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Where are we now? Core is done (SCLOA, CLOA and BLOA). IA is almost done. Final submission is due Tuesday the 8 th of September. Mrs. Swift is available.

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Presentation on theme: "Where are we now? Core is done (SCLOA, CLOA and BLOA). IA is almost done. Final submission is due Tuesday the 8 th of September. Mrs. Swift is available."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where are we now? Core is done (SCLOA, CLOA and BLOA). IA is almost done. Final submission is due Tuesday the 8 th of September. Mrs. Swift is available to see you from now.

2 What do we need to do? SL –One option unit. HL -Two option units. -Qualitative research methodology (Paper 3).

3 Developmental Psychology SL and HL Option

4 One of 2 options for HL OR the only option unit for SL. Assessed in Paper 2. Assessed by ERQ only. For each option: choose one ERQ from a choice of 3. Overall in Paper 2 you answer two ERQ’s in 2 hours for HL OR one ERQ in one hour for SL. 25% of your grade for HL or SL.

5 Preference for the HL option Abnormal Concepts and diagnosis: Normality VS abnormality, validity and reliability of diagnosis. Cultural considerations. Psychological disorders: Depression and Bulimia. For each of these we will look at the symptoms, causes and prevalence. Implementing treatment: Biomedical, individual and group approaches.

6 Preference for the HL option Health Stress Physiological, psychological social aspects of stress. Coping with stress. Substance abuse, addictive behaviour and obesity. Mainly related to smoking. Prevention strategies for addictive behaviour. Factors related to overeating and obesity. Prevention strategies and treatments of obesity. Health Promotion Models and theories of health promotion and their effectiveness.

7 Place your votes

8 Introduction to Developmental Overview sheet/Self assessment sheet. Folders, books and notes.

9 Developmental Psychology

10 What is Cognitive Development? A subset of psychology that focuses on how our cognitions changes over time.

11 Cognitive development

12 Children’s art-self portraits. Task: Rank the images from 1-9 in terms of development. One being the least developed and 9 being the most. Make a list of the differences in the images that indicate development. Are any images on the border of two different cognitive stages? ns-drawings-what-can-we-learn-from-them/

13 Introduction Developmental psychology is the study of how and why people change over time in the way they behave, think, and relate to others. Developmental psychology focuses on developmental themes such as identity, attachment and adolescence. It is important to gain an understanding of the extent to which early experience may influence later development and if there are critical periods in development. Knowledge about the influence of biological, social and cultural factors in people’s lives is helpful not only for families but also in childcare and education to create good opportunities for children and young people all over the world. Controversies related to developmental psychology include the extent of the impact of early experiences and why some children seem to be more resilient than others after stressful experiences in childhood. In recent years knowledge about resilience has been used to develop programmes that can increase resilience.

14 Learning Outcomes General framework (applicable to all topics in the option-even for level 1 and 2 command terms) To what extent do biological, cognitive and sociocultural factors influence human development? Evaluate psychological research (that is, theories and/or studies) relevant to developmental psychology.

15 Cognitive development Evaluate theories of cognitive development (for example, Piaget, Bruner, Vygotsky, brain development theories). Discuss how social and environmental variables (for example, parenting, educational environment, poverty, diet) may affect cognitive development.

16 Social development Examine attachment in childhood and its role in the subsequent formation of relationships. Discuss potential effects of deprivation or trauma in childhood on later development. Define resilience. Discuss strategies to build resilience.

17 Identity development Discuss the formation and development of gender roles. Explain cultural variations in gender roles. Describe adolescence. Discuss the relationship between physical change and development of identity during adolescence. Examine psychological research into adolescence (for example, Erikson’s identity crisis, Marcia).

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