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Session 3 / Adolescent Literacy January 2010. Teaching Inductively.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 3 / Adolescent Literacy January 2010. Teaching Inductively."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 3 / Adolescent Literacy January 2010

2 Teaching Inductively

3 Domain: “Teacher Talk” Vanilla colored sentence strips Read through them w/ an elbow partner

4 Pull out sentences 2, 14, and 16… 2. What was the best/most difficult aspect of the learning today? 14. What would you do if you faced this problem? 16. What were the three most important ideas we learned about today—and why?

5 # 2… metacognition # 14… metacognition # 16… metacognition 2. What was the best/most difficult aspect of the learning today? 14. What would you do if you faced this problem? 16. What were the three most important ideas we learned about today—and why?

6 2. What was the best/most difficult aspect of the learning today? 14. What would you do if you faced this problem? 16. What were the three most important ideas we learned about today—and why? Metacognition Next logical step

7 Let me again share some of my thinking…

8 Another try… Orange sentence strips Data set of 16 sentences/prompts Same process – Read sentences – Look for common characteristics – Group together sentences w/ commonalities – Name your groups – Then you’ll share – Be prepared to justify your thinking

9 Take a few minutes… Read this testimonial I found to share with you from “Chicken Soup for the Teacher’s Soul…”

10 Opportunity to Reflect Take a few moments and think about the power of writing to learn as it relates to the Inductive Model of Teaching. How might you be able to adapt this to your own content area and utilize it in your instruction? Write quietly in your professional learning log for a few minutes…

11 Double Entry Journals BD AC Rigor Relevance Level of rigor depends on the cognitive level of questions/prompts that you ask More relevant than filling in the blanks on a worksheet Replicates a task that they might do in real life Is not high on the relevance continuum

12 Double Entry Journals Characteristics of Teaching for Learner Differences Supportive Learning Environment Continuous Assessment Respectful Task Flexible Grouping Characteristics of Double Entry Journals Personal Provides Insight

13 Double Entry Journals Students thinking about their thinking Students use it to reflect and assess their understanding Teachers use it to assess students' understanding Others can provide students with feedback about their responses Double Entry Journals Assessment for Learning Students thinking- meta-cognitively Used by students and teachers Feedback to students that will improve student achievement

14 Double Entry Journal- Moves Left-hand column students select words, short quotes, or passages from the text that interest them or evoke strong responses. Right hand column invoke some kind of personal response or connection to those items in the left-hand column. Problem-solving Think aloud on right hand side, identifying what about the problem is making it difficult or what might make it easier for me? Problem-solving Solve the problem including diagrams, formulas, etc.

15 Experience... 1.Take out the Triple Entry Journal 2.Everyone read pp. 152-154 3.Complete the Journal according to the directions provided 4.Share your responses with those at your table.


17 Strategy #2 Drawing and Illustrating

18 Drawing and Illustrating Assessment for Learning See What Students Know; Address Misconceptions Plan Accordingly

19 Drawing and Illustrating Teaching for Learner Differences Flexible Grouping Options Readiness Learning Style

20 BD AC Rigor Relevance Level of rigor depends on what is asked of students... Replicates a task that they might do in real life Is not high on the relevance continuum


22 Snickers: Read Stage 1 (154-5) Twix: Read Stage 2 (155-6) M&M's: Read Stage 3 (156-8) Jolly Rancher: Read Stage 4 (158-9) Kit Kat: Read Stage 5 (159-160) Hershey's Bar: Read Stage 6 (160-1)

23 Discuss the main points from the section you read Create a drawing/illustration that summarizes the key elements Post it!

24 1.Find new groups 2.Experts teach 3.Record important ideas!

25 Writing Frames "Writing frames are structures or overviews that provide learners with the amount of scaffolding they need to complete effective pieces of writing." "Writing Frames may be the only way some students will be able to complete a finished piece of writing that demonstrates an understanding of the content and is written in the proper format." "Writing frames can anchor writers as they navigate the wide range of formal and informal modes of writing." Allen, Janet. More Tools for Teaching Content Literacy

26 Example: Responses to Reading I chose to read __________________ (title of book), which was written by __________________ because ______________________________________________. When I first started reading this book, I thought _________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________. After reading further, I discovered ____________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________. The story takes place _____________________________ where the characters ______________________________ _______________________________________________. The main problem occurs when ____________________ ______________________________________. After that, I discovered....... (Allen, Janet)

27 Writing Frames: Rigor and Relevance BD AC Rigor Relevance Level of rigor depends on the amount of teacher writing compared to the amount of student response. It is also influenced by the level of prompt. Release of teacher control increases relevance for the student Is not high on the relevance continuum

28 Writing Frames: Teaching for Learner Differences The purpose of a writing frame for an adolescent writer is to provide a scaffolding tool to increase success with writing. Supportive learning environment High Quality Curriculum Respectful Task It is intended that the use of the writing frame will be reduced as a student becomes more proficient in writing in that style. Continuous Assessment Flexible Grouping

29 Your Task Read the last section: pp. 161-163 The purpose of your writing assignment will be to summarize what you have read. After reading, complete the writing prompt that has been handed to you. Complete as much as you can before I call time.

30 Debrief 1.At your table, compare the type of writing assignments that you were asked to do. 2.What comparisons can you make about the levels of engagement, rigor, relevance, and differentiation? 3.What strengths or weaknesses might you see with using writing frames?

31 Journal Today you’ve learned about double- entry journals, drawing/illustrating, and writing frames. How do you see yourself using any or all of these strategies in your classroom?


33 Wrap Up/ Review Expectations Within one week, complete your third data collection, again using the writing prompt, “Tell me everything you know about…” Score with the rubric and record results. Bring this with you to Session 4. Continue to participate on the Discussion Board. You should have a total of 16 posts by the next Webinar, Feb. 23. Continue implementing Write to Learn strategies. You should have a total 18 by our next online report, Feb. 19.

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