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Published bySibyl Hicks Modified over 9 years ago
L ANGUAGE ARTS M ONDAY, O CTOBER 15, 2012 Target Learning: I can organize my Showcase Portfolio and explain how to conduct my Student-Led Conference. Word of the Day (Verbs): Attack – to launch a physical assault, with or without weapons. Sentence example:
L ANGUAGE ARTS, P. 2 M ONDAY, O CTOBER 15, 2012 Writing Prompt: Today is “National Grouch Day.” If someone around you is being a grouch, what are some ways that you could cheer them up and help them be in a better mood? Prompt created by: © 2008 Photo: ©
L ANGUAGE ARTS, P. 3 M ONDAY, O CTOBER 15, 2012 Proofreading Sentences: a. everyone in our class like to play computer games b. nobody thinks that dinasors is boring
L ANGUAGE ARTS, P. 4 M ONDAY, O CTOBER 15, 2012 Complete SLC Portfolio Work Language Arts Pick 3 Literature Tests All Summer in a Day Test All American Slurp Baucis and Philemon The Bracelet Suit Helps Girl Wind People Social Studies 2 Tests 1 Study Guide 1 Biography Activity 1 Chapter Review/Cornell Notes Sixth Grade Formative Assessment Writing Sample
L ANGUAGE ARTS, P. 5 M ONDAY, O CTOBER 15, 2012 Read/discuss conference procedures. Read/discuss conference evaluation. Explain to partner the procedures for Student-Led Conferences. Check Proofreading Sentences from October 8-12.
S OCIAL S TUDIES M ONDAY, O CTOBER 15 Target Learning: I can listen carefully and complete notes on project presentations. Presidential Election 2012: Video: The Race for the Presidency. Who is running for president/vice-president? When is election day? Why is 2012 an election year? Present Chapter 2 Storyboard Projects. Taking notes on each student’s project. Note Outline: Name of Presenter: Project style: Main topics covered: Overall presentation of project: ExcellentSatisfactory Needs Improvement
S TUDY S KILLS M ONDAY, O CTOBER 15, 2012 Target Learning: I can demonstrate how to use a Venn diagram to organize information. Teacher Edition: 5-60. Complete your timeline (organizational chart, p. 53) on the article Life Cycle of a Frog, SE p. 57. Share in table groups. Write a reflection explaining any changes you would make the next time you create a timeline of events. Read Inside the Outsiders, Executive Functions, p. 58 and create a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the characters.
L ANGUAGE A RTS T UESDAY, O CTOBER 16, 2012 M INIMUM D AY S CHEDULE Target Learning: I can use Think Pair Share to explain how to identify the theme of a story. Word of the Day: Occur – to happen; take place. Sentence:
L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 2 T UESDAY, O CTOBER 16, 2012 M INIMUM D AY S CHEDULE Writing Prompt: Today is National Dictionary Day. Explain to a classmate, in writing, how to look up the word “dictionary” in the dictionary. Prompt created by: © 2006 Photo: ©
L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 3 T UESDAY, O CTOBER 16, 2012 M INIMUM D AY S CHEDULE Proofreading Sentences: a. adam frozed in fear when the beast eated a mapel tree in one gulp b. would you feel lonley if you never gone to skool at all
L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 4 T UESDAY, O CTOBER 16, 2012 M INIMUM D AY S CHEDULE Target Learning Instruction: The Emperor’s New Clothes, Before You Read the Fairy Tale, p. 135. Think Pair Share (Review procedures using PPT (Wiki resources) )-- Literary Focus—Theme: Getting the Message: 1. What do we call the message of a story? 2. What do we call the sequence of events in a story? 3. What is a generalization? 4. What do you have to do to make a statement about the theme of The Emperor’s New Clothes?
L ANGUAGE ARTS, P. 5 T UESDAY, O CTOBER 16, 2012 M INIMUM D AY S CHEDULE Target Learning Instruction (continued from Tuesday): The emperor in this story loves clothes. Think about how you would describe your fashion style. Is it classic? Wild? Preppy? Grunge? Hip- hop? Country? Why do you think people love to wear certain clothes—and dislike wearing others? Jot down words that describe the clothes you most like to wear. Evaluate Think Pair Share strategy using reflection questions from PPT.
