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Ernest Hemingway 1899-1961.

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Presentation on theme: "Ernest Hemingway 1899-1961."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ernest Hemingway

2 The Hemingway home in Oak Park, IL (present day)

3 Hemingway and his family, about 1917

4 The Kansas City Star reporter

5 Hemingway in his Red Cross Ambulance Service uniform – an unofficial “lieutenant” – with ribbons for bravery

6 In the hospital in Milan, recuperating from his wounds

7 Kansas City Star Style Sheet
Use short sentences Use short first paragraphs Use vigorous English Be positive, not negative

8 Passport photo, European correspondent for the Toronto Star Weekly, 1922-23.

9 With friends and nemeses – the “lost generation” in Paris, Left Bank, about 1922.

10 Café de Deux Magots (still there today), a favorite haunt of the American expatriates in Paris. “Magot” is French for monkey, not maggot.

11 First book, a collection of stories featuring Nick Adams, published in paris by a small press

12 With Sylvia Beach and others outside Shakespeare and Company, a bookstore and hangout spot for the expatriates. The bandage on Hemingway’s forehead is from an unusual accident involving drink, a skylight, and a toilet.

13 Shakespeare and Company, present day, in a slightly different location from the original store, but still on the Left Bank








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