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Multi-Pi’s Function Raspberry Pi Pin-header connection socket

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1 Multi-Pi’s Function Raspberry Pi Pin-header connection socket
Raspberrypi GPIO 26pin(26 핀, 2.54mm) Uart and SPI communication port R-pi(5V/3.3V) & DC Jack(VCC) TEST Port (The MultiPi extension power port can be used) FAN8082 DC motor drive socket 2ea (U1/2: FAN8082, M1/2: DC motor pin, EXT_PWR:power on/off pin) 3.3V Breadboard 5V~12V Breadboard Extension power supply(5V~18V) DC Jack socket Pi-CAM holder * 고정가능:별도의 파이카메라 마운트 사용 필요함. 2 1 6 3 4 5 5 3 5 7 9 Pi camera is held on the RPi Lan port 8

2 Multi-Pi GPIO Port/ Extension Port
Multi-Pi’s Function Multi-Pi GPIO Port/ Extension Port RaspberryPi and MultiPi connet Socket Raspberrypi GPIO port o GPIO + Uart + SPI + VCC + GND GPIO Extension Port o Uart + SPI 4. MultiPi power Test Port o 5V(+),3.3(+),VCC(+) / GND(-) o also can be used as power extension port 2 1 3 4 Multi Pi Rev 1.2 is expanded by adding Uart and SPI port which is used most commonly on Raspberry Pi's GPIO port for syncing devices. Plus, the test port switch to test whether the external power is correctly connected to the Multi Pi. (3.3V/5V/VCC) 3

3 MultiPi DC Motor Drive Modules
Multi-Pi’s Function MultiPi DC Motor Drive Modules DC Motor Drive socket o U1 : 1 DC Motor Drive o U2 : 2 DC Motor Drive 2. DC Motor Drive Out pin o M1 : 1 Motor Drive out pin (Pi GPIO 4, 17 port) o M2 : 2 Motor Drive out pin (Pi GPIO 22, 27 port) 3. Extension Power(DC Jack) On/OFF Switch 3 1 Multi Pi Rev 1.2 improved the weak point of previous version, Rev 1.0. To improve the speed and function, we switched to FAN8082 which is able to control the DC motor speed and able to use external power of 7V~18V. Also by using DC Jack, it is able to turn on/ off when the motor power source is provided.. 2

4 Bread board & Pi Camera Holder
Multi-Pi’s Function Bread board & Pi Camera Holder 1 Can make personalized RC car by using bread board for connecting external devices like sensors. Also, it is capable of being used as D.I.Y breab board with multi pi Rev. 1.0 besides the use of RC car. External power supplier providable except for 3.3V 1. 5~18V(Ext. & Pi Powered) Bread boadr * WARNING: If external power over 6V is used, Ext_PWR OFF is REQUIRED. 2. 3.3V(Pi Powered) specialized bread board 3. DC Jack(VCC) Port 4. Pi Camera Holder * For the attachment of Pi Camera, refer the Manual. 2 4 3

5 Picture of Multi Pi Camera Installed
It is essential to connect Pi Camera to Multi Pi before it is being connected to Raspberry Pi GPIO port Like the Photo above, if the camera is attached to to RPi Lan port, the FCC cable is going to be folded. Pi Camera Holder

6 Multi-Pi Rev 1.2 Sample Multi-control RF-ID applied RC Car
Tanking Pi : RFID recognition Engine Start & Auto-Driving RC car * Tanking Pi Car : Tank + Thinking + RaspberryPi RF-ID Card Start “ Tanking Pi ” When the RFID Card is recognized, the motor and camera will start automatically. Muti control RC Car II

7 Multi-controlled RC car
Multi-Pi Rev 1.0 Sample 1. Raspberry Pi RC car & Robot Arm Multi-controlled RC car Raspberry Pi robot arm Multi-pi (DC Drive, 2EA) Multi-pi (DC Drive, 5EA)

8 Mult-Pi Rev 1.0 Sample 1. Multi-Pi Multi-controlled RC car
DC Moter RC Car RC Car with ECS

9 3axis acceleration/gyro
Multi-Pi Rev 1.0 Sample 2. Raspberry Pi some Sensor 3axis acceleration/gyro Remote controller Multi Wii NunChuk /GPS Module Wii NunChuk 3axis/3gyro Sensor controller GPS Module

10 Terminal communication
Multi-Pi Sample 3. Multi-pi UART communication & LCD Multi-Pi UART Terminal communication Raspberry pi Monitoring LCD UART Module Power S/W Monitoring LCD UART Terminal

11 Multi Pi Rev 1.0 vs 1.2 Multi Pi Rev 1.2 has been greatly improved in expandability and Drive improvement compared to Multi Pi Rev 1.0. 2014 Dev. : Rev 1.3 구분 Rev 1.0 Rev 1.2 DC Motor Drive IC LB1630 FAN8082 VCC 2.5V ~ 7V 7v ~ 18v Support DC Motor Speed Contorl X O Test Port (VCC) Pi Camera Holder GPIO Pin 18 Pin 26 Pin *Pi GPIO cable compatible left) mutiPi 1.0 , Right) multiPi 1.2

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