S OCIAL S TUDIES T UESDAY, O CTOBER 16, 2012 M INIMUM D AY S CHEDULE Target Learning: I can describe the first semester team project and the roles, tasks, and responsibilities needed to complete the project. Presidential Election 2012: Why do we have presidential debates? When are this year’s debates? What is the electoral college? Review team building skills (Wiki PPT): Cooperation and collaboration. Team roles, tasks, responsibilities.
S OCIAL S TUDIES, P. 2 T UESDAY, O CTOBER 16, 2012 M INIMUM D AY S CHEDULE Discuss team project: +Research+Projects Comparing and Contrasting Societies, Ancient Civilizations textbook, pp. 48-49. Assign team roles, tasks, and responsibilities. Review tasks needed to complete the project(slide #21). Create a timeline and due dates for completing tasks.
S TUDY S KILLS T UESDAY, O CTOBER 16, 2012 M INIMUM D AY S CHEDULE Target Learning: I can demonstrate how to use a Venn diagram to organize information. Teacher Edition: 5-60. Complete Venn diagrams from the article Inside the Outsiders, EF p. 58. Share in groups. Write a reflection explaining how the Venn diagram helped you learn information. Review all note taking graphic organizers used. Write another reflection describing the graphic organizer you liked the best, how you will use it in the future, and why you think it will help you remember more information.
L ANGUAGE A RTS W EDNESDAY, O CTOBER 17, 2012 M INIMUM D AY S CHEDULE Target Learning: Target Learning: I can use context clues to define and identify the parts of speech of vocabulary from the story The Emperors New Clothes. Word of the Day: Complete – having all parts or elements; lacking nothing. Sentence:
L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 2 W EDNESDAY, O CTOBER 17, 2012 M INIMUM D AY S CHEDULE Writing Prompt: Many baseball fans were surprised when the World Series game they were watching was interrupted by the 1989 San Francisco Earthquake. Write about five (5) facts you know about the cause of earthquakes and summarize them in your own words. Prompt created by: © 2006 Photo: ©
L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 3 W EDNESDAY, O CTOBER 17, 2012 M INIMUM D AY S CHEDULE Proofreading Sentences: a. many people belief that soon books will exist only on computers b. margie longed for the time when chilren learned together in one class room
L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 4 W EDNESDAY, O CTOBER 17, 2012 M INIMUM D AY S CHEDULE Target Learning Instruction: Write the definition and part of speech of each word as used in context in the story The Emperors New Clothes. Vocabulary review: Canopy (p. 140) Chamberlains (p. 140) Courtiers (p. 140) Dreadful (p. 139) Exquisite (p. 138) Fumbled (p. 140) Procession (p. 139) Swindler (p. 137) Train (p. 140) Weavers (p. 137)
S OCIAL S TUDIES W EDNESDAY, O CTOBER 17, 2012 M INIMUM D AY S CHEDULE Target Learning: I can work collaboratively with my team to develop a plan for completing the first semester team project. Presidential Election 2012: Video: The Race is On. What is a political party? What are red states and blue states? What are third parties? Teams work to develop a topic and task assignment plan for their first semester project (see next slide)… Introduction to Mesopotamia: Timeline Chapter 3:1 Cornell Notes
F IRST S EMESTER T EAM P ROJECT, TEXTBOOK, PP. 48-49 Topic and task assignments. Due Date: List of Resources. Due Date: Note cards. Due Date: Outline for paper. Due Date: Rough draft. Due Date: Final copy. Due Date:
S TUDY S KILLS W EDNESDAY, O CTOBER 17, 2012 M INIMUM D AY S CHEDULE Target Learning: I can record notes in a two- column format, differentiate the main idea from supporting details, and compare and contrast the content and organization of reading selections. Executive Functions TE p. 5-69 and 5-70. Discuss: Why is it important to have the main idea and details in your notes? What should your notes look like? Brainstorming: Why would organizing notes be useful? Plan: Using Cornell Notes system, EF p. 59 Review the organizational structure Using the Cornell Notes template, EF p. 60 take notes on the article Surf’s Up from
