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Published byLucas Fox Modified over 9 years ago
Prepared by the SCORE Supervisory Board
Change of the meeting date and the attendance the meetings. RCC structure. SCORE Bylaws. Activities >>> Old & New. The process of work and our own experience. Ideas & Small Working Group (SWG) Every group must update us about the work they did
It was supposed to be hold on 8 th or 9 th of September. Postponed because of the H1N1 HOLIDAY.
NORE/LORE Leader Assistant Leader Supervisory Board
Presented by the NORE: Saif Al Ghaffri
Niederlande Türkei Portugal Ungarn Serbien Schweiz Spanien Russland Mexico Brasilien Ägypten Taiwan Italien Polen Japan Indonesien Ukraine Kroatien Chile Griechenland Rumänien Niederlande Türkei Portugal Ungarn Serbien Schweiz Spanien Russland Mexico Brasilien Ägypten Taiwan Italien Polen Japan Indonesien Ukraine Kroatien Chile Griechenland Rumänien Oman
Definition The programme offers medical students organized in an IFMSA NMO the opportunity to follow research exchange project in medical sciences. Premedical students or students in biomedical field are eligible to apply. SCORE bylaws
SCORE-D The National Officer on Research Exchange To organize and maintain the research exchange on the national level. To supervise the local committees. ( LORE & SB ) To add new projects into the IFMSA SCORE Database. To complete the requirements of the in/ out exchange. Others SCORE-SB The Evaluation Formluation Coordinator SCORE Regional Assistants SCORE Small Working Group Coordinators Exchange Training Unit Coordinator SCOREview Editor-in-Chief
Exchange Conditions Projects and Database Criteria for Research Exchange projects Research Exchange Contracts Meetings Penalties
> 1700 > 1700 exchanges/year 67 67 countries involved 1945 1945 research projects 484 484 universities around the world 50 50 medical fields involved ( Neuroscience, Immunology, Epidemiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Surgery, Global Health &NTDs, Physchaitry, Nuclear Medicine, Laser Medicine, Oncology, Medical Ethics, Infectious Diseases, Pediatrics, Biophyscis, Obs&Gyn…)
Publications Global Health Projects Networks, database, web tools PreExchange Trainings& Researh Workshops Conferences
We sign contracts with 5 countries = 6 units ( Germany, Italy, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt ) How we work? - Promotion ( posters, e-mail, sms, website & you ). - Selection ( criteria ) - application
Finished semester 6 courses. Valid passport for at least 1 year Minimum cumulative GPA 2.7 Did at least 1 research and involved actively in it. ========== Application form motivation letter Interview
1. Number of research 2. Type of research V.S field experience 3. Publication of the research 4. Motivation letter 5. Attending related workshops or activities 6. Attending conferences: 7. Being a member of SCORE 8. SQU-MSG + Pre activity 9. Year & transcript 10. Interview
steps to your exchange Step 1: Choose projects of interest from the database Step 2: Read through the Exchange Conditions (EC) of the country Step 3: Prepare the Application Form and all other documents Step 4: Send your application Step 5: Card of Acceptance (CA) Step 6: Card of Confirmation (CC)
Exchange Fees. Boarding and lodging After your Exchange - Evaluation form & Report - Publication
For the: Tutors NORE LORE Students
SCORE Manual for Tutors SCORE Leaflet for Tutors SCORE Manual on Research Exchange Research Ethics Manual (REM) NORE E-Ex Manual
Mission of SCORE PET To train research exchange outgoing students with a training program. Including: lectures, trainings on science philosophy, research ethics, basic biostatistics and intercultural learning.
a. To increase the scientific and academic recognition of SCORE by having well trained outgoing research students b. To provide exchange students to have a better exchange and research period by increasing their scientific knowledge, technical skills, and general motivation c. To provide exchange students a better understanding of the role of research in medicine d. To help exchange students to perform their research activities through following ethical principles e. To prevent exchange students from ethical misconduct and such behaviors causing to be under suspicion f. To increase exchange students’ scientific competence in order to work better with their mentors and research fellows
Why we need it: - Advantage & disadvantage - Adding - Report writing.
Facilitated By: Thuraiya Al Massoudi
Research proposals in the field of patient safety. Medical students,newly graduated and young researchers are encouraged to apply. Need to have good idea,intersting hypothesis. Placed in both hospital and community setting.
The aim of the WHO Patient safety projects are: To stimulate research on patient safety priorities worldwide by providing seed funding for small research projects. To build local research capacity and will help raise awareness about patient safety and improve patient safety. To identify local solutions or evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of existing solutions
Grants of between 10000$ and 25000$ per project will be awarded for studies. Collaborative projects are encouraged, but the principal investigator must be affiliated with an institution in the country in which the proposed study will be conducted.
