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CS 564 Database Management Systems: Design and Implementation Fall 2015 Arun Kumar CS 564: Database Management Systems1.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 564 Database Management Systems: Design and Implementation Fall 2015 Arun Kumar CS 564: Database Management Systems1."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 564 Database Management Systems: Design and Implementation Fall 2015 Arun Kumar CS 564: Database Management Systems1

2 2 A note from the course instructor

3 CS 564: Database Management Systems3 Hello potential CS564ers, I am really sorry for missing the first week of class!  I am too busy vacationing in..., er, I mean working hard at the VLDB conference in Hawaii! If you take this course, I kid you not, you might eventually visit places such as Hawaii, Australia, Italy, and Turkey, just like I do (as a database graduate student).* And, many thanks to my PhD advisor, Jeff, for standing in! Mahalo, Arun *Conditions apply.

4 CS 564: Database Management Systems4

5 5 What is this course about? Why take it?

6 1. IBM’s Watson beats humans in Jeapordy!

7 CS 564: Database Management Systems7 How did Watson achieve that?

8 CS 564: Database Management Systems8 Watson devoured LOTS of data!

9 CS 564: Database Management Systems9 2. “Structured” data with Google search results

10 CS 564: Database Management Systems10 How does Google know that?

11 CS 564: Database Management Systems11 Google also devours LOTS of data!

12 3. Amazon’s “spot-on” recommendations CS 564: Database Management Systems12

13 CS 564: Database Management Systems13 How does Amazon know that?

14 CS 564: Database Management Systems14 You guessed it! LOTS and LOTS of data! Analysis

15 CS 564: Database Management Systems15 And innumerable “traditional” applications

16 CS 564: Database Management Systems16

17 CS 564: Database Management Systems17 Data management is the cornerstone of many computing-powered applications, both modern and traditional

18 CS 564: Database Management Systems18 The Age of “Big Data”/“Data Science”

19 CS 564: Database Management Systems19 Data data everywhere, All the wallets did shrink! Data data everywhere, Nor any moment to think?

20 CS 564: Database Management Systems20 CS 564 will get you thinking about the fundamentals of data management 1.What is (structured) data and how to model it formally? 2.How to “query” against data? 3.How to build a “database system” to store, organize, and retrieve data? 4.How to make the system faster? 5.Deeper and more recent issues

21 CS 564: Database Management Systems21 And now for the (boring) logistics …

22 CS 564: Database Management Systems22 Course Administrivia  Lectures: MonWed 2.30-3.45pm, 2120 Grainger Hall Discussions: Fri (same time/room; lectures at times) Attending ALL lectures (MW and F) is mandatory! Non-lecture project discussions on Fri optional  Instructor: Arun Kumar; Office hours: MonWed 4-5pm, 4331CS  TAs: Kavin Mani and Honghui Zhang; Office Hours TBD  CS564 on Learn@UW for course material and Piazza

23 CS 564: Database Management Systems23 Prerequisites  CS 367 is absolutely essential Additionally, CS 564 might be helpful  C++ is absolutely essential for course projects; check webpage for resources Additionally, Python or Perl might be helpful

24 CS 564: Database Management Systems24 Grading  Midterm Exam: 25% Oct 23, during Discussion hours  Final Exam: 35% Dec 19, 07:25-09.25 PM, Room TBD  Projects: Two 2-part programming projects; 30%  Homeworks: Two written assignments; 10%

25 CS 564: Database Management Systems25 Course Outline 1.Entity-relationship model and Relational data model 2.Relational algebra and SQL 3.Data files, storage, buffer management, indexing 4.Sorting, relational operators, optimization 5.Transactions, concurrency, … 1.What is (structured) data and how to model it formally? 2.How to “query” against data? 3.How to build a “database system” to store, organize, and retrieve data? 4.How to make the system go faster? 5.Deeper and more recent issues

26 CS 564: Database Management Systems26 The primary focus will be the Relational data model and Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)

27 CS 564: Database Management Systems27 Relational model in a nutshell Basically, Relation:Table :: Pilot:Driver (okay, a bit more) The model formalizes “operations” to manipulate relations RatingIDRatingDateUserIDMovieID 13.508/27/152329420 24.007/20/154232293 32.508/02/1554551846 ……………

28 CS 564: Database Management Systems28 Relational model in a nutshell Invented by E. F. Codd in 1970s at IBM Research in CA

29 CS 564: Database Management Systems29 Relational DBMS in a nutshell A software system to implement the Relational model, i.e., enable users to manage data stored as relations

30 CS 564: Database Management Systems30 Relational DBMS in a nutshell First RDBMSs: System R (IBM) and Ingres (Berkeley) in 1970s A rare photo of the original System R manual Mike Stonebraker won the Turing Award this year!

31 CS 564: Database Management Systems31 Relational DBMS in a nutshell RDBMS software is now a US $20 billion/year Industry; many open source RDBMSs also exist People still start companies about what are basically RDBMSs!

32 CS 564: Database Management Systems32 Course Textbook “Database Management Systems” 3 rd Edition Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke Prescribed: Optional: “Database Systems: The Complete Book” H.G. Molina, J.D. Ullman, and J. Widom Aka The “Cow Book” Which cow are you?

33 CS 564: Database Management Systems33 Course Projects  Two 2-part programming projects  Project 1: Design Part 1: Schema design, data cleaning and loading Part 2: Data querying and tuning with SQL  Project 2: Implementation Part 1: Buffer manager Part 2: B+ Tree index  Individual work only – no sharing of code! The University has strict rules on plagiarism  No late days

34 CS 564: Database Management Systems34 Course Homeworks  Two written homework assignments  Homework 1: Mostly on relational model/algebra  Homework 2: Mostly on query processing/optimization  Individual work only – no sharing of answers! Same rules on plagiarism apply  No late days

35 CS 564: Database Management Systems35 General Dos and Do NOTs Do:  Raise your hand before asking questions during Lectures  Participate in class discussions and use our Piazza page  Use “[CS564]” as subject prefix for all emails to me/TAs Do NOT:  Take this class if you cannot attend on Fridays also  Use laptops, tablets, mobile phones, or any other electronic devices during Lectures  Use email as primary communication mechanism for doubts/questions instead of Office Hours and Discussions  Record or quote the instructor’s anecdotes out of class!

36 CS 564: Database Management Systems36 Questions?

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