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US and WWI. WWI in Europe Neutrality ► When the War in Europe broke out, Americans were divided over it. ► Some thought that the war had nothing.

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Presentation on theme: "US and WWI. WWI in Europe Neutrality ► When the War in Europe broke out, Americans were divided over it. ► Some thought that the war had nothing."— Presentation transcript:

1 US and WWI





6 WWI in Europe

7 Neutrality ► When the War in Europe broke out, Americans were divided over it. ► Some thought that the war had nothing to do with the US and that we should stay out. ► Others called for a large arms build-up to be on the safe side. ► The U.S. tired to stay neutral.

8 Ethnic Differences ► There were over 8-million people in the US with German parentage. ► Still, most Americans sided with England (common heritage, language, etc.). ► Also, most American supplies (and Loans) go to England (and the Allies).

9 Socialists ► The socialists (of all countries) are mainly against the war. ► They feel that it is mostly poor people dying to protect the interests of the capitalists. ► In America, they think the only reason that America would enter the war is to protect the interests of the bankers that loaned all of the money to England.

10 Naval Blockades ► In 1914, England set up a blockade to prevent goods from reaching Germany. ► They would force US ships to go to England. ► In 1915, The Germans responded with a blockade of their own.


12 ► The difference was that the Germans used U-Boats (subs) that attacked ships without warning.

13 The Lusitania ► The Germans sank several British ships that carried some Americans aboard. ► The one that caused the most outrage was the Lusitania (1915). ► The ship carried 1,257 passengers (1,200 died including 124 Americans), food, and a great deal of ammunition.


15 Wilson’s Dilemma ► US economy is dependent on being able to trade with Europe (England in particular). ► Therefore, Wilson can’t afford to halt US shipping across the Atlantic. ► Also, U.S. will look like wimps if they stop shipping. ► But if Germany keeps sinking US ships, then the US will have to go to war.

16 William Jennings Bryan ► The Populist (Cross of Gold) politician was Wilson’s Secretary of State. ► He was a pacifist. ► He told Wilson to tell Americans to not travel on the seas. ► When Wilson rejected this and demanded that Germany pay for the damage, Bryan resigned.

17 The Sussex ► After the sinking of the British ship Sussex (which killed 2-more Americans), the Germans promised there would be no more sub attacks without warning and provisions for the safety of civilians. ► This promise was called the Sussex Pledge.

18 Why Wilson wants to Remain Neutral ► Besides the potential costs and loss of lives, the main reason that Wilson wanted to remain neutral was that he hoped he could help negotiate the peace. ► He wanted to be able to spread “Self- Determination” in Europe. ► He called for “Peace without Victory.”

19 Wilson tries to negotiate a peace Settlement. ► In 1916, Wilson sends his most trusted aide—Colonel Edward House—to Europe to try to negotiate peace. ► He was unsuccessful.

20 The Election of 1916 ► Wilson is the Democrat—His slogan is “He Kept us Out of War.” ► The Republican was Supreme Court Justice Charles Evans Hughes. ► Wilson wins a narrow victory.

21 How America Entered the War. ► In early 1917, 1. The Germans resumed their unrestricted Sub. Warfare (THEY BROKE THE SUSSEX PLEDGE!). ► Then 2. The Zimmerman telegram came out.



24 US Enters War ► Finally, Germans sank some US Ships and then America declared war on Germany. ► U.S. enters on Allies side. ► Wilson’s new goal is to make the world “safe for democracy.”

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