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CEN WS/BII The BII post-award activities and deliverables The path towards more efficient procurement in Europe Stockholm December 2, 2014 1 Mr. Martin.

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Presentation on theme: "CEN WS/BII The BII post-award activities and deliverables The path towards more efficient procurement in Europe Stockholm December 2, 2014 1 Mr. Martin."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEN WS/BII The BII post-award activities and deliverables The path towards more efficient procurement in Europe Stockholm December 2, 2014 1 Mr. Martin Forsberg CEN WS/BII3 Post-award Team lead

2 CEN WS/BII What do we mean by post award? Well defined and integrated processes for Product and price exchange Catalogue Punch out Ordering Order, order response Fullfilment/Delivery Despatch Advice Receipt Advice (introduced in BII3) Billing Invoice, Credit Note, Statement 2

3 CEN WS/BII What do we mean by integrated? All transactions (messages) are using a common vocabulary of business terms Each profile is designed to be used both stand- alone but also in combination with others Such as; Invoice only Order & Invoice Catalogue & Order & Invoice Punch Out & Invoice... 3

4 CEN WS/BII What do we produce? Profiles Process description Semantic models for each transaction Using a common vocabulary of business terms Syntax representation/mapping towards OASIS UBL 2.1 and UN/CEFACT D11A XML Supporting guidelines Best practices for businesses Payment initiation & reconciliation, booking into account Technical implementation guidelines Use of datatypes, codelists, validation rules 4

5 CEN WS/BII Design principles Focus on general use Simplicity rather than total automation (which traditional EDI often strives for) Not limited to B2G! A step-wise approach which enables gradual implementation as the market (and trading partners) mature 5

6 CEN WS/BII Well known implementation - PEPPOL OpenPEPPOL implements several CENBII-profiles under the concept of ”PEPPOL BIS” (Business Interoperability Specification) The BIS applies a few further refinements so that the profiles become suitable for the PEPPOL Infrastructure Adds more samples and technical resources Over 30 000 companies registered as receivers of e-Invoices in the PEPPOL infrastructure 6

7 CEN WS/BII Directive 2014/55/EU on electronic invoicing in public procurement Member States shall ensure that contracting authorities and contracting entities receive and process electronic invoices The Commission shall request that the relevant European standardisation organisation draft a European standard for the semantic data model of the core elements of an electronic invoice Member States shall adopt, publish and apply the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive at the latest by 27 November 2018. 7

8 CEN WS/BII New Directive – electronic invoicing Definition of e-invoice: ‘electronic invoice’ means an invoice that has been issued, transmitted and received in a structured electronic format which allows for its automatic and electronic processing ---------------------------------------------- CEN is requested to develop the semantic data model (business terms and rules) representing the core content of an e-invoice CEN is to point out a handful of syntaxes to represent the business information Contracting authorities must be able to receive and process electronic invoices in any of the syntaxes (= all the syntaxes) 8

9 CEN WS/BII New directive – electronic invoicing The development in CEN will be based on CENBII Core Invoice data model and MUG The development in CEN should also take other international standards into account BII is represented in the standardization work When the European Standard is ready, it will be used in the relevant BII Profiles 9

10 CEN WS/BII Your path towards more efficient procurement! THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! For more information: 10

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