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Given what you have heard during the class discussions and what you personally think about credit cards, do you believe that:

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Presentation on theme: "Given what you have heard during the class discussions and what you personally think about credit cards, do you believe that:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Given what you have heard during the class discussions and what you personally think about credit cards, do you believe that:

2 1. Credit card use should be restricted to needed items and not luxury items?

3 2. People who use credit cards tend to overspend?

4 3. Credit cards are generally a safe substitute for having to carry cash?

5 4. Credit card interest rates are too high?

6 5. Credit cards are too easy for people to obtain?

7 6. Credit cards can help some people take advantage of a ‘good' sale?

8 7. There should be a limited as to the number of credit cards a person can have?

9 8. Credit cards make it more difficult for people to actually know how much money they have?

10 9. Credit cards have a negative impact on the amount of money given to charities?

11 10. People who use credit cards are happier than people who do not?

12 11. The items purchased using a credit card are usually used up or of little or no value by the time the credit card bill comes for payment?

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