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EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - GSEE - ETUC European Conference The Sustainable Development and the Role.

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Presentation on theme: "EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - GSEE - ETUC European Conference The Sustainable Development and the Role."— Presentation transcript:

1 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - GSEE - ETUC European Conference The Sustainable Development and the Role of the Social Partners 27th april 2004 Eretria Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Commercio Alberghi Mense Servizi

2 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - FILCAMS Italian Workers Federation Trade, Hotels, Catering, Services (294.235 members in 2003) is the category trade union of CGIL Italian General Confederation of Workers (5.515.530 members in 2003) FILCAMS takes care of workers in tourism and join the: European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism trade unions Union internationale des travailleurs de l’alimentation, de l’agriculture, de l’hôtellerie-restauration, du tabac et des branches connexes Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Commercio Alberghi Mense Servizi

3 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - ETLC

4 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - Le The tourism dimension Wto (World Tourism Organization) 2001 - 693 milion of tourism’ arrivals 2020 - 1 billion of tourism’ arrivals despite of all tragic events such as september the 11 th the second resources of the 3rd world, after petrol, is TOURISM petrol is not in all countries tourism can be all over

5 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - Le The tourism dimension European countries are: z1st Incoming destination (people visiting us) za huge Outgoing destination( our people travelling abroad)

6 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - Le The tourism dimension Tourism values zpeace and safety zdestinations carrying capacity zenvironmental’s quality zcultural and customs’ differences zgood working’s quality conditions All these values are essential tools to provide good services

7 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - Le The tourism dimension Steps to sustainability z1977 Stockolm z1992 Rio de Janeiro z2002 Johannesburg sustainable development is a balance among ENVIRONMENTAL- SOCIAL rights ECONOMIC iusses

8 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - The tourism dimension The tourism sustainable dimension consists into: zhow much “richness” remain in the destination zhow much “richness” goes to the local community

9 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - The tourism sustainable dimension the trade union thinks that one of the solution can be: to support the WTO (World Tourism Organization ) to relieve poverty zto spread tourists all around the year and all around the world countries

10 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position The social dimension of sustainable development

11 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position The social dimension of sustainable development

12 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position Market concentration in European tourism

13 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position Market concentration in European tourism

14 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position Market concentration in European tourism

15 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position Social responsibility of companies CSR

16 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position T he Responsibilities of the European Union in ensuring Socially Sustainable Tourism

17 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position Which Trade Union Initiatives are needed?

18 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position …. and some projects. zNetworks to monitor the accounting practices and social responsibility of companies must be developed and managed within the international trade union organisations, and between the trade union organisations of the various countries. z In october 2003 UITA adopted these decisions and some projects are develop, some examples: z“Influence of CSR pratices on the quality of employment” (Filcams CGIL, Fisascat CISL, Uiltucs UIL, FECOHT CC.OO., CFDT Services; affilieted to IUF-UITA)  Corporate Social Responsability UP SIDE DOWN (CSR UpSiDo) Filcams CGIL FECOHT CC.OO., CFDT Services with EFFAT’s support

19 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - UITA “Influence of CSR pratices on the quality of employment” (Filcams CGIL, Fisascat CISL, Uiltucs UIL, FECOHT CC.OO., CFDT Services; affilieted to IUF-UITA)

20 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - Corporate Social Responsability UP SIDE DOWN (CSR UpSiDo)”, submitted under Budget heading VP/2004/003

21 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - Corporate Social Responsability UP SIDE DOWN (CSR UpSiDo)”, submitted under Budget heading VP/2004/003

22 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria -


24 FEDERTURISMO enterprises association and FILCAMS FISASCAT UILTUCS trade unions association

25 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria - EBIT and Corporate Social Responsability EBIT is formed by trade unions and tourism’s enterprises and has involved CSR on severals aspects: -experiences on sustainable development i.e. TOI Project -cooperation with Si Può, no profit association acting in tourism and disabilities, into training courses, finalized to welcome clients with disabilities in the tourism’s industry, the project’s name : “Italy, a country for all: the quality of tourism services for clients with special needs” - Adoption of ECPAT code of conduct

26 EFFAT- Filcams CGIL, 27th april 2004 Eretria -

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