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EDTEC 540 Introduction to Educational Technology Design & Develop: Job Aids Instructor: Jim Marshall Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "EDTEC 540 Introduction to Educational Technology Design & Develop: Job Aids Instructor: Jim Marshall Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDTEC 540 Introduction to Educational Technology Design & Develop: Job Aids Instructor: Jim Marshall Ph.D.

2 Design Phase  Establish objectives  Author test items  Determine instructional/informational strategies  Select delivery media  Create design specification

3 Tonight Investigate job aid design and development… …recognizing that the process is relevant to the design of many instructional/informational products …to connect the dots between earlier course content and its application to design/development

4 Classical instruction Focus on altering the brain of the performer

5 Aided performance Focus on altering the environment

6 Job Aids Past and Present In the 1980s... "A storage place OTHER THAN MEMORY for information relevant to PERFORMING segments of jobs.” (Harless, 1988, p.2)

7 behavior steps in procedures alternative to memory support during performance Job Aids: Historical  1980’s job aids

8 Job Aids: Contemporary "Something external to the individual that:  supports work;  reduces reliance upon memory;  and directs, guides and enlightens performance." (Rossett and Gautier-Downes)

9 Contemporary Highlights 1980's highlights PLUS... Expanded purposes mental processes guidelines and alternatives motivation (confidence) to perform self-monitoring for quality control

10 Job Aids for Broader Purposes 1980's 1. Informing 2. Proceeding Turn of the Century 1. Informing 2. Proceeding 3. Coaching and Decision-making

11 10 aspects of your job aid assignment 1.Introduction – report content 2.Analysis Techniques – report content 3.Objectives – report content 4.Job Aid Media – job aid evaluation 5.Job Aid Design – job aid evaluation 6.Pilot Test – report content 7.Pilot Test Interpretations and Revisions – report content 8.Solution System – report content 9.Writing – job aid and report criteria 10.Complexity – job aid and report criteria

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