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Culture’s Influence on Perception NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Culture’s Influence on Perception NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Culture’s Influence on Perception NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS 4

2 PREVIOUSLY... Hofstede (1994) 1.Symbols 2.Rituals 3.Values 4.Heroes Elements of culture Confucian and Western perspectives on communication Confucian effects on intercultural communication High versus Low Context Culture Culture THREE MODELS OF THE AUDIENCE James G. Webster (1998) 1.audience-as-outcome 2.Audience-as-mass 3.Audience-as-agent

3 Presentation I : 5 th February 10%

4 What will happen if you don’t show up at 9am next week but submit the hard copy on the second presentation? 10% Presentation Next Week! Thursday 5 th February 10% Presentation Next Week! Thursday 5 th February Luckily! You don’t get F Just automatic 0 from this 10%

5 10% Presentation Next Week! Thursday 5 th February 10% Presentation Next Week! Thursday 5 th February MUST 1.Everyone must come at 9:00 Not 9:01 ^_______^ 2.Full Uniform 3.Print out the slides for me

6 10% Presentation What included? 10% Presentation What included? 1.What is your mobile application? 2.What is it and how does it work? 3.What is their target audience? 4.What are the characteristics of the target audience? 5.*** Reference of your research (Reliable) 5 minutes ONLY!

7 Hard copy (NOT YET) 10% + 15% >> Submit hard copy on the Presentation II: 19 th March Presentation I : 5 th February What NOT included on next week presentation? Presentation I : 5 th February What NOT included on next week presentation? Reference in Footnote

8 NO Plagiarism!! NOT Even one sentence DO NOT COPY and PASTE ANYTHING! Don’t make up any information Acceptable case ‘.....Quote the sentence’ (Reference: www.....) NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS I NTRODUCTION WHAT if you plagiarize???

9 Audience Theories Frameworks: When analyze your audience NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS I NTRODUCTION 1 2 -This coursework >>> know your audience as much as possible!! 3 WHY? Because at the end ! You will need to produce a campaign to attract them You will need to produce a media that attract them! In order to product the media that attract/ create impact on the target audience you need to know what they think, what will affect them!

10 Audience Theories Frameworks: When analyze your audience NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS I NTRODUCTION 1.Audience 1.Relationship between the audience and the media 2.Relationship of the audience, media, and context of viewing behavior 1 2 -Demographics >> First presentation -Psychographics -Media usage -Media effects -Culture -Society 3


12 Presentation I: Next Week 1.Dixit: An online version of a board game 3. Target Audience: Relate to the game The primary audience: The passionate board game players who frequently use smart phones and have experienced Dixit as a board game before. Reasons 1.Passionate board game player: - The board game which produced 2008, 3 years before the application launched - Dixit Have won so many awards, therefore famous among the board game enthusiasts + it was rated 4 stars in the website (the worldwide board game community) 2.Experienced before - Have Few advertisement about the application, so the app users are more likely to be aware of the game before the downloading process. 3.AND SO ON....... 2. Guessing the card through keywords All players need to be online, since all players must take turn in each round, the game will be held longer if one does not respond.

13 Presentation I: Next Week Winner of a host of awards worldwide 2009 Game of the Year- France 2009 Game of the Year- Spain 2010 Game of the Year - Germany 2009 Golden Lily - Quebec 2009 Joker Award- Belgium 2009 Best Beginners' Game - Portugal Public Prize - Cordoba Games Festival - Spain 2009 Best Game - Parthenay Games Festival - France 2009 Tric Trac Bronze Medal - France 2010 Best Party Game - USA 2010 Game of the Year Finalist - Poland 2010 Game of the Year - Germany 2010 Game of the Year - Finland 2010 Game of the Year Finnalist - Netherland

14 Presentation I: Next Week 4. Target audience analysis (Do Not Relate to the Game) What would a passionate board game players who frequently use smart phones and have experienced Dixit as a board game before be like??? Board game players : How many? >> I don’t know! It’s ok Google Scholar >> Board game on smart phones >> Board game application >> Board game app

15 Presentation I: Next Week 4. Target audience analysis (Do Not Relate to the Game) Reference The official website of Dixit producer : The world popular game community site: Gamification by Design, Gabe Zichermann & Christopher Cunningham, 2010 The research suggests that the main audience of board games are still children (Fact), however, it can be argued that the audience could be different depending on the complexity of the game. (Personal Opinion, you can doubt, Don’t assume things ) Next sentence >>> Look for information about complexity of the game VS different Age

16 Presentation I: Next Week Tips 1.Spend Time: Find one good source and you win this assignment! In reality you need information from many sources This assignment is so that you understand the process 2.Wording: notice some new key words from the previous read 3.Skim read 4.Introduction, content and conclusion 5.Reference at the back of the book 6.Keep questioning

17 If You Have No Idea About The Presentations!! Talk To Me As Soon As Possible!!!! I Want To Help!!! It’s Easy but, It’s Complicated! BECAUSE This is an Analysis Class 097-234-4566 45% Assignment + 20% Final Project (All linked) 45% Assignment + 20% Final Project (All linked)

18 Today’s Lesson 1.Sampling Methods (Assignment) 1.Senses and Perception (Exam) Today’s Lesson 1.Sampling Methods (Assignment) 1.Senses and Perception (Exam) -Senses and limitations -Effect of culture on sensing -The three-step process of perceiving -Barriers to intercultural communication

19 Sampling Methods Methods of identify and measure audience Sampling Methods Methods of identify and measure audience Different types of sampling methods Ways to understand your audience Definition Population: A group of individual who may have an opinion relating to the subject of the survey (Miller, 1995) Sample: Selected individuals from the population as representatives Impossible to communicate with everyone

20 Sampling Methods We will be focusing on focus group method 1.Person-to-person interview (BEST) 2.Telephone interview 3.Mail-administered survey

21 Measurement Errors 1.Too small samples 2.Researchers try to measure complex concept through questionnaires In reality >> There are complex mathematical equations when collecting samples

22 Analyzing information - Noticing details: Pay attention to the details] - Linking facts - Linking events - Understanding individuals as well as the contexts - Know the world

23 Audience Research Methodologies Survey Interview Test Observation

24 Question Errors Avoid Leading questions Leading the interviewees to some certain answer “What do you think about the benefits of...?”

