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JPSS Common Ground System IDPS NPP Algorithm Operability Verification – Launch Build Characterization Tentative Agenda IDPS OAA 5/10/11.

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Presentation on theme: "JPSS Common Ground System IDPS NPP Algorithm Operability Verification – Launch Build Characterization Tentative Agenda IDPS OAA 5/10/11."— Presentation transcript:

1 JPSS Common Ground System IDPS NPP Algorithm Operability Verification – Launch Build Characterization Tentative Agenda IDPS OAA 5/10/11

2 JPSS Common Ground System Page 2 Planned Event Date – June 29-30, 2011  Introduction  NPP Development (Sensor Characterization SC14 Build) Status  IDPS Launch Build Status (Algorithm Focus)  Operational Algorithm Performance Overview  Operational Algorithm Performance Details  Summary Outline mm/dd/yyyy

3 JPSS Common Ground System Page 3  Event Goals and Scope –Characterize IDPS Mx5 build content from an operational algorithm perspective –Summarize algorithm updates since NPP Sensor Characterization (end of IDPS development – SC14) –Define Event Expectations Provide full characterization of IDPS Mx5 build operational algorithms (VIIRS/CrIMSS/OMPS Chains) accounting for SDR/EDR/IP/ARP/AUX, GEO, GRAN ANC/GIP NPP products Provide full listing of all implemented algorithm updates since SC14 (A-ECRs, TMs, ATDRs, ADRs, PCRs) Provide listing of all scheduled algorithm updates (A-ECRs, TMs, ATDRs, ADRs, PCRs) w/ scheduled maintenance builds Provide list of all known algorithm-related unresolved issues and plan for closure Provide plan/schedule summary for remaining IPAC-related tests Provide plan/schedule summary for IPAC-related threshold remaining updates Provide plan/schedule summary for remaining Additional Nominal tests Provide plan/schedule summary for remaining Additional Non-Nominal tests Provide, per algorithm, summary of algorithm tested logical paths, known non- tested paths and any known risk that may surface during actual operations Provide plan/schedule summary for SVR progress  Schedule Timeline –From now until launch and +90 days (or more) Introduction mm/dd/yyyy

4 JPSS Common Ground System Page 4  Event held in Oct’10 (AKA Final Performance Evaluation – Part 1) to present the state of the IDPS Operational Algorithms at the end of the NPP Development (Sensor Characterization SC14 build)  Presentations focused on assessing the IDPS Operational Algorithm State WRT: –Individual Algorithm (Stand-Alone) Characterization State of received algorithm updates (A-ECRs, TMs) and pertaining Sci-2-Ops work State of individual algorithms ▫ Work accomplished ▫ Remaining work (upcoming A-ECRs, TMs) ▫ Areas of concern (PCRs) ▫ IPAC Testing State ▫ Plan ahead –Integrated Algorithm (Integrated-Chain) Characterization State of integrated chain ▫ IPAC Testing ▫ Additional Nominal Testing ▫ Additional Non-Nominal Testing ▫ Areas of concern (PCRs) »Watch-list Algorithms: VIIRS Clouds, VIIRS ACO/OCC, CrIMSS EDR/IPs, OMPS Chain ▫ Plan ahead –Algorithm-quality Related Requirements The “Bubble” and “SVR” concepts Requirement Verification Status Plan ahead  Transition from Development to Sustainment  Summarize by sensor the “big picture” of operational algorithm performance NPP Development (Sensor Characterization SC14 Build) Status mm/dd/yyyy

5 JPSS Common Ground System Page 5  Mx5 Build Status  Deployment Status  Urgent Release Plan  Timeline IDPS Launch Build Status (Algorithm Focus) mm/dd/yyyy

6 JPSS Common Ground System Page 6  Definitions  Highlights  Progress Summary Since NPP Development Sensor Characterization SC14  Going Forward Plan Operational Algorithm Performance Overview mm/dd/yyyy

7 JPSS Common Ground System Page 7  Definitions –IPAC Testing –Nominal Testing –Non-Nominal Testing –Stand-alone –Integrated Chain –SVR Operational Algorithm Performance Overview (Cont.) mm/dd/yyyy

8 JPSS Common Ground System Page 8  Highlights –Algorithm priorities for launch & CAL/VAL SDRs KPPs “Canary” EDRs Remaining Products –VIIRS/CrIMSS/OMPS Algorithm Updates Drops Sensor Mounting Coefficient Updates  Progress Summary Since NPP Development Sensor Characterization SC14  Going Forward Plan Operational Algorithm Performance Overview (Cont.) mm/dd/yyyy

9 JPSS Common Ground System Page 9  Operational Algorithm Status Details –Status as of SC14 –Updates since SC14 Drops, ATDRs, ADRs PCR Fixes –Status in Mx5 Algorithm Performance Characterization ▫ Stand-alone/Integrated Chain ▫ TDC # Additional Nominal Non-Nominal SVR –Algorithm logical path testing summary Summary of algorithm tested logical paths, known non-tested paths and any known risk that may surface during actual operations, e.g., ▫ Additional tests for MD-level Summary QFs ▫ Additional tests for QFs not in Reference Results ▫ Usage of QFs as filters for downstream algorithms ▫ Chain testing of logic flowing through multiple QFs across parent-to-child algorithms ▫ Non-Nominal tests (QFs, etc.)  VIIRS Chain  CrIMSS Chain  OMPS Chain Operational Algorithm Performance Details mm/dd/yyyy

10 JPSS Common Ground System Page 10  Highlights  Plan Forward Summary mm/dd/yyyy


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