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The Northwest Coast September 17 th, 2013. Rich Resources Tribes of the Northwest Coast Cultural Region Kwakiutl, Tlingit, Haida, and Nootka The Northwest.

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Presentation on theme: "The Northwest Coast September 17 th, 2013. Rich Resources Tribes of the Northwest Coast Cultural Region Kwakiutl, Tlingit, Haida, and Nootka The Northwest."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Northwest Coast September 17 th, 2013


3 Rich Resources Tribes of the Northwest Coast Cultural Region Kwakiutl, Tlingit, Haida, and Nootka The Northwest Coast has plentiful natural resources Forests filled with tall, sturdy cedar trees Rivers and forest rich with game and fish for hunting Did not have to grow crops for food

4 Recap How did the people of the Northwest Coast get their food?

5 Potlatches Tribes had an abundance of resources What do you think members of the tribe did with their extra resources? They held potlatches, parties where they would give things away Potlatch means “to give away” What would they give? Copper shields and stacks of blankets were common

6 Totem Poles Totem poles were carved posts with animals or other images representing a person’s ancestors. They were used as a symbol of wealth.

7 Recap What were potlatches? Why were they held?

8 Using the Ocean Master carvers made canoes from cedar logs How do you think canoes were used? To hunt sea animals, such as seals, sea otters and whales These animals provided meat, furs, and oil

9 Recap How did the Kwakiutl use resources from the forest and the oceans?

10 Customs and Traditions Shamans were believed to be healers and were important people in Kwakiutl culture Both men and women could be shamans They also performed dancing ceremonies, read more on p. 96

11 Shelter and Clothing Lived in a mild climate What effect do you think this would have on how they dressed and where they lived? The people of the Northwest Coast wore light clothing Lived in sturdy houses built with cedar trees

12 Recap Why were shamans so respected?

13 The Kwakiutl Today Read p. 97 on your own and we will discuss

14 Lesson Summary Indians of the Northwest Coast met their needs by hunting and gathering Shamans were important people in Kwakiutl culture Today many Kwakiutl work in logging, construction and fishing

15 Homework Complete the lesson 4 review, questions 2-5, on p. 97 (in complete sentences)

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