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Writing Final Seventh Grade. TOPIC Choose a character from literature whom you admire or with whom you identify. The character must be from a piece of.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Final Seventh Grade. TOPIC Choose a character from literature whom you admire or with whom you identify. The character must be from a piece of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Final Seventh Grade

2 TOPIC Choose a character from literature whom you admire or with whom you identify. The character must be from a piece of literature we read in English class this year. Write an essay that explains why you admire or identify with this character.

3 How To Do Well DAY 1 1. Read everything carefully 2. Pre-write: Brainstorm, outline/web, write a rough draft— you can skip lines! 3. Draft: Write a rough copy— include proper heading at top

4 How To Do Well DAY 2 1. Revise & Edit: Read over your rough copy and make changes for improvement—make sure you fully answer the prompt 2. Rewrite: Write a good copy—skip lines if you want--and proofread it before you turn it in. Include proper heading. 3. Staple good copy on top of rough

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