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 Personal Communication Plan By Laura Shea. Start with Heart  Know thyself!! Who I am????  Know my style under stress  Know what I REALLY want and.

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Presentation on theme: " Personal Communication Plan By Laura Shea. Start with Heart  Know thyself!! Who I am????  Know my style under stress  Know what I REALLY want and."— Presentation transcript:

1  Personal Communication Plan By Laura Shea

2 Start with Heart  Know thyself!! Who I am????  Know my style under stress  Know what I REALLY want and then ask “What do I want for others? For the relationship?”

3 Who I am Strengths  Supporter  Harmonizer  Relater  Good Listener  Empathizer Weaknesses  Personalizer  Worrier  Avoider of conflict  Withdrawer  Masker  Non-trusting of others motives (sometimes)

4 Who I am (Continued) My Values  Integrity  Honesty  Relationships My Passions  Students  High Quality Education  High Quality Teaching  That ALL students make academic growth and are successful

5 What now? My goals…. 1 During the 2011/12 School Year, I will identify 2 marginal staff members and work with them on their performance issues. 2 With known situations, I will plan/prepare/script upcoming difficult or crucial conversations and do a personal reflection at the conclusion of the meeting or series of meetings/discussions and use that reflection to guide my behavior in the next meeting.

6 Effective Communication Strategies  Commit to seek mutual purpose. If possible, always bring it back to the child.  Step out/Step away. Breathe, reflect, maintain composure.  Recognize “Silence or Violence” and then restore safety and return to dialogue.  Remember the importance of a pool of shared meaning and make it safe so everyone will contribute to that pool.

7 Effective Communication Strategies (Continued)  Don’t let the safety problems lead me astray. REMEMBER – when others start to feel unsafe they start to do NASTY things.  Therefore:  DO SOMETHING TO BRING BACK THE SAFE ENVIRONMENT!  DON’T TAKE IT PERSONALLY!

8 Effective Communication Strategies (Continued)  Maintain mutual respect  Apologize when mutual respect or purpose is at risk.  Contrast (do/don’t statement)  Share Facts

9 Objectives/Action Steps  Work closely with the Director of HR and Superintendent for support and mentorship as I “take on” the marginal staff members.  Script or Plan Any Crucial Conversation that I know I am going into.  Obtain and Use a Personal Reflection Journal.  Be Cognizant (through use of journal) when I am avoiding, masking, or personalizing.

10 My Mission Statement Remember…..  I became an administrator so that I could have greater influence over the power of good teaching to ensure that ALL students make progress and are successful.  If I don’t have crucial conversations with teachers who are not demonstrating good teaching, I am ultimately letting the students down.

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