will be important Histone proteins are responsible for the 1st level of DNA packing Histones are composed largely of positively charged amino acids 4 types of histones common in chromatin Histone structure is highly conserved among eukaryotes, what does this suggest
How DNA is Packaged in a Eukaryote
Nucleosomes 30-nm Fiber The double helical DNA wraps twice around a histone forming a nucleosome Each nucleosome is followed by a short sequence of linker DNA, and then another nucleosome This produces a structure that resembles beads on a string Interactions between histone tails of one nucleosome and its neighboring nucleosomes cause the DNA to further coil and fold forming a 30-nm fiber
How DNA is Packaged in a Eukaryote
Looped Domains Metaphase Chromosomes The 30-nm fiber forms loops called looped domains which attach to a chromosome scaffold made of proteins forming a 300-nm fiber Looped domains themselves can then coil and fold in a manner not yet understood further compacting the chromosome to form the characteristic metaphase chromosome
Here’s what it looks like
How DNA is Packaged in a Eukaryote
Heterochromatin Euchromatin vs When during interphase, the centromeres and telomeres of chromosomes (as well as other chromosomal regions) in some cells exist in a highly condensed state similar to that seen in metaphase “true chromatin” Less compacted, more dispersed chromatin
Critical Thinking Which DNA is more likely to be transcribed into RNA, heterochromatin or euchromatin? Hint: which has DNA more accessible to transcriptional machinery, highly coiled DNA or loosely packed DNA How can different tissues in the body utilize this property of chromatin condensation in gene regulation?
Most chromatin is loosely packed in the nucleus during interphase and condenses prior to mitosis
Dense packing of the heterochromatin makes it difficult for the cell to express genetic information coded in these regions Histones can undergo chemical modifications that result in changes in chromatin organization © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Important Info About Histones
Histones are NOT inert spools around which DNA is wound Histones have tails which can be chemically modified to effect chromatin organization Example: phosphorylation of a specific amino acid on histone tails in Drosophila is necessary for proper gamete formation Mutations in the gene that codes for the enzyme that phosphorylates the A.A. on the histone lead to sterility on the fruit flies It is hypothesized that the sterility is due to unseccessful meiosis due to abnormal chromosome behavior when the enzyme doesn’t function properly
Nucleosome (10 nm in diameter)
Figure 16.22a (40 part) Nucleosome (10 nm in diameter) DNA double helix (2 nm in diameter) H1 Histone tail Histones Figure Exploring: Chromatin Packing in a Eukaryotic Chromosome Nucleosomes, or “beads on a string” (10-nm fiber) DNA, the double helix Histones
Replicated chromosome (1,400 nm)
Figure 16.22b Chromatid (700 nm) 30-nm fiber Loops Scaffold 300-nm fiber 30-nm fiber Figure Exploring: Chromatin Packing in a Eukaryotic Chromosome (40) Replicated chromosome (1,400 nm) Looped domains (300-nm fiber) Metaphase chromosome
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