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Building Hope Class Living Hope Lutheran Church Reunion, CO PowerPoint presentations prepared by Vicar Rob Guenther.

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2 Building Hope Class Living Hope Lutheran Church Reunion, CO PowerPoint presentations prepared by Vicar Rob Guenther

3 Lesson Five: God the Holy Spirit Uses the Word of God (Law and Gospel) to Create and Strengthen Faith.

4 Lesson Seven: The Work of the Holy Spirit through Law and Gospel Last Week’s Homework: Someone says to you, “We cannot be saved by simply believing in Christ. But we must also add to our faith a good attempt at living right. Otherwise, people would believe in Christ and then go out and live the way they pleased and sinfulness would grow!” Read Titus 2:11-14 and formulate an answer for your friend. Be ready to discuss your answer in class!

5 Lesson Seven: The Work of the Holy Spirit through Law and Gospel Last week we saw how the Holy Spirit works through the Word of God. This week we will look at how the Holy Spirit uses the Word to turn us to God and to save us…

6 Lesson Seven: The Work of the Holy Spirit through Law and Gospel What are the main teachings of the Bible? The first main teaching of the Bible is law. The law of God is his standard by which he wants us to live our lives.

7 Lesson Seven: The Work of the Holy Spirit through Law and Gospel What are the main teachings of the Bible? Romans 13:10 and Matthew 22:35-40 The law can be summarized by one word: love. (Romans 13:10) God wants us to love him and people perfectly. (Matthew 22:35-40) Another summary of the law is found in the Ten Commandments. (See last page of this lesson.)

8 Lesson Seven: The Work of the Holy Spirit through Law and Gospel The Ten Commandments 1.You shall have no other Gods. 2.You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. 3.Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.

9 Lesson Seven: The Work of the Holy Spirit through Law and Gospel The Ten Commandments 1.You shall have no other Gods. 2.You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. 3.Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 4.Honor your father and mother, that it may go well with you and that you may live a long life on the earth. 5.You shall not murder. 6.You shall not commit adultery. 7.You shall not steal. 8.You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. 9.You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. 10.You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife or his workers or his animals or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

10 Lesson Seven: The Work of the Holy Spirit through Law and Gospel The Law Functions in Three Ways… 1. Curb 2. Mirror 3. Guide (Rule) The law works in everyone’s heart to curb each person from sin. The law shows us our sins. (SOS) Romans 3:19-20 Romans 2:14-15 The law leads Christians to a proper way to live to God’s glory. Ephesians 4:17-24

11 Lesson Seven: The Work of the Holy Spirit through Law and Gospel What does God’s law do for me? 1.A change of mind in regard to me. I am not right in my behavior, thought, word and deed. God’s law works repentance in my heart. Repentance is a “change of mind” in regard to three areas: 2.A change of mind in regard to my status. I stand condemned before God. 3.A change of mind in regard to my greatest need. I need a Savior from my sin.

12 Lesson Seven: The Work of the Holy Spirit through Law and Gospel What are the main teachings of the Bible? The second main teaching of the Bible is the gospel. The gospel is God’s message that Christ has accomplished what the law demands. He lived the perfect life and took the punishment that the law demands in regard to our sins. (Romans 6:23) In the gospel God gives to us what he demands in the law. (John 3:16)

13 Lesson Seven: The Work of the Holy Spirit through Law and Gospel What does the gospel do for me? Christ’s life, death and resurrection were entirely vicarious. He lived the perfect life in our place. He took our punishment in our place. His resurrection seals and confirms our salvation. The gospel reassures me of my salvation and causes me to trust in Christ. The more we hear it, the more the Holy Spirit convinces us that it is true, that we are saved. The message itself engenders faith in our hearts. (Romans 10:17)

14 Lesson Seven: The Work of the Holy Spirit through Law and Gospel Look at the Holy Spirit work through his law and gospel: Read 2 Samuel 12:1-14 God sent Nathan to speak his words. His words were law and gospel. David heard and responded correctly. See Psalm 51 which he wrote after he repented of his sin concerning Uriah and Bathsheba.

15 Lesson Seven: The Work of the Holy Spirit through Law and Gospel Look at the Holy Spirit work through his law and gospel: Read Acts 2:22-41 When the Holy Spirit came he had Peter preach law and gospel. Many people responded to the word with repentance and faith. Three thousand were saved.

16 Lesson Seven: The Work of the Holy Spirit through Law and Gospel Homework:Homework: 1. Look up the following passages and in the blank to the right put whether the passage is law or gospel. After that tell what our proper response is to the passage. Matthew 5:27-30__________________________ Ephesians 6:4__________________________ 1 John 1:8-9__________________________

17 Lesson Seven: The Work of the Holy Spirit through Law and Gospel Homework:Homework: Ephesians 2:8-9__________________________ Romans 6:23__________________________ Romans 3:23__________________________ 1. Look up the following passages and in the blank to the right put whether the passage is law or gospel. After that tell what our proper response is to the passage.

18 Lesson Seven: The Work of the Holy Spirit through Law and Gospel Homework:Homework: 2. How would you use God’s Word to turn a friend from sin to God?

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