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Edith Wharton Ethan Frome Day #1. Who is Edith Wharton?? Take notes on Edith’s background/influences and worksEdith’s background/influences and works.

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Presentation on theme: "Edith Wharton Ethan Frome Day #1. Who is Edith Wharton?? Take notes on Edith’s background/influences and worksEdith’s background/influences and works."— Presentation transcript:

1 Edith Wharton Ethan Frome Day #1

2 Who is Edith Wharton?? Take notes on Edith’s background/influences and worksEdith’s background/influences and works

3 Wharton’s Writing Style Edith Wharton wrote in a style called Social Realism: – a style of writing that developed in the latter portion of the nineteenth century – largely in reaction to the romantic writing that had dominated literature for almost a century. – The proponents of social realism are varied, ranging from Mark Twain to Henry James, from William Dean Howells to Sinclair Lewis. Literary realism, like all styles of literature, arose out of a social moment and a historical context; it was greatly influenced by the emphasis on science and the rational approach to philosophy that dominated the time.

4 Social Realists Social realists showed a certain segment of society and rarely agreed on what constituted their style of writing; but some said it was: – “the truthful delineation of the motives, the impulses, and the principles that shape the lives of realistic men and women. “ – But some Social Realists wanted their colleagues to somewhat soften the truth by writing of the "smiling aspects of life," not the grubby world of prostitutes and child abuse.

5 Social Realists Wharton’s realism often looked on the less brutal side of life. Her closest ally among the social realists was Henry James; in philosophy and literary style there were many similarities between the two

6 Influence of Henry James James gave Wharton significant literary advice. When he read her novel, The Valley of Indecision, he praised it, but also suggested that she should confine herself in her subject matter to New York. James wrote, "Do New York! The first-hand account is precious." Wharton successfully responded, and for the rest of her career, the setting of her writing is largely the society of New York.

7 Influence of Henry James In The Age of Innocence, Wharton looked back with nostalgia on an earlier New York society that she really liked better than the contemporary one that she usually described in negative and realistic terms in her novels. In 1921, she won a Pulitzer Prize for the novel.

8 Literary Elements/Devices in Ethan Frome Frame Story: A story within a story. The “frame” is an outer story that precedes and follows a more important inner story. The outer story is the narration by a visitor to the town of Starkfield. He tells how he put together the facts about Ethan Frome’s accident. The inner story is that of Ethan and his life.

9 Literary Elements/Devices in Ethan Frome Flashback: interruption of the chronological sequence by the interjection of events that occurred earlier. The inner story that related the events leading up to the climactic accident is told in flashbacks.

10 Literary Elements/Devices in Ethan Frome Dialect: Way of speaking that’s characteristic of certain geographic location, region, etc. Book is filled with strong New England dialect like a Boston accent – think of the r sound.

11 Literary Elements/Devices in Ethan Frome Point of View: Voice telling the story. Beginning is 1 st person point of view with the narrator of the frame tale as an engineer who is visiting Starkfield on a job assignment. When Chapter I begins, point of view shifts to 3 rd person limited, and thoughts and feelings of one character exclusively – Ethan.

12 Color Coding As we read, you will need to color code for various devices, elements, structures, choices… Begin by devising a key in the beginning of your book: – Unknown/significant words – Symbols – Themes – Motifs – Figurative Language – Other devices/elements **Remember to annotate/comment/remark each time that you color code in your book**

13 Introduction Begin reading in class – Color code/annotate – Homework: Finish reading the introduction & color code & define at least 5 unknown words from this section.

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