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Presentation on theme: " 1.Start the game by creating 3-4 teams or 3-4 individual competitors. 2. Give each team/competitor a bell or buzzer to use when they want."— Presentation transcript:


2 1.Start the game by creating 3-4 teams or 3-4 individual competitors. 2. Give each team/competitor a bell or buzzer to use when they want to respond. 3.The competitor with the birthdate closest to the day’s date begins the game by picking 1 of 5 categories off the game board (slide 5). Game host should then click and read what is listed on the $ square of the category chosen for anyone to answer. The competitor who rings their bell/buzzer first gets a chance to do. 4.To advance to the answer, click on the question slide or the arrow in the lower right. 5. If they answer correctly, they receive the appropriate money award and choose the next category. (If a team answers incorrectly, you can subtract the award money as a variation on the game.) 6. Have teams take turns choosing the category after each wrong answer. 7.When you wish to return to the board game, click on the “home” icon in the lower left corner. Clicking elsewhere will lead you to a wrong slide. 8.When all category levels have been exhausted, click in any of the category cells at the top of the game board to advance to the final bonus round. 9.Participants can wager all or part of their winnings during the final round, and thus lose it if their answer is wrong or win the amount if their answer is correct. 10.Winner is the competitor with the most money at the end of play. 11.If desired, have a simple reward for the winning team and consolation prizes for the non- winners. Winner and consolation coupons are included in the “Materials” section of the Activity write up on the website. INSTRUCTIONS Materials: PPT game; bells for each team/competitor; play money in $10, $20, $30, $40, and $50 denominations. These are sample questions. Please alter them to best suite your Nature of Science curriculum.

3 Choose a category. You will be asked a question. You must give the correct answer. Click to begin.

4 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 Bonus RoundRound Science Methods Nature of Science Terms True or False Names of Scientists

5 Name given to a scientist who studies weather Question 1.1

6 Meteorologist

7 Name given to a scientist who studies matter and its behavior Question 1.2

8 Physicist

9 Name for a scientist who studies the behavior of societies Question 1.3

10 Sociologist

11 Name given to someone who invents, designs, and/or builds something to address a need and/ or problem Question 1.4

12 Engineer

13 Name for a scientist who studies the world beyond Earth Question 1.5

14 Astronomer

15 Realm of science Question 2.1

16 The natural world

17 How evidence is obtained in science Question 2.2

18 Observation

19 Characteristic that makes scientific evidence reliable Question 2.3

20 It’s repeatable, consistent, predictable (Answer must include one of these words)

21 Science findings are always… Question 2.4

22 Tentative

23 Science is not just content. It is also a _______ Question 2.5

24 Process

25 Our knowledge of the natural world and the process through which it is built Question 3.1

26 Science

27 Potential explanations for what we observe in the natural world Question 3.2

28 Hypothesis

29 Information gleaned from observation Question 3.3

30 Data

31 To collect information from part of an entity Question 3.4

32 To sample

33 Not of the natural world Question 3.5

34 Supernatural

35 True or False: Science is creative. Question 4.1

36 True

37 True or False: Scientific ideas are absolute and unchanging. Question 4.2

38 False

39 True of False: “Hard” sciences are more rigorous and scientific than “soft” sciences. Question 4.3

40 False

41 True or False: In science, there is not a single “Scientific Method” but many methods. Question 4.4

42 True

43 True or False: Science is a solitary process. Question 4.5

44 False

45 In addition to observation, the process of science always begins with… Question 5.1

46 A question

47 A scientific procedure often carried out to test an idea Question 5.2

48 An experiment

49 What a scientist collects from his/her observations to obtain evidence Question 5.3

50 Data

51 An expectation of a scientist when his/her research is finished and results are known Question 5.4

52 Communication (publication, presentation…)

53 A short written summary about a paragraph in length of one’s research Question 5.5

54 An abstract


56 Click Here for Bonus Round

57 Add a Bonus Round Question Here

58 Fill in the Bonus Round Answer Here

59 Congratulations Contestants on Completing Nature of Science In-the-Know Game Show

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