Counterfeit and substandard drugs Maternal and newborn care Safe injection practices Improving competencies,training and skills Communication and coordination across care pathways Latent organizational failures
Brief about it. (will be Done By Ghalib AL Khoudori) What is the best research idea ? The experience of the members of RCC in this competition. The evaluation of the participants will be done by Dr. Bader Al Deen at the beginning of the new coming semester. The prize will be offered by the college (not minimum by 150 O.R) SWG: How to promote and advertise for it.
Show our present list + participants.
TutorProject/ResearchName / ID / Phone # Dr. Yasser Study of IV paracetamol in addition to opioids in management of painful episodes in children with sickle cell disease 1- Hilal salim alhosni 2- Yarab Mubarak Al-Bulushi Dr. YasserHemophagocytic Lymphohistocytosis 1-Ahlam AL-Hamhami 2-Nashwa AL-Kindi 3-Fatma AL-Fahdi 4-Hamida AL-Nabhani 5-SHathra AL-Rwahi Dr. Mohammed Continuity of care in primary care 1- Nada Sulaiman Abdullah Al-Rawahi 2- Ruqaiya Mohammed Salim Al Ramadhani 3- 4- 5- 6- Dr. Amna Prevalence & profile of cerebrovascular accidents in Omani children 1- Kumait Mushtaq Moosa Al Lawati 2- Abdullah Ali Abdullah Al Lawati 3- AlNaser Mohammed Sulaiman Al-Bahlani 4- Dr. AmnaHIE in Neonate 1- Tariq Al araimi 2- Mohammed Hamed Mohammed Al Shukaili 3-Zahran al bahri 4- Humaid Hamood AL-Farai Dr. AmnaNeonatal seziure 1- Hassan Abdulredha Dawood Al-Lawati 2-Mustafa Al. Shuaibi 3- Abdulnasser Said Hamed Al-Adawi 4- Khalfan Salim Khalfan Al-Shaaili
TutorProject/ResearchName / ID / Phone # Dr. Hussein Pulmonary function test in patients with sickle cell disease in correlation with hemoglobin S (B chain haplotype 1- 2- Mahera Juma Saif Al Saqri Dr. Mohannad Cloning & sequencing Enteroviruses1- Fatma alawatya Dr. Nasser Development of anticancer conjugate preparation for specific targeting of solid tumor cells 1- Humaid Al-Adawi 2- Sadiq Juma Al-Lawati Dr. OmarOmani honey as a histological fixative 1- Thuraiya Alharthi 2- Rana Kayed 3- Abdul nassor Jamal Ahmed Al-Ma'awali 4- Hilal Nasser Bader AL Riyami Dr. Sameer Social Medicine; how stress and distress is experienced in non-western populations. 1- Mohammed Marhoon Issa Al-Masqari 2-Muna 3- Mohammed Othman Mohammed Shafeeq 4-Zuwaina
Show our present list + participants. Collector of the research presents the experience and the obstacles they faced. Will be done during the meeting by the head of this group. Present for them where is the deficiency and advice them with better ways.
Revised - AM2009. Includes more specific questions. Tries to find solutions for usual problems filling the previous ones. It includes the year in the name to remember the last time that was reedited ;)
Title Professor/Tutors Description of the project (backgroung, aim and techniques) Which category? Role of the student. What will be the outcome. What will the student learn. What should the student know/learn before. Language (required and accepted) Availability, period, lengh
Should be descriptive of the project But not include everything! Should be specific Yet being understandable
Name of the professor Name of potentials tutors It doesn’t matter if the tutors change If they change, the names can be changed on Name, address, e-mail and phone of the department
At least 6 lines long. At least 2 lines each part: Background information The aim of the project The methods and techniques used The perfect form would be that of a scientific abstract
Clinical project without lab work Clinical project with lab work Basic Science To which category does the project belong to?
Preliminary readings The names of articles/books should be given in the form (later on) Will the student attend to lectures or seminars? Will there be round- table discussions? Will they be in English?
What is the student actually going to do? Will the student have his/her own project? What is expected from the student? Will the techniques be introduced to the student? What is the outcome? Will the paper contribute to an article/poster?
What are the practical skills the student will learn? Techniques? Methods? Examination? Use a computer program? What about knowledge? How is he/she going to get it?
Should the student have already specific skills? Be familiar with the techniques or methods Is there any special knowledge or certain level of studies needed? Should the student have already studied a specific topic? Are there any legal limitations? If there are no requirements, it should be said
Very important Give the names of articles OR give key words or authors with which to search on PubMed
Are they accepted or required? English and local/s language/s should be included in the lists!
Duration Working hours Availability Medical students? Pre- medical? Graduated? Biomedical?
Facilitated by Ahlam Al Hamhami
It is the 2 nd research that is conducted between Gulf Countries. 1 st one was in Bahrin. Aims: 1. To study common problems shared by Gulf Countries. 2. To present these research results in GCC.
1. Chose representatives of SQU to contact main committee in Kuwait. 2. Vote in 3 topics: 1.Satisfaction of students and staff with standard of medical education in GCC medical universities. 2. Survey of community attitudes about medical errors. 3.Evaluation of the communication skills with patients among GCC medical students. 3. Topic modification to (students satisfaction on the educational environment in the gcc medical schools).
