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INNO-NATOUR - Innovation in Nature Based Tourism Services - 25 April to 8 May 2010 C A S E E N T E R P R I S E Tourist Information Center in Rudozem Municipality.

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Presentation on theme: "INNO-NATOUR - Innovation in Nature Based Tourism Services - 25 April to 8 May 2010 C A S E E N T E R P R I S E Tourist Information Center in Rudozem Municipality."— Presentation transcript:

1 INNO-NATOUR - Innovation in Nature Based Tourism Services - 25 April to 8 May 2010 C A S E E N T E R P R I S E Tourist Information Center in Rudozem Municipality by Fikri Molamehmedov

2 INNO-NATOUR - Innovation in Nature Based Tourism Services - 25 April to 8 May 2010 RUDOZEM MUNICIPALITY GENERAL INFORMATION Rudozem municipality is situated in the Rila- Rhodope mountain area and occupies the south-east parts of the West Rhodope along the valleys of Arda, Chepinska and Elhovska Rivers. The territory of the municipality is 191,3 It borders on Smolyan, Мadan and Zlatograd municipalitiers and on the south with the Republic of Greece. Rudozem municipality is situated in the Rila- Rhodope mountain area and occupies the south-east parts of the West Rhodope along the valleys of Arda, Chepinska and Elhovska Rivers. The territory of the municipality is 191,3 It borders on Smolyan, Мadan and Zlatograd municipalitiers and on the south with the Republic of Greece.

3 INNO-NATOUR - Innovation in Nature Based Tourism Services - 25 April to 8 May 2010 RUDOZEM MUNICIPALITY GENERAL INFORMATION Rudozem municipality includes 23 settlements – 1 town, 13 villages and 9 neighborhoods. The villages are dispersed evenly on the municipality’s territory as far as the landscape allows. The town of Rudozem is located 23 km. south-east from the regional center Smolyan, 35 km from the mountain resort Pamporovo, 292 km. away from Sofia and 122 km. from Plovdiv. The municipality has population of 11336 people. Most of them live in the villages. The town of Rudozem has population of 4600 people. Rudozem municipality includes 23 settlements – 1 town, 13 villages and 9 neighborhoods. The villages are dispersed evenly on the municipality’s territory as far as the landscape allows. The town of Rudozem is located 23 km. south-east from the regional center Smolyan, 35 km from the mountain resort Pamporovo, 292 km. away from Sofia and 122 km. from Plovdiv. The municipality has population of 11336 people. Most of them live in the villages. The town of Rudozem has population of 4600 people.

4 INNO-NATOUR - Innovation in Nature Based Tourism Services - 25 April to 8 May 2010 DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES OBJECTIVES The strategic objective of the municipality until 2013 is to modernize and make more dynamic the municipal economy and achieve sustainable development and improvement of the quality of life of the population. The strategic objective of the municipality until 2013 is to modernize and make more dynamic the municipal economy and achieve sustainable development and improvement of the quality of life of the population. The main priorities in the development of Rudozem municipality listed in its development plan for the period 2007-2013 are as follows: The main priorities in the development of Rudozem municipality listed in its development plan for the period 2007-2013 are as follows:

5 INNO-NATOUR - Innovation in Nature Based Tourism Services - 25 April to 8 May 2010 DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES OBJECTIVES Development and efficient use of the infrastructure. Strengthening the municipal capacity for supporting the business and development of local partnerships. Development of the local economy and improving its competitiveness. Improving the immediate living environment and the living conditions of the population in the municipality. Development and efficient use of the infrastructure. Strengthening the municipal capacity for supporting the business and development of local partnerships. Development of the local economy and improving its competitiveness. Improving the immediate living environment and the living conditions of the population in the municipality. The municipal development plan envisages the performance of projects and programs amounting to 90.9 million BGL in the period 2007-2013. The major bulk of funds – 83.8 million BGL will be directed for infrastructure improvement. The municipal development plan envisages the performance of projects and programs amounting to 90.9 million BGL in the period 2007-2013. The major bulk of funds – 83.8 million BGL will be directed for infrastructure improvement.

6 INNO-NATOUR - Innovation in Nature Based Tourism Services - 25 April to 8 May 2010 ECOTOURISM The five ecopaths provide various and pleasant opportunities for tourism. They have been constructed with the financial assistance of the PHARE Cross-border Cooperation Program of the EU. All eco-paths are secured and blazed and provided with information signs and boards. The routes are also provided with places for rest, taps and toilettes. The Tourist Information Center may arrange a trained mountain guide to accompany the tourist groups. If requested in advance it is also possible to provide lunch (barbeque, grill) that can be served at the summer houses with the fireplaces after the tourists have finished their tour on the eco- paths. They are: Ecopaths – Ravninata Village, Plovdivtzi Village, Mocura Village, "Kechi Kaya - Koznik" and "Tzigansko Gradishte - Sadilishteto". The five ecopaths provide various and pleasant opportunities for tourism. They have been constructed with the financial assistance of the PHARE Cross-border Cooperation Program of the EU. All eco-paths are secured and blazed and provided with information signs and boards. The routes are also provided with places for rest, taps and toilettes. The Tourist Information Center may arrange a trained mountain guide to accompany the tourist groups. If requested in advance it is also possible to provide lunch (barbeque, grill) that can be served at the summer houses with the fireplaces after the tourists have finished their tour on the eco- paths. They are: Ecopaths – Ravninata Village, Plovdivtzi Village, Mocura Village, "Kechi Kaya - Koznik" and "Tzigansko Gradishte - Sadilishteto".

