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How can English classes learn about hunger in order to help our neighbors? CSL Grant: Food for Thought.

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1 How can English classes learn about hunger in order to help our neighbors? CSL Grant: Food for Thought

2 Learn about the history of writing about hunger - read Jonathan Swift’s Satirical Essay, A Modest Proposal. Swift (1667 to 1745) was an English writer who lived most of his life in Ireland. Through his writing, Swift hoped to improve the living conditions of the poor and the hungry in Ireland.

3 *This translates to roughly 12 percent of the American population. Learn about hunger by conducting research. According to a recent report by National Public Radio, 38 million people* in America are considered "food insecure," i.e. they have trouble finding the money to keep food on the table.

4 While conducting research, find current newspaper and magazine articles. We read “House of Cards” which appeared in the March 9, 2009 issue of Time magazine.

5 This week, we’ll read The New York Times article, “Newly Poor Swell Lines at Food Banks,” published February 20, 2009.

6 How can we apply our knowledge? Use persuasive writing techniques to write letters to local businesses seeking donations. Write scripts for video presentation to raise awareness regarding the food pantries’ needs. Write copy for use on school and food pantry web sites.


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