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Dioxin Emissions in Malta Charmaine Vassallo, B.Sc (Hons)

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Presentation on theme: "Dioxin Emissions in Malta Charmaine Vassallo, B.Sc (Hons)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dioxin Emissions in Malta Charmaine Vassallo, B.Sc (Hons)

2 Introduction: Present organisational structure

3 Malta’s Position: n Malta signed the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, on 23 rd May 2001 n Action is to be taken on twelve POPs all of which are chlorine-containing organic compounds.

4 AldrinBanned DieldrinBanned EndrinBanned ChlordaneBanned DDTBanned HeptachlorBanned HexachlorBanned MirexNot evaluated by PAB ToxapheneBanned PCB’sBanned Dioxins and furansNo information available On the local scene:

5 Dioxin emission detection: n A new area for Malta and so we have as yet no related data n The potential sources in Malta for formation and release of dioxins as stated in the Stockholm Convention are:

6 n 1. Maghtab landfill in Malta 2. Qortin landfill in Gozo 3. Malta Drydocks incinerator 4. Other private owned incinerators 5. Hospital incinerator ( replaced by a new non-burn technology ) 6. Abattoir incinerator

7 Dioxins can also be formed unintentionally and released from: n the two power plants found in Malta (under fossil fuel-fired utility and industrial boilers, in Part III of Annex C in the Stockholm Convention) n motor vehicles, particularly those burning leaded gasoline (leaded petrol now phased out)

8 An island’s characteristic: n As a small island, Malta has a background concentration of chloride which is higher than in inland countries, thus, there is a higher potential for dioxin formation.

9 Assistance needed: n Capacity Building Support aimed at enhancing the knowledge base and the technical ability of Malta i. specialised training, based on country- driven needs ii. mechanisms to facilitate exchange of relevant information and experience among EU and accession countries

10 iii. equipment specification necessary for monitoring & analysis iv. technical expertise in: – a. sampling methodology – b. calibration procedures – c. intercalibration / quality control exercise. – d.A need for emission measurements at one or two important sources, and background during this project. n

11 Future programmes: n 1. The Veterinary Services Department - National Meat Residues Programme n 2. MEPA - POPs project proposal in order to determine the hotspots in Malta and Gozo Maltese laboratories are not equipped for dioxin analysis, and such analysis is subcontracted to other laboratories abroad. n

12 Queries: n Are there any remediation or management procedures for areas contaminated with dioxins?

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