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Advanced Compiler Techniques LIU Xianhua School of EECS, Peking University Course Project Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Compiler Techniques LIU Xianhua School of EECS, Peking University Course Project Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Compiler Techniques LIU Xianhua School of EECS, Peking University Course Project Introduction

2 “Advanced Compiler Techniques” About Programming Assignment  Goal To give you experience building and evaluating systems in order to help you to prepare to build and evaluate novel systems you create.  Assignments four programming assignments. encourage to work in groups of two on all assignments. Pair Programming is recommended. Pair Programming 2

3 Assignment Lab 1: Translation Translation Lab 2: Dataflow and optimization Dataflow and optimization Lab 3: SSA and optimization SSA and optimization Lab 4: TBD ( optional, extra 10% credit ) 3 “Advanced Compiler Techniques”

4 Other Choices  GCC  LLVM  Soot compiler  Joeq Joeq  SUIF SUIF  JikesRVM JikesRVM  Eclipse Eclipse  MIT - Flex MIT - Flex 4 “Advanced Compiler Techniques”

5 Using LLVM  Visit http :// www. llvm. org / http :// www. llvm. org /  Download & Install LLVM ( 3.3 )  Writing an LLVM Pass http :// www. llvm. org / docs / Wri tingAnLLVMPass. html 5 “Advanced Compiler Techniques”

6 Using GCC  Visit http :// gcc. gnu. org / http :// gcc. gnu. org /  Download and Install GCC ( 4.5.0 )  GCC Online Documentation http :// gcc. gnu. org / onlin edocs / 6 “Advanced Compiler Techniques”

7 Using Soot  Soot main page : http :// www. sable. mcgill. ca / soot / http :// www. sable. mcgill. ca / soot /  Soot download page : http :// www. sable. mcgill. ca / soot / soot_download. html http :// www. sable. mcgill. ca / soot / soot_download. html  Soot tutorials : http :// www. sable. mcgill. ca / soot / tutorial / http :// www. sable. mcgill. ca / soot / tutorial / 7 “Advanced Compiler Techniques”

8 Schedule 8 Lab Due Date Report Lab 1&2 Dec 5, 2013 >3- page report Lab 3 Jan 2, 2014 >2- page report Lab 4 Jan 2, 2014 >2- page report “Advanced Compiler Techniques”

9 Ethics  Your code is like your boyfriend or girlfriend  It ' s okay to talk about it on an abstract, high level  But you don ' t want to go into the specific details  and you certainly don ' t want to share —— Pascal Van Hentenryck Computer Science Professor, Brown University, 1997 9 “Advanced Compiler Techniques”

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