7 INNO-NATOUR - Innovation in Nature Based Tourism Services - 25 April to 8 May 2010 ECOPATS

8 TOURIST LANDMARKS MEDIEVAL FORTRESS “KOZNIK” This interesting medieval fortress is situated on a rock above Rudozem town. It can be accessed via the "Kechi kaya - Koznik" ecopath. During the Turkish domination the fortress was referred to by the local population as “Erim papa” and by the Turks as “Kechi Kaya” (Goats’ Stone; Goats’ Rock). The fortress is an element from a whole system of fortresses in the Rodopi mountain that served for protection purposes in the past. This interesting medieval fortress is situated on a rock above Rudozem town. It can be accessed via the "Kechi kaya - Koznik" ecopath. During the Turkish domination the fortress was referred to by the local population as “Erim papa” and by the Turks as “Kechi Kaya” (Goats’ Stone; Goats’ Rock). The fortress is an element from a whole system of fortresses in the Rodopi mountain that served for protection purposes in the past.

9 INNO-NATOUR - Innovation in Nature Based Tourism Services - 25 April to 8 May 2010 TOURIST LANDMARKS RUINS FROM ANCIENT TIMES RUINS FROM ANCIENT TIMES About 20 historical sites have been discovered on the territory of the municipality. They date back to the pre-Roman, Roman, late-classical period and the Middle ages. These are villages, necropolis, ruins from churches, fortresses and ancient roads. The studies of the ceramic materials have proved that this area was populated still in the early iron ages (1200 – 600 B.C.). About 20 historical sites have been discovered on the territory of the municipality. They date back to the pre-Roman, Roman, late-classical period and the Middle ages. These are villages, necropolis, ruins from churches, fortresses and ancient roads. The studies of the ceramic materials have proved that this area was populated still in the early iron ages (1200 – 600 B.C.).

10 INNO-NATOUR - Innovation in Nature Based Tourism Services - 25 April to 8 May 2010 TOURIST LANDMARKS THE MOSQUE AT THE ”GOLDEN KORAN” IN CHEPINTZI VILLAGE THE MOSQUE AT THE ”GOLDEN KORAN” IN CHEPINTZI VILLAGE This mosque is the symbol of the village and is the only one in the country with two minarets each being 35 m high. The mosque possesses a very rich library with over 800 printed books in Arabic and Persian languages ranging from philosophy and astronomy to Islamic law and rhetoric. The mosque’s library also stores 350 volumes of manuscripts – Arabic calligraphy of poetry, history, ethics and music as well as the oldest Koran in Bulgaria also called “The Golden Koran”. It is over 600 years old and according to scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences it had been made for a sultan. This mosque is the symbol of the village and is the only one in the country with two minarets each being 35 m high. The mosque possesses a very rich library with over 800 printed books in Arabic and Persian languages ranging from philosophy and astronomy to Islamic law and rhetoric. The mosque’s library also stores 350 volumes of manuscripts – Arabic calligraphy of poetry, history, ethics and music as well as the oldest Koran in Bulgaria also called “The Golden Koran”. It is over 600 years old and according to scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences it had been made for a sultan.

11 INNO-NATOUR - Innovation in Nature Based Tourism Services - 25 April to 8 May 2010 STRATEGY FOR TOURISM DEVELOPMENT The plan for development and management of the new tourist infrastructure in Rudozem municipality (2008-2010) has been developed under the Project “The Unknown Rudozem - promotion of the natural „green” tourism in the municipality” funded by the PHARE “Cross-border Cooperation” Program of the European Union, Grant Scheme BG2004/016- 782.01.03-03. The project’s goal is to support the development of the natural „green” tourism in Rudozem Municipality as an integral part of the local economy and to create favourable infrastructural and organizational conditions for wise use of the natural resources on the municipal territory. The plan for development and management of the new tourist infrastructure in Rudozem municipality (2008-2010) has been developed under the Project “The Unknown Rudozem - promotion of the natural „green” tourism in the municipality” funded by the PHARE “Cross-border Cooperation” Program of the European Union, Grant Scheme BG2004/016- 782.01.03-03. The project’s goal is to support the development of the natural „green” tourism in Rudozem Municipality as an integral part of the local economy and to create favourable infrastructural and organizational conditions for wise use of the natural resources on the municipal territory.

12 INNO-NATOUR - Innovation in Nature Based Tourism Services - 25 April to 8 May 2010 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

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