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Global Citizenship Education as Sustainable Development (GCESD) Maureen Ellis London University Institute of Education

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1 Global Citizenship Education as Sustainable Development (GCESD) Maureen Ellis London University Institute of Education

2 Systemic CHAT Engestrom’s Cultural Historic Activity Theory

3 Critical Realist ontology as systemic stratification

4 Whose Truth / Knowledge? Critical Realist ecology of epistemologies Rec 1: Inter-disciplinary Critical Discourse Studies : theory, analysis, application should systemically address political-economy & ethics in every discipline (Discourse = language in action; integrity of thought, word, in-deed!)

5 Dialectical Critical Realism’s yin/yang turbulence and quiescence R2:Emancipatory praxis must span fact/value; theory/practice; politics/ethics R3: Long-term, stable, HEI / INGO collaborations.

6 Cultural politics SubjectsIndividualCultural Mediation Collective Deep framesValues and perceptions ImmediateEthos and worldview Surface framesBeliefs and intentions Multi-modally mediated Cosmology and ideology Evidenced in / Accessed by Language, modes, activity Multi-media and the media Dominant discourses: community products

7 R 4 (W)holistic CHAT - neuro-,psycho-, cognitive linguistics meta-real framing & footing (Goffman) Metaphor ~ thought ~ language (Lakoff and Johnson) engages passion, beliefs, en-theos-iastic experience i. Transformative personal passion (Hegarty); ii. Professional response-able transaction (Giroux); iii. Reflexive positioning of collective Self (Harre). R 5 Theorised multi-modal critique: Speech Act Performativity (Austin)

8 Hetroglossic CHAT: Multiple intelligences (Bakhtin)(Gardner) Multi-modal, multi-media literacy (Kress) (Jewitt): material, sensorial, spatio-temporal, symbolic Genre studies: form / function; what / why Relevance: From texts to con-texts Critical Semiotics: life-long, life-wide search for meaning R 6 HEI assessment (school /community projects)

9 Academic accountability: speak truth to power R7: Universe-cities: Transnational, multi-stakeholder research partnerships with dev countries

10 Transformational Global Citizenship Education as Sustainable Development (GCESD) Transformational Systemic Functional Linguistics (Halliday’s SFL) enables R 8: Democratic cyber communities of praxis (COPx)

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