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WHAT IS A BRAND? A brand is the idea or image of a specific product or service that customers connect with. A lot of time and resources are.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT IS A BRAND? A brand is the idea or image of a specific product or service that customers connect with. A lot of time and resources are."— Presentation transcript:








8 WHAT IS A BRAND? A brand is the idea or image of a specific product or service that customers connect with. A lot of time and resources are spent to create and maintain a brand. In 2011 Coca Cola was rated the top global brand and its brand value was estimated to be worth 71 billion USD.


10 ‘’ Brands are created by impressions that, over time, create a picture of who we are in the mind of our audience, no matter who they are. Everything we say, do, wear, drive, matters. Our personal brand is not the professional head shot on a blog or social media profile, but the total effect of everything we put out there. The implications are huge.” Maurilio Amorim

11 -Everyday, people create perceptions about you and based on these perceptions ( positive or negative ) they decide how to relate to you. - You need to take a conscious decision daily, what’s your USP ( Unique Selling Proposition ) ; what is special and unique about you that can be imparted to those around you.

12 ‘’ You yourselves are the letter…. for everyone to know and read. It is written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God…. ‘’ 2 Cor 3: 2-3

13 ‘’ God’s agenda for this generation and the chief catalytic force to bring it about will be Christian believers ministering in the market place. I believe that a carpenter, accountant, doctor or a CEO is just as much a minister as a TV evangelist and that his life and business practice are his most effective sermon ‘’ ED SILVOSO




17  Credibility refers to truthfulness of origins, commitments and intentions. It enables you to deal with the world in a particular way, being faithful to internal convictions rather than the external agendas.  Credible leaders are believed, trusted, admired and respected. High credibility generates high levels of commitment, resulting in exponential organizational growth.  Credible leaders ultimately become incredible leaders.

18 CHARACTER  CHARACTER The sum total of a person’s distinct qualities, both good and bad, that reflect who he or she is and what he or she does. DEVELOPING CREDIBILITY Character is not a matter of outward technique but of inner reality. WHAT ARE YOU REALLY LIKE WHEN NO ONE IS LOOKING?

19 “ Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny. ” Frank Otlaw

20  CLARITY OF DIRECTION (Vision ) A compelling picture of a preferable future that motivates one to perform. Vision motivates but it also constrains. Most importantly – vision is about serving a higher purpose. Key Considerations: - What are my innermost motives? - What concrete steps do I need to take to realize my vision? - Am I prepared to pay the price in pursuit of the vision?

21  COMPETENCE One’s capability to perform well in a specific context, having the expertise and ability to get things done. Operating in a spirit of excellence. Creating an environment where others can grow, be stretched and continually be challenged.  COMMUNICATION The ability to articulate your intentions with such precision and power in a compelling, persuasive but graceful way. Communicate with care, concern and sensitivity. Our brand is being shaped most profoundly by how we communicate.

22  COURAGE The strength to persevere in difficult circumstances. It is a way of life – standing up for what we believe in, resisting compromise and upholding the truth no matter the cost. “Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is action in the face of fear.” (Randy Harveson) 6.COMPOSURE EQ – a consistent display of appropriate emotional health & maturity that sets a positive mood. To be credible, we’ve got to be centered in our souls

23 “ If you don’t brand yourself, other people will. I can guarantee you that they won’t brand you in the way that you want to be branded.” CATHERINE KAPUTA


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