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The College of Saint Rose CIS 521 / MBA 541 – Introduction to Internet Development David Goldschmidt, Ph.D. selected material from Fluency with Information.

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Presentation on theme: "The College of Saint Rose CIS 521 / MBA 541 – Introduction to Internet Development David Goldschmidt, Ph.D. selected material from Fluency with Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 The College of Saint Rose CIS 521 / MBA 541 – Introduction to Internet Development David Goldschmidt, Ph.D. selected material from Fluency with Information Technology, 4th edition by Lawrence Snyder, Addison-Wesley, 2010, ISBN 0-13-609182-2


3  A database stores data in an organized and electronic form Users typically see query results


5  A database consists of:  tables, columns or fields, rows (of data), etc.




9  Example table in a relational database:

10  To define a table, define each column or field  Specify column name, data type, and a comment  Also specify “keys” to the table for fast lookups

11 select Name, Area from Island where Area > 1000 select Name, Area, Elevation from Island where Area > 500 and Elevation > 1000 order by Name



14  Relationships (or associations) between tables define the structure of the data  One-to-one relationship: course-offerings crn course-name course-number section locationid enrollment max-enrollment locations id building room max-seats 1 1

15  Add a one-to-many relationship (* is many) course-offerings crn course-number course-name section locationid enrollment max-enrollment locations id building room max-seats 1 1 courses course-number course-name description credits 1 *

16  How about a many-to-many relationship  Imagine a database for an online shopping site  Many products in many shopping carts! products-to-carts productid cartid quantity shopping-carts id username status * 1 products id name description sku price 1 *




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