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DNA Fingerprinting and The Discovery of The Romanovs Amie Adams ISAT 351 Section 2.

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1 DNA Fingerprinting and The Discovery of The Romanovs Amie Adams ISAT 351 Section 2

2 Introduction zWhat is DNA fingerprinting? ySouthern Blotting yPolymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) zHow are the Romanovs involved with DNA fingerprinting? zEthical Issues

3 What is DNA Fingerprinting? zDNA contains genetic material in two different strands that are spiraled around each other. zEveryone has the same DNA chemical structure. The only difference in people’s DNA is that the base pairs have various sequences. zThe identity of people can be determined by this difference in DNA base pair sequences.

4 DNA Fingerprinting Cont. zScientists analyze polymorphic sites in order to get a probability match. zOne can then use one of two popular procedures that I will talk about today. These are Southern Blotting and PCR.

5 Southern Blotting zThe Southern Blot is one procedure that can be performed in order to examine the genetic patterns and determine a DNA fingerprint. zDNA is first extracted from blood, hair, or other body tissue. zFragmentation: Cut DNA into fragments

6 Southern Blot Cont. zSeparation: Fragments placed in gel and current pulls fragments along gel. zX-ray: Separated DNA transferred and probes lock onto DNA parts zAutorad: (X-ray) is developed with band patterns. This is the “fingerprint.”

7 Picture of DNA Fingerprint

8 Polymerase Chain Reaction zUsed to amplify a small amount of DNA. zActually a part of the fragmentation process where it uses enzymes to cut the DNA into segments. zThis system requires a reaction buffer, dNTP’s, and a thermocycler of some sort. zEach cycle of the thermocycler has a template denaturation, primer annealing, and extension of the region between primers.

9 Duplicating DNA

10 The Romanovs zTsar Nicholas Romanov II and his family were assassinated in 1918 by the Bolsheviks. zThe Bolshevik uprising ended the Romanov rule after lasting almost 300 years.

11 Picture of The Romanovs

12 The Romanovs z9 skeletons were found in Russia in July 1991. zWere believed to be of the Romanovs zIdentity had to be determined zWas done by using chromosomal short tandem repeats. Used mtDNA analysis with known maternally related descendants of the royal family.

13 Romanovs cont. zDNA was extracted from bone samples. yTsar had sequences that matched those of brother. yHeteroplasmy in the Tsar’s lineage was found yGender of remains was determined by chromosomal DNA testing. yResults stated that there were four male and five female human bodies. yIndicates that one of the princesses and Alexi were missing from the grave.

14 Ethical Issues zShould DNA fingerprinting be used as a law enforcement instrument? yInvolves taking people’s DNA even if they have not committed a crime. zWhat happens when a gene “seems” to appear in criminals? yIs everyone who carries that particular gene considered a rapist? zWho should have access to this information? yInsurance companies?

15 The End Thank you for your attention!

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