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L.A. Care Health Plan Behavioral Health Support Services E.E. Lazarou, MD, MS, RD Health Integrated.

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Presentation on theme: "L.A. Care Health Plan Behavioral Health Support Services E.E. Lazarou, MD, MS, RD Health Integrated."— Presentation transcript:

1 L.A. Care Health Plan Behavioral Health Support Services E.E. Lazarou, MD, MS, RD Health Integrated

2 What's going on tonight? Health Integrated Confidential2  Why is behavioral health important in the primary care world?  How do we at Health Integrated fit in?  How can we help you?  Practical Application: Case Scenario  Questions?

3 1.NIMH 1999 2.2005 American College of Physicians The Reality of Behavioral Health (BH) Care Delivery  74% of Americans seeking help for BH issues seek treatment from their PCP 1.  PCPs prescribe approximately 65%+ of all prescriptions for antidepressants 2.  BH issues exacerbate and complicate physical health condition treatment and adherence.  Cost of psychotropics now exceed cost of specialist provided behavioral health services in many health plans.  Lack of BH/Medical coordination results in fragmented care, care gaps, and reduced clinical and financial outcomes. Health Integrated Confidential3

4 So, what are we going to do about this? Health Integrated Confidential4

5 L.A. Care has partnered with Health Integrated  L.A. Care has recognized a need for greater support to primary care physicians who are managing members with comorbid behavioral health conditions.  Health Integrated has extensive experience in helping manage patients with comorbid medical and behavioral problems. Health Integrated Confidential5

6 Higher Risk Lower Risk Helping High Risk Members who Comprise the most Difficult to Reach, Engage and Costly Population Health Integrated Confidential6  The high risk group typically represents the members who are difficult to reach and motivate. It’s these members who drive up health care costs and utilization.  Health Integrated’s Behavioral Health Support Program is an expansion of L.A. Care’s current capabilities and processes meant to support primary care physicians.  This teamwork positively impacts patient health while reducing costs and educating providers on the front line.

7 Behavioral Health Support Services How does it work and what are the processes? Health Integrated Confidential7

8 Step 1: Support providers in managing members with mental health conditions  Toll free physician hotline and email to request psychiatric consult and recommendations.  866-390-0943   Provide Primary Care Physician support with appropriate medication regimens  Inform prescribing PCPs of findings via mail.  Proactive outreach by Board Certified Psychiatrists to offer support and consult.

9 Step 2: Support providers by identifying members that need help with mental health issues  Proactive identification via analysis of claims data (medical, behavioral and pharmacy.)  Provide Behavioral health care management services for high risk members  Assist PCP in referring cases to appropriate behavioral health network clinicians  Notify primary care physicians of identified member for referral support via mailings.  Send reports to appropriate behavioral health network of identified members. Health Integrated Confidential9

10 Step 3: Provide behavioral health care management services  Treating physician will receive a consent form for patient signature.  The Care Managers are RNs or BH clinicians.  Care Management is an integrated process with medical management initiatives.  Care Managers encourage members to access behavioral health specialists for ongoing treatment.  Updates are provided to the treating physician on the status of their patient enrollment.

11 Case example: Provider Support  There is a call from a PCP with the following question: “I have this patient with depression and now they are starting to say they are hearing things…I have them on Zoloft 25mg…what do I do now?”  The patient does have a comorbid COPD and was just on prednisone for that.  I asked how long the depressive episode has lasted and what are the symptoms? Health Integrated Confidential11

12 Case example: Provider Support  Differential is that it is a worsening of her depressive illness with suboptimal medication dose of Zoloft, or SE from Prednisone in the context of a mood disorder.  In either case – the Zoloft needs to be increased as the dose is a starting dose.  Have to decide whether or not to start an antipsychotic. Health Integrated Confidential12

13 Case example: Provider Support  If this is a SE of the Prednisone you can choose to stop that R/B wise.  This also depends if you can see the patient back for follow up and if they have a good social support that will get back with you.  If neither of those is the case, it’s safer to start a low dose antipsychotic.  In either case, you need to either refer to a Psychiatrist, or follow up closely. Health Integrated Confidential13

14 To summarize  We’re Here to Help you!!  Contact US  Toll free number: 866.390.0943  Email: Health Integrated Confidential14

15 Questions?

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