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I, Allan Davison declare that in the past 3 years: I have received manufacturer funding from the following companies*:No I have done consulting work for.

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Presentation on theme: "I, Allan Davison declare that in the past 3 years: I have received manufacturer funding from the following companies*:No I have done consulting work for."— Presentation transcript:

1 I, Allan Davison declare that in the past 3 years: I have received manufacturer funding from the following companies*:No I have done consulting work for the following companies*: No I have done speaking engagements for the following companies*:None I or my family hold individual shares in the following*:None *pharmaceutical or medical/dental equipment 1 Declaration of Conflict of Interest

2 2 2 please disturb! Allan Davison Making hunger history?

3 3 Where are we? Where are we going? Much better since the MDGs, but far from making hunger history Hunger on a global scale will disappear, in 2 or 3 more 15y plans. New initiatives Only 5-10 nations of 23 will reach 0.7% of GDP. None will forgo unfair trade rules What’s working, what’s not?

4 Aid isn’t working Trade for profit instead Trade barriers. Fair trade & aid Population outstrips food supply … we give more than anyone! Trillions wasted! - 1 b still starving MDGs won’t be achieved Most aid  corrupt dictators Corrupt multinationals 2008 recession Never promised 0.7% and anyway … “Trade not aid” Broken promises Malthus is wrong 4 V little is wasted ½ what EU gives! Profit motive hasn’t worked - aid is needed “They” didn’t cause it You did so!

5 World GDP $PPP per cap (est) 1500-2100 http:// / Manifest destiny of world - wealth China + India 2040? 5

6 Number of malnourished world-wide 6 water-carrier See also: WHO, UN, WB, USDA, CIA, OECD, IFPRI UNICEF 2009 /Tracking_Progress_on_Child_a nd_Maternal_Nutrition_EN_1103 09.pdf kcal per household surveyed

7 World % undernourished 7 same data 22% 14%

8 Number fed & under-nourished worldwide 8 14% Prediction 6%11% Target 33% 88 millions

9 9 _on_Child_and_Maternal_Nutrition_EN_110309.pdf Percentage stunted 60% 40% 20% Africa Asia Latin Am Last 2 or 3 points are projections 1980 & every 5 years

10 10 eets/fs290/en/index.html orts.shtml#mdgs Number stunted 200m 100m 0 Africa Asia Latin Am 1980 & every 5 years

11 11 Paying for total strangers to eat? Not us, not if it goes to corrupt dictators” } 11

12 12 e/35/foreign-aid-development- assistance#GovernmentsCutting BackonPromisedResponsibilities “Development aid”, not spent on poverty or development Lost to: Inefficiency Unfair trade Emergency aid Refugees Tied to benefit rich & Debt relief “Phantom aid”, the wasted 47% Refers to ODA, not MDGs Real aid 53%

13 Corrupt Dictators? Rich... Accept “bribes” to give trade concessions that impoverish their people Accept personal & campaign “contributions” peddling influence. Could stop bribery at home & abroad by abolishing secret a/c... & Poor 13 100s bureaucrats 200s MNCs 10s corrupt dictators 1000s presidents, PMs, bureaucrats in rich wikipediaLockheed Swiss Air

14 We know what works Transparent & accountable, open bids Partnerships not paternalism Goals, objectives, timed milestones Strategies revised annually by both partners Externally monitored. No political pressure Sustainable emphasis on poverty, agriculture Serves recipient needs, not donor / ideology Firm long-term commitments: MV, Grameen Unrealistic? Let’s see... 14

15 Grameen Family of social enterprises Billionaire philanthropists & foundations The Millennium Village project Passionate & influential voices for change Scientists & students bring energy to future Instant spread of innovations: agric, educ, &c Beyond MDGs: amazing changes 15

16 16 Passionate renegades 16

17 The End 17 17

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