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1 CCR Volunteer Council A Quick Overview of Mission, Intent, and Key Provisions.

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1 1 CCR Volunteer Council A Quick Overview of Mission, Intent, and Key Provisions

2 2 Mission Provide a voice for volunteers Provide a forum for volunteers to volunteer in a non-mediation capacity Support CCR Ultimately, make CCR’s volunteer pool more cohesive by increasing engagement

3 3 Council Membership 13 elected members, 14 total Volunteer Director serves “ex officio” (as part of that position) and does not vote Two should be “newly certified” – meaning that they have completed their certification since the last election. (But if none run, the slot can be filled by others) Terms are two years, six will have one- year terms to start

4 4 Committees There are standing, ad hoc, and subcommittees Standing committees are created by the Articles, and can be created by the Council Ad hoc can be created by the Council to help with “specific objectives” Subcommittees are established by standing committees to complete specific aspects of the standing committee’s work.

5 5 Examples Standing committee: Volunteer Community Subcommittee: Appreciation party subcommittee Ad hoc: Babysitting committee established by Council in response to request from volunteer to assess whether CCR can provide babysitting for volunteers’ children during mediations –Note: Ad hoc committees are the answer when there does not appear to be an appropriate standing committee to send something to, and when it looks like the issue is short-term.

6 6 Standing Committees On the following topics: –Quality and Standards –Training and Continuing Education –Volunteer Community Intent to give them the primary responsibility for developing AND implementing plans to achieve objectives in these areas. Objectives are set by the Council – in partnership with staff and guided by CCR strategies and goals

7 7 Committee Membership Each committee has a chair –In the first year, standing committee has to be chaired by member of Council –ANY volunteer can chair or be a member of ad hoc and/or sub-committees Chairs are self-nominated or nominated by the Council chair and approved by majority vote of Council ALL volunteers can serve as members of ANY committee (standing, ad hoc, sub)

8 8 Elections Intent: to provide a means for volunteers to elect people to the Council in a friendly and approachable way. Intent: to provide a means for volunteers to meet and get to know one another. Intent: to provide for staggered terms to assist in consistency.

9 9 Elections Occur in April/May CCR staff directors name who will be part of elections committee. Elections committee consists of 5 people who will not be eligible to run for Council Six of the 13 Council members will serve a one-year term. Up to Council how to decide on who serves shorter term.

10 10 Officers Elected in June All Council members eligible (self- nominate, nominated) Positions: –Chair –Vice Chair –Secretary

11 11 Council Chair Liaise with Executive Director and Board Ex Officio member of Board Oversee communications and activities Facilitate meetings and prepare agendas Nominate Committee Chairs

12 12 Council Vice-Chair Liaise with Volunteer Director Will develop and lead strategy to build a culture of volunteer commitment –In other words, the Vice-Chair spearheads initiatives to make the volunteers more cohesive. How that’s done is up to the individual. Some could implement that by acting as a social chair; others may develop a database project. Possibilities are endless. Assume all Chair responsibilities when Chair unable

13 13 Secretary Distributes agenda Records and distributes minutes Other administrative duties may be assigned Council parliamentarian

14 14 Council Member Termination Three absences + majority vote (OR) 75% vote to terminate for cause Vote to terminate must be included in agenda Can be appealed to CCR Executive Director Council Chair may select replacement

15 15 Our Hope? That the Council will give volunteers a voice That the Council will give volunteers a place That the Council will focus volunteers’ goals Created by volunteers, for volunteers… and further developed by volunteers

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