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ROME World history 2013. Date: Monday, November 18 TSWBAT complete their creation of a Newspaper; brainstorm ideas about the Roman Empire. Warm-Up: Complete.

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Presentation on theme: "ROME World history 2013. Date: Monday, November 18 TSWBAT complete their creation of a Newspaper; brainstorm ideas about the Roman Empire. Warm-Up: Complete."— Presentation transcript:

1 ROME World history 2013

2 Date: Monday, November 18 TSWBAT complete their creation of a Newspaper; brainstorm ideas about the Roman Empire. Warm-Up: Complete Newspaper; bind; print; hand in assignments Activity: Brainstorm- What do you know about Rome? Use sheets of paper to categorize what we know and what we want to know! Articles project due today. Big Ideas worksheet due today. Current Assignments Past Due Assignments Pencil Binder articles What do I need for class today?

3 Brainstorm What do you want to know What do you know – Discuss them and hang each on the back chalk board  What area was the Roman Empire located?

4 Roman Empire, 180 CE

5 Date: Tuesday, November 19 TSWBAT create a map of the Roman Empire using their book and the internet Warm-Up: Where is Rome located on a map? Activity: complete Roman Map Activity using the book and internet Current Assignments Articles project due. Big Ideas worksheet due. Past Due Assignments Pencil Binder articles What do I need for class today?

6 Roman Empire, 180 CE

7 Date: Wednesday, November 20 TSWBAT assess their map for correctness; explain life in ancient Rome Warm-Up: Review map of Rome for correct locations; points of completion; complete map Activity: complete map; pg. 146-47 read and answer questions on worksheet Current Assignments Articles project due today. Big Ideas worksheet due today. Past Due Assignments Pencil Binder articles What do I need for class today?

8 Closing question: Discuss What influences did the Greeks have on the Romans??

9 Date: Thursday, November 21 TSWBAT describe Social classes of Rome; rank the classes; compare and contrast Roman social classes to America’s. Warm-Up: How would you describe America’s social classes: list the different classes, jobs within each class, and percentage of population you think makes up each class. Activity: Social Hierarchy and Classes in Ancient Rome Current Assignments Articles project due today. Big Ideas worksheet due today. Past Due Assignments Pencil Binder articles What do I need for class today?

10 Social Classes in Rome A system of hierarchy based on four major factors: – heredity, – property, – wealth, – citizenship, – and freedom.

11 Roman Social Hierarchy Patricians (Upper class) Plebeians (common/ lower class) c c Senators Equestrian women soldiers c c Freemen/ slaves

12 Videos VIDEOS! SEE PBS WEBSITE (2) Discuss the clips: How would you describe the lifestyle of an average Roman?

13 Date: FRIDAY, November 22 Warm-Up: see discussion questions and answer in your notes! Activity: PPT on social classes in Rome Current Assignments Articles project due today. Big Ideas worksheet due today. Past Due Assignments Pencil Binder articles What do I need for class today?

14 Warm up questions: Which group(s) had the largest population and was most representative of the Roman citizenry? Which group do you think was most important to the daily operations and work required to keep the Roman Empire functioning? Why?

15 Create PPT



18 Closure How is the Roman social structure similar or different to America’s social structure? Describe three similarities and three differences: EXPLAIN!!

19 Date: MONDAY, November 25 TSWBAT navigate the web to explain social hierarchy and slavery in Rome and its importance to the economy of the Roman Empire. Warm-Up: Get computers and log on! Activity: SOCIAL HIERARCHY IN ROMAN SOCIETY: Slavery webquest! Current Assignments Articles project due today. Big Ideas worksheet due today. Past Due Assignments Pencil Binder articles What do I need for class today?

20 Date: Tuesday, November 26 TSWBAT navigate the web to explain social hierarchy and slavery in Rome and its importance to the economy of the Roman Empire. Warm-Up: get computers and log on! Activity: SOCIAL HIERARCHY IN ROMAN SOCIETY: complete webquest! Current Assignments Articles project due today. Big Ideas worksheet due today. Past Due Assignments Pencil Binder articles What do I need for class today?

21 Closure: discussion How do you think most people treated their slaves based on the words of Seneca? Why do you think Seneca encouraged the Romans to "treat your inferior as you would like to be treated"? Based on what you have seen and heard, what threat did people in the lower social classes present to Roman leaders?

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