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9-month Review WP3 Authors: S. Corradini 1, L. Merucci 1, F. Marzano 2,3, M. Montopoli 2, M. Ricci 3, E. Carboni 4 Affiliations: 1 INGV-RM; 2 University.

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Presentation on theme: "9-month Review WP3 Authors: S. Corradini 1, L. Merucci 1, F. Marzano 2,3, M. Montopoli 2, M. Ricci 3, E. Carboni 4 Affiliations: 1 INGV-RM; 2 University."— Presentation transcript:

1 9-month Review WP3 Authors: S. Corradini 1, L. Merucci 1, F. Marzano 2,3, M. Montopoli 2, M. Ricci 3, E. Carboni 4 Affiliations: 1 INGV-RM; 2 University of l'Aquila, CETEMPS; 3 University of Rome, La Sapienza, 4 University of Oxford

2 WP3 WP achievements: - Draft of the ATBD for the different MACE input products for some instruments (to be delivered @ T0 + 18) - Selection of the Mt. Etna events for MACE products generation and validation - Preliminary retrieval products for the Etna test case (SEVIRI, MODIS, IASI, RADAR X band) – MACE inputs Issues, problems: - n.a. Status of deliverables: - No deliverables @ T0 + 9 (D3.1, D3.2, D3.3 @ T0 + 18) Plan for the next period (up to the yearly review): - Preliminary integration for 1 or 2 Etna test cases using both satellite and ground measurements

3 WP3 WP achievements: - Draft of the ATBD for the different MACE input products for some instruments (to be delivered @ T0 + 18) - Selection of the Mt. Etna events for MACE products generation and validation - Preliminary retrieval products for the Etna test case (SEVIRI, MODIS, IASI, RADAR X band) – MACE inputs SEVIRIMODISIASIAATSRMERISMISRSSMISAMSU-ACALIPSORADAR-XSARGPS XXXXXX

4 WP3 All these events have been characterized by high ash emissions and, for three of them, the volcanic cloud was affected also by significant amounts of water droplets and/or ice. Because the elaboration of the ground based measurements identified for the validation are still ongoing, the MACE team will reserve the option to select also other test cases if considered more interesting for the project. WP achievements: - Draft of the ATBD for the different MACE input products for some instruments (to be delivered @ T0 + 18) - Selection of the Mt. Etna events for MACE products generation and validation - Preliminary retrieval products for the Etna test case (SEVIRI, MODIS, IASI, RADAR X band) – MACE inputs

5 23 November 2013 Credit: INGV-OE, UFVG report, 23/11/13 The lava fountain start at 09:30 GMT and end at 10:20 GMT WP3 WP achievements: - Draft of the ATBD for the different MACE input products for some instruments (to be delivered @ T0 + 18) - Selection of the Mt. Etna events for MACE products generation and validation - Preliminary retrieval products for the Etna test case (SEVIRI, MODIS, IASI, ground RADAR X band, GPS) – MACE inputs

6 The Multi-platform volcanic Ash Cloud Estimation (MACE) Architecture

7 SEVIRI channel @ 11  m SEVIRI ASH retrievals using VPR approach 23 November 2013 GEO data SEVIRI BTD (ch 11 -ch 12  m) SEVIRI BTD with roi

8 MODIS-Aqua image, 12:45 UTC IASI image, 21:00 UTC 23 November 2013 LEO data

9 Ground RADAR X 23 November 2013 Ground Based data

10 … will be used to retrieve the volcanic cloud altitude and thickness How to improve and integrate the ash retrievals: Among the different inputs, the SEVIRI ash retrieval procedure need the volcanic cloud altitude and thickness (this latter mandatory for the ash concentration retrieval) The RADAR-X measurements... SEVIRI ash retrieval procedure

11 MODIS RGB image, 12:45 UTC Georeference and collocation ash cloud SEVIRI RGB image, 12:45 UTC MODIS projection on SEVIRI grid

12 The parallax problem SEVIRI image, 12:45 UTC Zaksek et al., 2013

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