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Webinar XtraReports – Resolving the Reporting Dilemma Joe Kunk Joe is a Microsoft MVP and Senior Consultant at A. J. Boggs & Company of Okemos, Michigan.

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Presentation on theme: "Webinar XtraReports – Resolving the Reporting Dilemma Joe Kunk Joe is a Microsoft MVP and Senior Consultant at A. J. Boggs & Company of Okemos, Michigan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Webinar XtraReports – Resolving the Reporting Dilemma Joe Kunk Joe is a Microsoft MVP and Senior Consultant at A. J. Boggs & Company of Okemos, Michigan. He has been developing software solutions for education, business, and government for over 25 years. Emil Mesropian Technical Evangelist | Developer Express

2 Why Developer Express XtraReports? Significant full-featured report design productivity in the familiar Visual Studio environment with great productivity. Available for Windows Forms and ASP.NET XtraReports works both in Windows Forms projects and ASP.NET applications. You can create a single report and then use it in either of these two distinct platforms. Presenter’s Blog:

3 Complete AJAX Callback Support The ReportViewer control uses callbacks for all operations. For instance, page navigation is accomplished via callbacks, automatically. Medium Trust Support Since many web hosts do not grant Full Trust permission to their clients, reports can be viewed and work at a Medium Trust permission level. Report Caching for Faster Navigation and Export Operations The Ability to Build Custom Report Toolbars Developer Express XtraReports Presenter’s Blog:

4 Developer Express XtraReports Full Visual Studio® Integration Report Designer is completely integrated into Visual Studio The designer creates code directly, so there's no need for external files to store your report definition. Supports Visual Studio command menus and bars. You can copy controls/components directly from a Windows Form into the Report Designer. Ability to create repots via Inheritance. Presenter’s Blog:

5 Developer Express XtraReports Report Organization Multiple band typesFull Support for sub-reports Report MergingMailing Labels Wizard Multi-Column ReportsDrill Down Reports Includes Charting controlsRich Text Controls Presenter’s Blog:

6 Developer Express XtraReports Data Exchange Bind to any data source that supports Ilist, IListSource, or IBindingList Reporting from custom datasets and XML, data created at runtime Export to PDF, HTML, MHT, RTF, XLS, TXT, CSV, BMP, GIF, PNG, JPEG Presenter’s Blog:

7 Developer Express XtraReports Data Shaping SortFields property Data Grouping Summary Report -Set summary level (group, page, report) -Set summary type (avg, count, minimum, maximum) Presenter’s Blog:

8 Developer Express XtraReports End User Report Designer Same as Visual Studio Designer Create Custom End User Designer with DX Controls Support for Skins Users can save custom reports or load prepared reports Users can script fields in VB.NET or C# Presenter’s Blog:

9 Developer Express XtraReports Miscellaneous Style Sheets Backgrounds and Watermarks Bookmarks and Document Maps Cross-Reference Create HyperLinks simply by setting the NavigateURL and Target properties Presenter’s Blog:

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