L ANGUAGE A RTS T HURSDAY, O CTOBER 18, 2012 M INIMUM D AY S CHEDULE Target Learning: I can create a cause and effect chart to identify the theme of The Emperors New Clothes. Word of the Day: Acquire – to come into possession or ownership of. Sentence:
L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 2 T HURSDAY, O CTOBER 18, 2012 M INIMUM D AY S CHEDULE Writing Prompt: On this day in 1767, the Mason-Dixon Line was established. This line was very symbolic in the minds of the people of a young nation struggling over slavery. List everything you know about slavery and this time period. Prompt created by: © 2006 Photo: ©
L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 3 T HURSDAY, O CTOBER 18, 2012 M INIMUM D AY S CHEDULE Proofreading Sentences: a. him and his bestest frend found a time capsule burried in an emty lot b. lisa and me will research the live of emily dickinson
L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 4 T HURSDAY, O CTOBER 18, 2012 M INIMUM D AY S CHEDULE Target Learning Instruction: Vocabulary puzzle review, worksheet, p. 68 Cause/Effect Chart: Guided reading with audio CD. Complete/discuss cause effect chart. Review vocabulary. CauseEffect
S OCIAL S TUDIES T HURSDAY, O CTOBER 18, 2012 M INIMUM D AY S CHEDULE Target Learning: I can explain how the rivers of Southwest Asia supported the growth of civilization. HSS 6.1.3. Presidential Election 2012: What is absentee voting? What is meant by bipartisan? What is the Electoral College? Check/discuss Cornell Notes for Main Ideas one and two. Complete assessment questions using Cornell Notes. Turn both in tomorrow.
S TUDY S KILLS T HURSDAY, O CTOBER 18, 2012 M INIMUM D AY S CHEDULE Target Learning: I can take three-column notes connected to classroom curriculum. Discussion: Promoting engaged listening and active learning. Why are notes important? Why is it important to think about the way we take notes? Preview: Read p. 61 and discuss the 3 column notes on The Constitution. Prepare: Page 62—complete notes using current or approaching social studies lesson. Discuss how to write personal connection (review three-column notes sample, TE p. 5-75. Turn-in completed work.
L ANGUAGE A RTS F RIDAY, O CTOBER 19, 2012 Target Learning: I can demonstrate my understanding of the vocabulary and events that support the theme from The Emperors New Clothes. Word of the Day: Require – to ask for authoritatively. Sentence:
L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 2 F RIDAY, O CTOBER 19, 2012 Writing Prompt: The Star Spangled Banner was first sung on this day in 1814. This song, which is our National Anthem, is sung at a number of different events. Explain why it’s important to carry on the tradition of singing this song. Prompt created by: © 2006 Photo: ©
L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 3 F RIDAY, O CTOBER 19, 2012 Proofreading Sentences: Check/Discuss/Turn-In. Target Learning Instruction: Theme chart, worksheet, p. 110. Vocabulary close quiz, worksheet, p. 73. Literary Response and Analysis, worksheet pp. 49-51. Features of themes: The story contains different lessons or themes. What do you think the main theme of the story is? How do the characters, their actions, and images from the story convey this theme? Support answers with details from the story.
S OCIAL S TUDIES F RIDAY, O CTOBER 19, 2012 Presidential Election 2012: 2012 2012 Video: The Presidency. Discuss the importance of the U. S. Presidency. Check/discuss Chapter 3:1 assessment questions. Complete Chapter 3:1 Study Guide. Write a proposal for an irrigation system that will divert flood waters and benefit riverbank farmers. (See proposal outline on next slide)…
W RITING A P ROPOSAL FOR AN I RRIGATION S YSTEM Name of Project: Purpose of the Project: Materials Needed: Timeline for Completing Project: Benefits: HINT: Mention the elements of irrigation mentioned in chapter 3, section 1
S TUDY S KILLS F RIDAY, O CTOBER 19, 2012 Target Learning: I can create a study plan based on upcoming projects and tests. Student Guide, pp. 64-71. Think Pair Share: Do you ever think about when you will study for a test? How will you study? How long should you spend preparing for a test? Complete: The Best Way for me to Study for a Test, Student Guide, pp. 68-69. Share results.
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