25 Question Errors Avoid double-barreled questions Two separated topics in one question How happy are you with your phone company’s rate and customer service?

26 Presentation II : 19 th March 15%

27 Audience Theories Frameworks: When analyze your audience NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS I NTRODUCTION 1.Audience 1.Relationship between the audience and the media 2.Relationship of the audience, media, and context of viewing behavior 1 2 -**** Demographics >> First presentation Psychographics >> Second presentation -Media usage -Media effects -Culture -Society 3

28 Assignment 45% NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS I NTRODUCTION Presentation II : 15%: Individual + Submit Hard Copy 19 th March 2. Target Audience Analysis: Primary 2.3 Collect Samples from the target audience Choose sampling methods: EG. Interview few target audience using open-ended questions: record all activities 2.4 Insight analysis Analyze the group of audience (At this point do not relate any information to the app, PURE target audience analysis) No assumption, Use evidence

29 Assignment 45% NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS I NTRODUCTION Presentation II : 15%: Individual + Submit Hard Copy 19 th March 2. Target Audience Analysis: Primary 2.3 Collect Samples from the target audience Conduct a set of questions to explore their personalities Interview them: Open ended questions Minimum 3 people in your target audience, MAKE IT SUPER Details! 2.4 Insight analysis Analyze the group of audience (At this point do not relate any information to the app, PURE target audience analysis) No assumption, Use evidence Use the primary research information as well

30 Overall Assignment 45% NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS I NTRODUCTION Select a Mobile Application ANALYSE Understand the Content Know the Target Audience Notice Understand Target Audience 1.Secondary Research Available information 2. Primary Research Sampling : (Conduct Interview) ANALYSE Apply to your media content Outline the campaign to raise awareness Create small introduction VDO for the campaign

31 “People see the world differently” People differ culturally in... -how they physiologically experience the world or -how they interpret what they experience? Sensing and perception NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS CULTURE

32 Our Senses and Their Limitations Sight Hearing Smell Taste Touch Sensing NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS CULTURE

33 Our Senses and Their Limitations Sight Hearing Smell Taste Touch Sensing NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS CULTURE o See objects the size of a cantaloupe at a distance of 1,200 feet/ 365 metres. o 20% of what is available to be seen is lost or distorted in transit to the human brain.

34 Our Senses and Their Limitations Sight Hearing Smell Taste Touch Sensing NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS CULTURE o Has a workably conscious sound spectrum covering a range from 20 to 20,000 vibration cycles per second – roughly 10 octaves o Plus partly conscious “sensing” of higher and lower frequencies o A normal loss of fidelity estimated at between 22% and 25%

35 Our Senses and Their Limitations Sight Hearing Smell Taste Touch Sensing NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS CULTURE o Can differentiate among about 5,000 different smells down to a threshold of stimulation of as little as 400 molecules of a substance. o Smell is a less reliable human sense.

36 Our Senses and Their Limitations Sight Hearing Smell Taste Touch Sensing NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS CULTURE o Has about 10,000 differentiated taste sensations in relation to the basic sensations of bitter, salty, sour, and sweet. o “Umami” is best described as “savoriness” o To taste a substance requires about 25,000 times more molecules than are required to smell it.

37 Our Senses and Their Limitations Sight Hearing Smell Taste Touch Sensing NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS CULTURE o Of all human senses, touch, especially as related to pain, temperature, and pressure, relates most directly to automatic, reflex-arc reactions. o Virtually all these sensations lead to responses initiated before the brain consciously begins to react.

38 Effect of Culture on Sensing Sensing NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS CULTURE Kitayama, Duffy, Kawamura, and Larsen (2003) Experiment The original stimulus 9 inches Japanese European Americans The absolute task The relative task 3 inches

39 The Three-step Process 1.Selection 2.Organization 3.Interpretation Perceiving NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS CULTURE

40 The Three-step Process 1.Selection Perceiving NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS CULTURE We don’t consciously see any object unless we are paying direct, focused attention on that object. When we need something, have an interest in it, or want it, we are more likely to sense it out of competing stimuli.

41 The Three-step Process 1.Selection Perceiving NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS CULTURE Japanese/English Difficulties with Speech sound -Vowel length:obasanaunt obaasangrandmother -Double consonants:shitadid shittanew -Accent:kakioyster kakipersimmon -Pitch:hashibridge hashichopsticks hashiedge of a table

42 The Three-step Process 2.Organization Perceiving NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS CULTURE Along with selecting stimuli from the environment, you must organize them in some meaningful way.

43 The Three-step Process 2.Organization Perceiving NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS CULTURE redorangeyellowgreenbluepurplecipsuka cicena citemacipsukazizahui English Shona Bassa

44 The Three-step Process 3.Interpretation Perceiving NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS CULTURE This refers to attaching meaning to sense data and is synonymous with decoding.

45 The Three-step Process 3.Interpretation Perceiving NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS CULTURE

46 Reference: Jandt, Fred E. An Introduction to Intercultural Communication: Identities in a Global Community. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2010. NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS CULTURE

47 Class work (5%) Maximum 6 People Imagine you own this media company NM3420 AUDIENCE CONTEXT ANALYSIS CULTURE

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