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Germany defeated France and claimed the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine. France wanted revenge! They also wanted the provinces back.

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2 Germany defeated France and claimed the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine. France wanted revenge! They also wanted the provinces back.

3 Definition – the extension of one nation’s authority or control over other lands by economic, political, or military means.

4 British Empire was the largest in the world! Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Pacific, African colonies, etc.

5 Each of the major nations (the ones in the alliance systems) had empires. The colonies of these empires would be drawn into war if the Imperial nations went to war.

6 Definition – two, or more, countries band together to increase defensive strength.



9 Arms Race Build up of military forces and weaponry (as well as threatening armed aggression) Britain and Germany had the two largest armed forces in the world. False sense of being invincible.

10 Definition – a feeling of deep loyalty to one’s people and homeland. The strong senses of patriotic nationalism across Europe led to conflict and wounded pride.


12 Franco-Prussian War + Alliance System + Militarism + Imperialism + Nationalism = ?

13 Bosnia was controlled by the Austro-Hungarian Empire. There was a large Serbian population in Bosnia – Austro-Hungarian control of the land was not popular.

14 The “Black Hand” – a group of Serbian freedom fighters – planned to assassinate Archduke Francis Ferdinand (heir to the throne) when he toured the capital city of Bosnia. The first attempt failed.

15 Franz Ferdinand demanded that the parade continued, and 19 yr. old Gavrilo Princip was able to assassinate the Archduke and the Archduchess (Sophia)

16 Austria blamed the Kingdom of Serbia for the assassination – even though it happened in Bosnia!

17 Serbia to outlaw the Black Hand All people involved in the assassination must be punished Serbian Nationalism must be crushed The Austro-Hungarian Army must be allowed into Serbia to ensure that these demand are followed.

18 Serbia could not allow a foreign Army to occupy its land; Austria took this as a rejection of all demands. Austria declared war on the tiny Kingdom of Serbia.

19 Russia (who was friends with Serbia) declared war on Austria. France immediately got into the action by declaring war on Austria and all of her allies (Germany and Italy)

20 Germany decided to attack France first by enacting the Schlieffen Plan. Germany marched through neutral Belgium.

21 When Germany “invaded” Belgium, Britain was forced to declare war on Germany. All of Europe was now at war – as were all of the colonies controlled by the European Empires.

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