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8B Unit 1 Past and present Welcome to the unit.

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1 8B Unit 1 Past and present Welcome to the unit


3 1.What did Eddie do? Why? 2. How has Eddie changed? 3. How has Hobo changed? He ate Hobo’s food. Before, he was kind. Now, he isn’t. Before, he always wanted to play with Eddie. Now, he doesn’t want to play with Eddie. Because he was hungry.

4 Hobo’s food _______ in the _______ an hour ago. But it isn’t there now. Why? Eddie has just _______ it because he was ______. Hobo thinks Eddie was _______ before but now he isn’t. He doesn’t want to______ with Eddie any ________. wasbowl eaten hungrykind playmore

5 Eddie, have you seen my food? I ‘ve just eaten it. ( I’ve = I have) You’ve changed, Eddie.(You’ve=You have) Eddie, 你看见过我的食物吗?(你知道在哪儿吗?) 我刚刚吃掉。 你(已经)变了。 have/has + 过去分词( seen/eaten/changed) ( 此结构为 “ 现在完成时 ” ) 常与 for+ 一段时间、 since+ 过去时间连用

6 I have eaten it. ( 改为否定句, 一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答 ) 否: I haven’t eaten it. 疑问: Have you eaten it? 肯定回答: Yes, I have. 否定回答: No, I haven’t.

7 1. Where did you go during this winter holiday? 2. How did you go there? Why? Free Talk

8 Pairwork A: You have changed. /You have become... B.... A: What did you do during...? B: A: What/how many/where...have you...? B: A: How did you...? B: I/we went... by... I/we took/drove/rode...

9 Do you know their names? Different forms of transport 运输;交通工具

10 underground the light rail 轻轨

11 bus es double-decker 双层公共汽车 It is a bus with two floors.

12 train coach es plane

13 taxis

14 train bus underground plane coach double-decker light rail


16 1. It is a kind of buses, but it can carry more people than a usual bus because of its two floors. ( ) 2. It’s faster and more expensive than a bus, if you are in a hurry, you choose it. ( ) double-decker taxi

17 5. It is the fastest way of traveling to other cities but it costs you much money. ( ) 6. Thousands of people travel to work on it every day, it is faster than a bus and not expensive. ( ) plane underground

18 7. It is a kind of bus, but it is used for carrying passenger( 乘客 ) over long distances( 距离 ). ( ) 8. It is the safest way of traveling. It travels on the railway and has several carriages( 车厢 ). ( ) coach train

19 3. There are many of them. Each one has wheels and takes you to many places in and around your city. ( ) 4. It has provided transport service for people living in Beijing since 2002. ( ) bus light rail

20 Write the correct names under the pictures on page 7.

21 coachbuslight railtaxi undergroundtrainplanedouble-decker

22 taxi trainbus underground (1913) (1935) plane (1909)(1971) (1958) coach double-deckerlight rail (1990)(2002) (1958) Beijing has changed a lot.

23 A timeline for the different forms of transport in Beijing [transport at different times] 1990 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 BuscoachPlane Underground Double-decker Train Taxi Light rail

24 Make a short dialogue: A: When did people begin to use buses in Beijing? B: People began to use them in 1935. B: How long have people used buses in Beijing? A:People have used buses since 1935. People have used buses for 77 years. Transport at different times ( 复数 ) 时期;时代

25 Transport at different times in Beijing train for about 100 years. People began to use trains in 1909. People have used trains since 1909.

26 taxi People have used taxis since 1913. for about 100 years.

27 bus People have used buses since 1935. for about 77 years.

28 coach plane People have used coaches/planes since 1958. for about 50 years.

29 underground People have used undergrounds since 1971. for about 40 years.

30 double-decker People have used double-deckers since 1990. for about 20 years.

31 light rail People have used light rails since 2002. for about 10 years.

32 past( 过去 )

33 present( 现在 )

34 The changes in Huai'an transport people the environment others

35 Changes in our city ! Changes in our city ! Great changes have taken place in our city !Great changes have taken place in our city ! There have been great changes in our city !There have been great changes in our city ! Our city has changed a lot.Our city has changed a lot.

36 1. in the bowl 2. an hour ago 3. be hungry 4. be kind to sb. 4. not …any more 5. play with sb. 6. past and present 在碗里 一小时前 饥饿的 不再 和某人一起玩 过去和现在 对某人好 短语翻译

37 7. 想要做某事 ______________ 8. 不同时代的交通工具 _______________ 9. 写一份有关家乡变化的报告 ____________ 10. 自 1988 年以来 __________ 11. 在过去的 100 年里 _______________ 12. 回到过去 ________ want to do sth. transport at different times write a report on the changes about home town since 1988 over the past 100 years back to the past

38 We ____________ (be) friends since 1990. They ______________ (work) in Shanghai since 1960. Peter ______________ (live) in the city for 20 years. Lucy ______________ (wait ) for 2 hours. My parents _____________ ( be) teachers since 1985. have been have worked has lived has waited have been

39 I ____________ (eat) my breakfast. I can’t eat anything else, I’m very full. I don’t want see the film again. I _________ (see) it. Daniel knows a lot about the book. He __________ (read) it. There are some changes in Haimen. It _________ (change) a lot. have eaten have seen has read has changed

40 翻译: 1. 我 刚吃过午饭。 I have just eaten my lunch. 2. 我 饱了,我不想再吃东西了。 I am full, I don’t want to eat any more. 3. 一 小时前这支钢笔还在铅笔盒里. This pen was in the pencil case an hour ago. 4. 你 看见我的自行车了吗? Have you seen my bike? 5. 你 乘过地铁吗?从来没有。 Have you taken an underground? Never.

41 Homework: 1.Recite the dialogue. 2.Remember all the new words. 3.Finish the exercises.

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