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 Because matter is constantly recycled  All organic compounds contain Carbon.

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2  Because matter is constantly recycled

3  All organic compounds contain Carbon

4  Watershed

5  The Sun

6  Wind  Water  Ice

7  Two

8  Solar radiant energy is transformed into chemical energy.

9  Ice wedging cracks in sidewalks/roads  Root pry  Rock chipping glass in a windshield  Peeling of paint from constant rain

10  Gravitropism (Geotropism) – response to gravity  Phototropism – response to light  Thermotropism – response to temperature

11  A primary consumer which eats only plants  Also called a herbivore  *Be able to identify primary and secondary consumers in a food web, chain, or pyramid

12  Organism, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere

13  Lichens

14  A = producers  B = primary consumers  C = secondary consumers  A = 100% autotrophs  B = 10% herbavores  C = 1% carnivores A B C

15  Energy

16  The chemical energy gets converted into others forms of energy

17  Landslide/avalanche  Volcano – Wild Fire  Tsunami

18  They recycle dead organic material

19  Organism – an individual member of a species

20  White fur – so it can hide from predators

21  They Migrate

22  Dark moths have a better chance of surviving to produce dark-colored offspring and dark moths will become more abundant.

23  Groundwater – this water seeps into the ground and gets stored in aquifers.

24  Lichens

25  More links in food chains and more stability

26  More habitats for different species

27  It is a mixture of two parents  ½ genes come from each parent  They exhibit traits from both parents  Leads to more diversity

28  Sharp claws  Sharp pointed teeth

29  GG x gg

30  The cost

31  25 percent

32  Genes

33  Blonde or brown

34  The presence of water  Proximity to the sun  Composition and existence of an atmosphere

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