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Importance of Energy Efficiency in State Climate Action Plans Midwestern Governors Association Energy Efficiency Advisory Group Minneapolis, MN – April.

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Presentation on theme: "Importance of Energy Efficiency in State Climate Action Plans Midwestern Governors Association Energy Efficiency Advisory Group Minneapolis, MN – April."— Presentation transcript:

1 Importance of Energy Efficiency in State Climate Action Plans Midwestern Governors Association Energy Efficiency Advisory Group Minneapolis, MN – April 23-24, 2008 Kenneth A. Colburn Center for Climate Strategies 617-784-6975 April 23-24, 1

2 +285,000 jobs April 23-24, 2

3 GHG Reduction Strategies Clean Cars Appliance Efficiency Standards Carbon Intensity Targets Electricity Pricing DG & CHP Reduce Land Conversion Truck Speed Limit Increase Reforestation Building Codes DSM RPS April 23-24, 3

4 Economy-Wide GHG Cost Curve April 23-24, 4

5 GHG Reduction Contributions by Sector DRAFT April 23-24, 5

6 Potential US Net Economic Cost/Savings by Sector Sector$ Billion Energy Supply$16.2 Residential, Commercial & Industrial-$43.4 Agriculture, Forestry & Waste$3.8 Transportation & Land Use-$2.3 Total-$25.6 DRAFT April 23-24, 6

7 Jobs & Savings Impact of EE in Florida ACEEE, Potential for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy to Meet Florida’s Growing Energy Demands, June 2007. April 23-24, 7

8 April 23-24, 8

9 April 23-24, DRAFT 9 Residential, Commercial, Industrial (Energy Demand)

10 April 23-24, Energy Supply (Heat and Power) DRAFT 10

11 April 23-24, Transportation & Land Use DRAFT 11

12 April 23-24, Agriculture, Forestry, Waste Management DRAFT 12

13 April 23-24, States with GHG Mitigation Cost/Savings Data 13

14 April 23-24, State GHG Abatement Cost Curves ($/Ton GHG Removed) 12 states with facilitated, comprehensive GHG plans (AZ, CO, CT, ME, MN, MT, NM, NY, NC, RI, VT, WA) Actions with $/ton for all sectors (excludes major non- quantified actions expected to yield net $ savings) Data is the product of facilitated stakeholder consensus processes (bottom up, transparent) Most recent data from plans; implementation results are included for past and some present actions Data reported for 2020 (with scaling as needed) Specific data sources, methods, assumptions in report appendices (available through CCS) 14

15 15 California – It’s Already Working April 23-24, 15

16 Cleantech Venture Investments by Region E2/Cleantech Venture Network, Cleantech Venture Capital: How Public Policy Has Stimulated Private Investment, May 2007. April 23-24, 16

17 E2/Cleantech Venture Network, Cleantech Venture Capital: How Public Policy Has Stimulated Private Investment, May 2007. Cleantech Venture Investments by Sector April 23-24, 17

18 Thank You for Your Time and Attention! April 23-24, 18

19 April 23-24, 19

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