4.collect information about all medical schools in the GCC (No. of students, males/females, nationals/non- nationals... etc) to use them in our research for sampling. 5. choose a representitve sample from each school. 6. contacting the selected students and ensuring that they solve the (Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure) DREEM questionnaire. 7.Currently will start data collection as soon as electronic DREEM questionnaire is available.
Presented by Ahmed Al Saidi Responsibilities: Update the list of conf from the Assistant dean Make a list of these conf (time, place, fees, contact and deadline) Collaboration with other sub-groups to make adv for these conf Offered our self to any authority that may concern Difficulties: ????
Conference list Conference Calendar (Zahraa will present it) Dead line for submission 31st of October 2009. Add the GCC conference with the cooperation other GCC countries. Add some of doctor-doctor conferences (E.g. medical, trauma, FAMCO, etc) Ask about Oman Medical College (OMC) if they are allowed to participate because they have their annual student conference (they are not part of IFMSA).
Tunisia. Mariana (Portugal). ]Macedonia Implemented the Idea. Calendar. containing most of the international student scientific conferences around the world 3 confs’. every country 1
Conferences will have colours similar to the Olympic rings: Yellow: Asia Blue: EMR Green: Europe Red: America Black: Africa
Find out the local conf. Organize with the O.T. & IFMSA. Promote for the Calendar & the conf.
Presented By: Sama Matwani
STEP: Sudan Tropical Exchange Project.. SCORE Global Health Projects, that aims to spot the light on the Tropical Diseases among Doctors, Medical Students & public.
Is of three parts: - Scientific program. lectures, seminars, lab work, research & clinical rounds. - Medical Mission. free medical care, medications & health education - Social program.
STEP held in Khartoum, Sudan supervised by The Institute of Endemic Diseases and the Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum.Institute of Endemic DiseasesFaculty of Medicine Venue: Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum. Date: 1st-30th of July, 2009.
To promote for STEP among omani medical students and give them the chance to participate in this highly educational experience. Requirements? Methods?
In Kingdom of Saudi Arabia King Abdulaziz University in Jeddh Time: 13-16 th Feburary 2010 Website: Dead line for submitting research abstracts 25/10/2009. Forward this to all whom you know
Conditions: Finished semester 6 courses. Valid passport for at least 1 year Minimum cumulative GPA 2.7 Did at least 1 research and involved actively in it. Application form: Name, year, id. Cumulative GPA Number of research done & experience. Name of the research wanted and the period wanted Appendices: Motivation letter. Recommendation letter from the supervisor explaining the role of the student. Research abstract and the research completely. If published or won a prize in a research competition Attach other certificates might be useful (e.g. workshops, conferences, etc). Transcript.
Application form must be submitted during the SCORE gathering. The motivation letter must includes: The reason to choose him. Why he/she choose that specific topic. What his ideas to promote for the OMAN and SCORE- OMSA. Interview: To assess the language and communication skills abilities of the students. Assessed by: Tutor from language center. NORE or LORE or the head of out-going sub-committee. Will score for maximally= 20 points. The assessment criteria will be decided by the out-going subcommittee and the language center.
1. Number of research (each = 5) The number of research the student was actively involved in accompanied with a recommendation letter from the supervisor. 2. Type of research V.S field experience. The type of the research that is applied for is ___________ to the research the student did. a. Identical/ similar aspect = 5 b. Similar type (lab work or data based) = 5 c. Related aspect = 4 d. Different departments (related topic) =3 e. Same department but different aspect = 2 f. Not related at all = 0 If the student participated in a conference by that research and applied to a similar topic (a, b or c) then he/she going to get (3 bonus points)
3. Publication of the research: Where the research is published: International journal / website = 5 Local journal =3 In the college only (department) =1 None =0 Which type: Article =5 Poster/ oral presentation =3 Won prizes or good criticism = 5 4. Motivation letter: Evaluated through the out-going sub-committee Ranges from (1 up to 5)
5. Attending related workshops or activities: Must be proved by a certificate. Each gives = 3 points. If the student conducted a workshop and applied for a research in related topic, then he/she going to get (3 bonus points) 6. Attending conferences: Won a prize related to a research or a workshop= 8 Participate by a research = 5 Participated by a related workshop =3 7. SCORE/RCC: Being a member of SCORE/RCC gives you = 3 points.
8. SQU-MSG + OMSA + Pre activity: Being a member gives you = 3 points. 9. Year & transcript: Year = only graduated students have the privilege on other year students. Transcript = only will be used if the points went for a tie. 10. Interview: the points will ranges (0 20)
Facilitated by Saif Al Ghaffri Keep the previous criteria or change it Advantages & Disadvantages of each point Write a whole report and forward it to NORE- SQUMSG.
Contract list: The countries >>> Italy Turkey Germany Egypt Lebonon How to promote for the contracts? b. When to start to take the applications and when the dead line will be?
How to promote for it?
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