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Define these words: Primary Source Secondary Source Bias.

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Presentation on theme: "Define these words: Primary Source Secondary Source Bias."— Presentation transcript:

1 Define these words: Primary Source Secondary Source Bias

2  Primary Source: something made or written by someone who was there at the time; an original record.  Secondary Source: Something written or said by someone who studied an event.  Bias: An unfair preference or dislike for something

3  Give 2 examples of ◦ Primary Source ◦ Secondary Source

4  Primary source ◦ Diaries ◦ Interviews ◦ Letters ◦ Official documents ◦ Court records and transcripts ◦ Photographs ◦ Journal articles that report the findings of original research, ◦ Newspaper articles reporting on current events ◦ Autobiographies ◦ Speeches ◦ Creative works such as novels, plays, poems, music and art

5  Secondary Sources ◦ A journal/magazine article which interprets or reviews previous findings ◦ A history textbook ◦ A book about the effects of WWI

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